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Age: 26
Weight: 172lbs
BF%: 10%
Cycle experience:
10week Test-E @ 500mg/wk
8week Test-Prop @ 350/wk and Tren Ace @ 262.5mg/wk
This summer I'm either going to run Test-P @ 350mg/wk and NPP @ 350mg/wk, or, Test-Prop @ 350/wk and Tren Ace @ 262.5mg/wk for 8 weeks.
With diet dialled in, which cycle will yield greater results and reduced muscle loss?
Also, I've used Adex as an AI in the past @ 0.25mg EOD, but still got a small amount of gyno on cycle which went during PCT.
Due to myself being very estrogen sensitive, would I be better off using Adex @ 0.25mg ED, or Aromasin @ 12.5mg ED?