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Thread: Test, Tren, Mast, Winny dosage help please!!!

  1. #1

    Question Test, Tren, Mast, Winny dosage help please!!!

    Hi everyone on here looking to learn more and educate myself on gear/dosages etc. My stats are 6'3 build, currently 265-270ish, around 16% fb looking to lose fat lean up and cut down.....This will be my 4th cycle in the past 5 years Im planning on taking Test E250, Tren E200, Mast 200 with winny at the end of the cycle not sure what dosage to take im looking to lose fat and get lean and do a 15 week cycle... Im thinking of taking the following please help!!!
    Test E250.. 2x a week(500mg)
    Tren E200.. 2x a week(400mg)
    Mast 200.. 3x a week(600mg)
    Winny dosage unsure of was thinking in the end for 5 weeks not sure please help me out on advise thank you
    i also have Test Cyp/Prop Combo 250mg Cyp200/Prop50 left over from the last cycle i can also add in if needed. i will be taking Clomid and Nolvadex after all this. Im unsure of what to do thanks looking forward to learn....
    Last edited by outrageous; 03-13-2013 at 10:57 AM.

  2. #2
    why the need for all the compounds? why not just test and winni. Or test and tren or test and mast and maybe tren?

  3. #3
    Looking to get the best result i can get this is what i have at my disposal right now just looking for advise on what route i should take.
    i took Test 500mg, EQ 400mg, Tre 400mg last summer got good results, took Winny 2 years ago and didnt turn out so well for me didnt get the results i was looking for so willing to give winny another try

  4. #4
    Whats your diet? Im either betting your results werent up to ur satisfaction due to either your diet/or shit gear. POst up your diet with macros.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Too much compounds for 4th cycle IMO.

    Test/tren is the KING! Try maybe short esters prop/tren ace, 8week cycle and good diet you'll be the REAL DEAL!!!

    Plus if you above 10% bf masteron is a waste.
    Last edited by Gaspaco; 03-13-2013 at 02:45 AM.

  6. #6
    This time around im focusing more on my diet my diet wasnt the best back then, So what would you recommend on what gear/dosage. Im trying to figure out my different options and what combinations i can take for the best gains n results.

  7. #7
    Ive had times like that to so i understand its hard sticking to a diet, ive failed today for example ha ha but im not on any cycle atm, but still i know my calories/macros etc. PLease list what yours are.

  8. #8

    Start tren at week reason to wait. Same with mast if you can afford it.

    Please tell me you'll be running an AI, some caber, and HCG (if you aren't on TRT or hate having peanut sized peanuts)

    Also, do you have a BP monitor? How's your HDL and LDL?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by outrageous View Post
    This time around im focusing more on my diet my diet wasnt the best back then, So what would you recommend on what gear/dosage. Im trying to figure out my different options and what combinations i can take for the best gains n results.
    If you want crazy results then make sure ALL the food you eat is clean...if you don't know the difference between clean eating and just plain eating hit up the nutrition section and they will hook you up.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Perseverance1 View Post
    Start tren at week reason to wait. Same with mast if you can afford it.

    Please tell me you'll be running an AI, some caber, and HCG (if you aren't on TRT or hate having peanut sized peanuts)

    Also, do you have a BP monitor? How's your HDL and LDL?

    Srsly bro. He doesnt even have his diet dialed in as far as i know. Why are u advising him on steroids and anchillaries IF he hasnt even listed me his diet?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Perseverance1 View Post
    If you want crazy results then make sure ALL the food you eat is clean...if you don't know the difference between clean eating and just plain eating hit up the nutrition section and they will hook you up.
    also please define CLEAN food? Does that mean washed with detergents?
    honestly broscience is pissing me off

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Time1 View Post
    also please define CLEAN food? Does that mean washed with detergents?
    honestly broscience is pissing me off
    Yes...eating clean is clearly broscience and is not a 100% accepted phrase that pros like Phil Heath take time to explain to ignorant people like yourself.

    Protip: you can leave this board anytime you want, nobody is forcing you to stay here. I promise, you won't be missed.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Time1 View Post
    Srsly bro. He doesnt even have his diet dialed in as far as i know. Why are u advising him on steroids and anchillaries IF he hasnt even listed me his diet?
    From now on I'll wait to advise anyone on AAS until after you have approved their diet. Especially guys on their 4th cycle.


