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Thread: Anapolon ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Anapolon ?

    Thinking about switching up to anapolon instead of dbol I have run dbol a few times and like it but the guys I compete with and train with all tell that anapolon is the goods one friend who is a monster of a guy told me he put on 8kg in a week and his lifts went up incredibly in a week he was surprised.

    What's the general consensus on anapolon I've done my research but wanna hear from some people who have used it if there are any powerlifters out there would be great to hear from you on your experiences as that's what I do cheers bros

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    Never taken it never seen it for sale either to be honest but just had a good read on it and sounds like crap
    Extremely hepatoxic
    Massive bloat
    Huge dht levels

    What's your goal?
    If you want bloat stick with dbol
    Or strength go with halo or anadrol

  4. #4
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic
    Never taken it never seen it for sale either to be honest but just had a good read on it and sounds like crap
    Extremely hepatoxic
    Massive bloat
    Huge dht levels

    What's your goal?
    If you want bloat stick with dbol
    Or strength go with halo or anadrol
    Anapolon is anadrol that's the generic name for it to be honest I am sick of the dbol bloat which is why I'm looking at anadrol/anapolon. Wish I could get halo but very hard to come by where I'm from I've tried for ages haha

    Have you used anadrol/anapolon ??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Sorry completely missed that mate

    I have used it before never heard that name in my life though

    Strength was immense didn't get any real size gains though
    No bloat either
    I capped my own though
    If you do decide to go down that route drink plenty of water as it have me real bad headaches if I wasn't consuming loads of fluids

    I would definitely use again though
    No more than 50mg/ day

  6. #6
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic
    Sorry completely missed that mate

    I have used it before never heard that name in my life though

    Strength was immense didn't get any real size gains though
    No bloat either
    I capped my own though
    If you do decide to go down that route drink plenty of water as it have me real bad headaches if I wasn't consuming loads of fluids

    I would definitely use again though
    No more than 50mg/ day
    Haha all good I know some people know it by that name but more know it by anadrol probably should change the title of the thread haha.

    I already drink 4.5-6 litres a day of water so hopefully that holds me.

    I'm not interested in size as I'm not a small bloke haha but defintly the strength side of things. Thanks for the feedback mate

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Ive taken naps plenty of times and love them with a passion in my bulking cycle, fuk ive added some serious size with naps and the strength was amazing. Can be harsh so this needs monitoring and only use them for short amount of time, frontload, backload or use them when your test is peaking all is great. Doesn't suit everyone but for bulking and if size id the game then naps are worth a go

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Ive taken naps plenty of times and love them with a passion in my bulking cycle, fuk ive added some serious size with naps and the strength was amazing. Can be harsh so this needs monitoring and only use them for short amount of time, frontload, backload or use them when your test is peaking all is great. Doesn't suit everyone but for bulking and if size id the game then naps are worth a go
    Cheers big fella.

    When you say monitoring you mean estrogen sides

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Anyone else with any anapolon/anadrol experiences to share

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrcivil View Post
    Anapolon is anadrol that's the generic name for it to be honest I am sick of the dbol bloat which is why I'm looking at anadrol/anapolon. Wish I could get halo but very hard to come by where I'm from I've tried for ages haha

    Have you used anadrol/anapolon ??
    Anapolon is a brand name like Anadrol, Oxymetholone is the generic name for the hormone.

    Bloating can occur with this steroid just like Dbol. Anadrol, Anapolon or Oxymetholone, whatever you want to call it, although it's a non-aromatizing steroid it is one of the few non-aromatizing steroids that is highly estrogenic. The estrogenic action of this steroid is, however, not fully understood, but it does appear to activate estrogenic activity dramatically. This doesn't mean water retention of bloating can't be controlled, it can be, but water retention and bloat are also very possible. IMO, water and bloat can be controlled with most any steroid if you understand how your body reacts to a specific hormone and take the right steps to prevent it or minimize it.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject

    Anapolon is a brand name like Anadrol, Oxymetholone is the generic name for the hormone.

    Bloating can occur with this steroid just like Dbol. Anadrol, Anapolon or Oxymetholone, whatever you want to call it, although it's a non-aromatizing steroid it is one of the few non-aromatizing steroids that is highly estrogenic. The estrogenic action of this steroid is, however, not fully understood, but it does appear to activate estrogenic activity dramatically. This doesn't mean water retention of bloating can't be controlled, it can be, but water retention and bloat are also very possible. IMO, water and bloat can be controlled with most any steroid if you understand how your body reacts to a specific hormone and take the right steps to prevent it or minimize it.
    Thanks metal I will be running my usual ai protocols but defintly looking forward to the strength jump I've heard from friends I'll be running it for about 3 weeks before my next meet

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrcivil View Post
    Thanks metal I will be running my usual ai protocols but defintly looking forward to the strength jump I've heard from friends I'll be running it for about 3 weeks before my next meet
    A lot of power lifters seem to like it better the Dbol. Personally, I never noticed a strength increase that was much different with Anadrol vs. Dbol, but I have never really trained with strength being the primary purpose. There are, however, some articles out there that explain Dbol is on a milligram for milligram basis more potent than Anadrol. Some tend to argue this point but keep in mind many take a larger dose of Anadrol than they do Dbol. Both can be great for increasing strength though, you'll just have to find the one you prefer.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject

    A lot of power lifters seem to like it better the Dbol. Personally, I never noticed a strength increase that was much different with Anadrol vs. Dbol, but I have never really trained with strength being the primary purpose. There are, however, some articles out there that explain Dbol is on a milligram for milligram basis more potent than Anadrol. Some tend to argue this point but keep in mind many take a larger dose of Anadrol than they do Dbol. Both can be great for increasing strength though, you'll just have to find the one you prefer.
    Cool I have run dbol several times and it has been good I am wanting to give anadrol a try due to the strongmen that I train with all raving about it to me so I guess I'll give it a run and see how the differences stack up. Ultimately I would love to run halostien but so bloody hard to come by here that I have given up trying to find it haha.

    Thanks again metal for your feedback buddy always appreciated

  14. #14
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    Feb 2011
    Anapolon is by far the best oral steroid for strength building purposes and pumps are indeed intense.

    Is your Anapolon ''by Abdi IBRAHIM''?

  15. #15
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject

    Anapolon is a brand name like Anadrol, Oxymetholone is the generic name for the hormone.

    Bloating can occur with this steroid just like Dbol. Anadrol, Anapolon or Oxymetholone, whatever you want to call it, although it's a non-aromatizing steroid it is one of the few non-aromatizing steroids that is highly estrogenic. The estrogenic action of this steroid is, however, not fully understood, but it does appear to activate estrogenic activity dramatically. This doesn't mean water retention of bloating can't be controlled, it can be, but water retention and bloat are also very possible. IMO, water and bloat can be controlled with most any steroid if you understand how your body reacts to a specific hormone and take the right steps to prevent it or minimize it.
    Good info Metal. Thanks.


  16. #16
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    The Anabolic Reference Guide (Bill Phillips - 7th edition, Mile High Publishing 1992) cited studies showing that oxymetholone is the only a17 oral linked to Hepatocellular Carcinoma, however that was 21 years ago. Perhaps new studies have down otherwise and not being in possession of the book anymore I can't recall the circumstances under which these studies ewere done.

    I did get some once that I know was real, but I got spooked after 3 weeks of use. I was using test e as a base at the time too so it wasn't controlled as far as being able to discern what effect I got from the drol vs just test other than knowing what effect test has on me alone from previous cycles. I got a boost in strength and water weight. I started at 50mg/d then 75, then 100. As soon as I stopped my strength and water retention went back to baseline (b on test e that is). Maybe I didn't take it long enough? A friend of mine at the time with a few years experience with it who competed heavyweight said that's normal for drol. He called the gains 'fake' unless one takes it long enough for the increased strength to cause muscle growth due to continuous training with higher poundages (as opposed to the anabolic growth that occurs from raised atp and glycogen stores among other physiological anabolic effects).

    I'm not a powerlifter though so our goals are clearly different, however I thought I'd throw in my personal experience and that bit about possible links to malignant hepatic tumors. That may bear some looking into for more contemporary research that may have taken place in the last 20 years since that book was published. I remember it stating that amongst the a17 orals, A50, halotestin and methyltestosterone were the most damaging in terms of hepatotoxicity.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer
    Anapolon is by far the best oral steroid for strength building purposes and pumps are indeed intense.

    Is your Anapolon ''by Abdi IBRAHIM''?
    Cheers mate I'm not sure what you mean by who is it by I have 2 options available to me one is a liquid version from a pharmacists friend who makes gear and the other is tablet form from another source who is impeccable but they are not branded anapolon from what I remember him telling me they are just anadrol tabs

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man
    The Anabolic Reference Guide (Bill Phillips - 7th edition, Mile High Publishing 1992) cited studies showing that oxymetholone is the only a17 oral linked to Hepatocellular Carcinoma, however that was 21 years ago. Perhaps new studies have down otherwise and not being in possession of the book anymore I can't recall the circumstances under which these studies ewere done.

    I did get some once that I know was real, but I got spooked after 3 weeks of use. I was using test e as a base at the time too so it wasn't controlled as far as being able to discern what effect I got from the drol vs just test other than knowing what effect test has on me alone from previous cycles. I got a boost in strength and water weight. I started at 50mg/d then 75, then 100. As soon as I stopped my strength and water retention went back to baseline (b on test e that is). Maybe I didn't take it long enough? A friend of mine at the time with a few years experience with it who competed heavyweight said that's normal for drol. He called the gains 'fake' unless one takes it long enough for the increased strength to cause muscle growth due to continuous training with higher poundages (as opposed to the anabolic growth that occurs from raised atp and glycogen stores among other physiological anabolic effects).

    I'm not a powerlifter though so our goals are clearly different, however I thought I'd throw in my personal experience and that bit about possible links to malignant hepatic tumors. That may bear some looking into for more contemporary research that may have taken place in the last 20 years since that book was published. I remember it stating that amongst the a17 orals, A50, halotestin and methyltestosterone were the most damaging in terms of hepatotoxicity.
    Thanks for that I was going to keep the dose at 50 for my first run just to see how they go I figure running it for the final couple leading up to a comp I can get my lifts up and smash it on comp day

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Matrix
    right on. Good luck to you at the comp.

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