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Thread: HGH and Peptides cycle

  1. #1

    HGH and Peptides cycle

    I inject GHRP-2 + mod-grf 100mcg three times a day 5 days a week, and half an hour after the morning injection I also inject 3iu hgh SimpleXx.

    Today at the gym I talked with 2 well known bodybuilders and actually quite famous in the country and they told me that it was totally waste to take both peptides and HGH ,and that I should take instead 2iu hgh three times a day ....

    But what shocked me most is when they said that unmixed peptides should NOT be stored in the freezer or refrigerator because they are not activated, but when the substance is mixed it will be activated and then it should be stored in the fridge, I was completely surprised and said that I have read a whole different information about it in the internet, they just laughed and said that everything on the internet is bullshit. Now I'm confused as hell.... Even on the internet forums some says that hgh can be injected 15 min after peptides and some claims that it should be at least 30 min efter, and some claims that study shows that running peptides and HGH under the same cycle is wasting money.

    Plz can someone tell what's the best way to combine, hgh and ghrp2, modgrf

  2. #2
    Id like to know this aswell. Basically comes down to how long will a shot of exogenous HGH shut down your own production of endogenous HGH for?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I've read that you shouldn't store unmixed (lypholized) peptides in the freezer because of possible damage to the peptide during the thaw process.

  4. #4
    ^^^ News to me, I've heard from MANY sources to freeze unconstituted peptides.

  5. #5
    I hope someone who has good knowledge about hgh and peptides can tell us, I have found different opinions and some opinions were opposite

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I stored unmixed GHRP 6 in a cabinet and only refrigerated after activating (mixing). That info is straight from the doc and pharmacy.......

  7. #7

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