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Thread: Do I need Hrt not recovered 1 year after pct?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    sydney, aus

    Do I need Hrt not recovered 1 year after pct?

    hello here is my story,

    im 24 years old

    Last year around feb-march I did an 8 week cycle of

    week 1- 8 test prop tren ace mast prop 100mg eod of each
    with 1mg eod of armidex

    followed by 4 weeks pct
    100mg clomid ed
    novadex 20mg ed
    1 shot of pregynal not sure how many iu

    anyway the cycle was meant to be 12 weeks but i cut it short cause of errections problems, after pct I still had libido issues so I took a blood tests 2 months after pct and everything returned as normal although i still had the libido issues unable to achieve errection hard enough to have sex:

    tsh 0.77 mu/l 0.40-3.50
    fsh 5.2 U/l 1.5-13.0
    LH 7.2 U/L 2.0-10.0
    Progesterone 3.1 nmol/l 0.7-4.3
    testerone 25.5 nmol/l 11.5-32.0
    Shbg 38 nmol/l 15-50
    Dheas 12.2 umol 2.5 - 13.0
    calculated free testerone 521 pmol/l 260-740

    since everything apeared normal I assumed that the issue would resolve over time, since i was a beast in the bedroom and never had a errection problem before.

    now about a year later after the pct, I still face the same issues, lost the love of my life, and so i cant get an errection hard enough to have sex, so since it been a year i decided to get another blood test and hear are my most recent results:

    tsh 0.46 mu/l 0.40-3.50
    fsh 4.9 U/l 1.5-13.0
    LH 3.3 U/L 2.0-10.0
    Progesterone 3.5 nmol/l 0.7-4.3
    testerone 12.3 nmol/l 11.5-32.0
    Shbg 28 nmol/l 15-50
    Dheas 10.0 umol 2.5 - 13.0
    calculated free testerone 261 pmol/l 260-740

    as you can see it is much lower than it was 2 months after the pct, now i still have the libido issues, and I really dont know what to do at this point, do you think I will recover naturally with more time although its been a year do i still need more time to recover naturally, will i need trt? i have an apointment with a endo in a few days, but i really dont know what to say to them i mean how can they help me really? I just want to be normal again, before I did this cycle, I just want to be myself again. thanks

  2. #2
    Good question...I guess you could try clomid some more but if after several tries to restart, if your levels won't stay up it might be time to consider HRT.
    Wonder where your E2 level is at?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    sydney, aus
    im hoping it will steadily increase and get back to normal, in the next few months. at the current level it is now, will i be able to gain muscle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    This belongs in the aas Q&A forum not here in HRT.

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