  14. #14
    You sir are a moron. Hes 16% obv he has no clue on a diet. 4th cycle and 16%? OK.jpg. And who gives a **** what phil heath says. Have u lived by his side 24/7 to know his daily diet routine. A calorie is a calorie simple as that. There is no such thing as clean eating. There might be NUTRITIONALLY eating but not clean eating. How is a pizza considered un Cleaner than a meal containing some sort of fat/pro/carb? Explain please. IIFYM.

    Im ignorant? Clearly your the mis informed one here for stating CLEAN eating lol. Ok bro make sure u wash that dirty pizza with soap so its clean. LMAO. Please m8

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Time1 View Post
    You sir are a moron. Hes 16% obv he has no clue on a diet. 4th cycle and 16%? OK.jpg. And who gives a **** what phil heath says. Have u lived by his side 24/7 to know his daily diet routine. A calorie is a calorie simple as that. There is no such thing as clean eating. There might be NUTRITIONALLY eating but not clean eating. How is a pizza considered un Cleaner than a meal containing some sort of fat/pro/carb? Explain please. IIFYM.

    Im ignorant? Clearly your the mis informed one here for stating CLEAN eating lol. Ok bro make sure u wash that dirty pizza with soap so its clean. LMAO. Please m8
    So because he's at 16% bf he doesn't know anything about diet? Are you retarded? You do realize that having knowledge and applying knowledge are two different things, right?

    There's members on this board sitting pretty at 18%+++ that are EXPERTS on how to eat CLEAN. Also, IIFYM is completely retarded...since your macros don't break down the TYPE of fats and carbs that you eat.... You essentially just said that you will get the same gains from eating Ben and Jerry's ice cream, Doritos, and protein shakes versus eating chicken breasts, brown rice, sweet potatoes, almonds, and green veggies as long as the macros end up the same...

    I retract my previous ARE retarded lol.

    All calories are not created equal. Now go back to and troll there instead.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You sir are a moron. Hes 16% obv he has no clue on a diet. 4th cycle and 16%? OK.jpg. And who gives a **** what phil heath says. Have u lived by his side 24/7 to know his daily diet routine. A calorie is a calorie simple as that. There is no such thing as clean eating. There might be NUTRITIONALLY eating but not clean eating. How is a pizza considered un Cleaner than a meal containing some sort of fat/pro/carb? Explain please. IIFYM.

    Im ignorant? Clearly your the mis informed one here for stating CLEAN eating lol. Ok bro make sure u wash that dirty pizza with soap so its clean. LMAO. Please m8
    There is a no flame policy on this bored no need to call people names for stating their opinions.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    More is not better! You have to many compounds here and your doses are too high.Mast isnt going to do anything for you beacuse your bf is to high.Hit the diet section and post your diet they will help.Diet and cardio is how to lean up not a 1/2 dozen compounds.You will do fine with only 2 compounds.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    The compound thing is just part off the phase in this day and age all these labs making these blends its hard to to have a blast with them

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Hard not to have a blast stupid iPhone trying to correct everything

  20. #20
    hey guys the only reason my bodyfat got so high is due from being out of the gym for 8months and not eating my reasoning because of an unjury from a motorcycle accident so no i havent been dieting or did any form of cardio in months. Ive been back at the gym for 2months so far. Pre-accident I was at 295 and !0.5% fb on the gear and was bulking. Im just looking for info, not to get blasted about my diet and bodyfat so please help. As for the gear Im probably going to cut out the Mast. seems like it might be too many compounds from what im getting. So how does Test, Tren and Winny sound and what doseage shuold i take. Should i start Test and tren together and when to start the winny. Im looking to get my gear by end of the week and looking forward to hearing some advise

    New cycle 15weeks lower dose took out the Mast200...
    Test E250 x2 week (500mg)
    Tren E200 x2 week (400mg)
    with Winny in the late weeks please let me know what you guys think am I taking the right compounds together here
    i will be runnng Clomid and Nolvadex after the 15 weeks two weeks off and starting on week 17 for two weeks
    Last edited by outrageous; 03-13-2013 at 10:56 AM.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I agree with Redz on the unnecessary bickering.

    Diet is very important, but if the OP is mature and looking for advice, help him out. But certainly point him in the right direction if you feel his diet could use some improvement.

    OP, the more body fat you have, the higher your E2 level will become as this is stored in body fat. I hope that your BF% is at a manageable 15-16% before you begin your intended cycle, otherwise you'll be at a higher risk to experience unwanted side effects.

    I also hope you have a solid AI in place, as well as hCG, if preventing testicular atrophy is important to you.

    Good luck.

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