Hi, welcome and thankyou for taking time to read my thread, hopefully it will be interesting enough for you to follow for the duration of the competition.
As most of us know the Conditioning Classic is due to start 18/03/2013, here is my competition log for the duration. I am going to attack this competition from many angles using different techniques and strategies, namely fasted Am cardio, carb cycling, peptides, AAS is only a possibility as this stage as I am currently in PCT and recovering from a bulk cycle. My goal is fat loss, i calipered myself the other day and measured 10.74% @ 219 lbs 5'10
The basic outline
Diet - I have been maintaing a weight of 219lbs for a few weeks now on 2500 cals ED with a macro split of about 40/40/20, so I am going to modify this slightly to cycle the carbs and to fit in with my workout schedule, Monday Tuesday 40% less cabs than my current diet Wednesday 20%more carbs, Thursday Friday 40% less Saturday 20% more, Sunday will be one carb meal the rest will be mainly protein.
Training AM Fasted cardio 30mins 5/6 times a week on my mountain bike, Will also try to do 2000m three times a week on the rowing machine at the Gym to try and beat the current time of 6.41 my first and only try recorded 7.41, weight training will be switched to higher reps and more isolation, negative reps and dropsets will continue, training 6 days a week for about 45-60 mins, one minute rest max between sets and three mins max rest between exercises
Supplements Creatine, glutamine, BCAA's, mega multi vitamin, Omega3, Omega3/6/9
Peptides i am going to try 176-191 250mcg sub Q before AM cardio, I am also using Melanotan, I am considering the use of FTPP Fat Targetted Proapoptotic Peptide ADIPOTIDE but not from the off.
AAS I am currently coming towards the end of PCT, I would love nothing more than to jump on another cycle, tomorrow if I could but Me and Mrs-FQ320 are trying for another child, if she gets pregnant before the end of the competition I will start a 'cutting' AAS cycle.
Well I hope there are enough points of interest there to keep you following my progress for the next three months. I will be posting pictures monthly and will post the first set when they are required in the competition thread. Wish me luck.