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Thread: Successful Competing

  1. #1
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    Successful Competing

    I did the whole bodybuilding thing for several years. I was never a great bodybuilder by any means. I trained and dieted my ass off and I would put dedication and work ethic up against anyone. Over the years I also got into prepping bodybuilders for shows. Granted, I worked with more women then men, there are simply more female competitors when you consider figure, bikini and all that, but here I'm simply focusing on bodybuilding. Over the years, along with my own bodybuilding I have prepped around 200 competitors, 70 or 80 bodybuilders the rest figure and bikini. With that in mind here are some things I think are useful to know and worth consideration.

    1. There's an old saying some long term bodybuilders may be familiar with "whoever has the best drugs wins." This statement is not entirely true but it does hold an element of truth. Steroids and gear in general are the most important factors when it comes to bodybuilding or at least winning shows. This is something many are uncomfortable with, even some bodybuilders but I assure you it is the truth. Quality gear is important, and if you happen to have two genetically identical bodybuilders who prep the same, the one with better gear will more than likely win. But what's the most important is the genetic response to gear. This may be the single most important aspect in bodybuilding. If you work your ass off, I mean beat yourself into the ground but your response to gear is average at best, the odds are strong you will not beat a guy with a better response to gear even if he didn't train and diet as hard as you.

    2. There's another old saying "whoever uses the most gear wins." Again, not entirely true but not entirely false. Whoever uses the most gear and possesses the strongest genetic response to gear will most likely win. This doesn't mean that guy doesn't have to diet, but there's a good chance he won't have to diet as hard. However, the genetic response is still the most important. In fact, with a gifted genetic response the guy that wins might have even used less gear than you if your genetic response is average.

    3. Dieting: one of the biggest mistakes bodybuilders make is eating too much clean food when dieting. They are so worried about losing size that they don't cut their calories enough...especially towards the end of the diet. Then, if they finally realize they're behind, a diet that's already brutal goes to brutal hell. Keep in mind, if you're prepping for a show, consuming an adequate amount of protein and using a significant amount of gear, you're not going to be at risk of losing massive amounts of muscle tissue.

    4. Size vs. Ripped: While size is important it is nowhere near as important as conditioning. If you worry about size more so than conditioning you will probably lose. Just a hypothetical example: Guy #1 is 225lbs at 6%bf. Guy #2 is 215lbs at 4%bf. Both are the same height. If the show is judged with at least a reasonable amount of sanity guy #2 will always win. Also, keep in mind if you're a competitor competing in the NPC or similar overseas organization, conditioning is're not competing against Ronnie Coleman and if a Ronnie like guy happens to show up, well this is once in a million.

    5. If you use more gear in your off-season than during your prep more than likely you're an idiot or simply don't understand what you're doing.

    6. If you get to the last wk or two before your show and you feel you don't look your best as you're holding a fair amount of water, 99% of the time you're holding a fair amount of fat.

    7. If you feel like a million bucks when you step on stage 99% of the time you're not ready and it's highly unlikely you'll win. If you do pull off a win, more than likely your competition was weak or your genetics are so superior that you're 42 seconds from being a pro.

    8. If you've prepped correctly and you're ready or at least damn close to ready 2wks out, most bodybuilders who end up looking worse the day of the show do so because they went nuts with their carb manipulation, water or both. Sodium can also be thrown factored into this, but carbs and water are the biggest factors. If you've never competed and deplete completely and then gorge on carbs the last few days, you'll probably look like crap. Keep it very simple and next time make moderate adjustments on that...MODERATE and then continue to go from there.

    9. Now I'll admit, I'm stealing this one but it's one of my favorites. Bod Chick once said if you come in second and there are only two guys in your class that means you came in last.

    10. If you're a decent bodybuilder, you've qualified for nationals and you want to compete, if you're not willing to use HGH there's a good chance you won't place well. Exceptions? Absolutely, but most need it at this stage. Also, just because you won your class at a local show, this does not mean you should compete on a national stage. I cannot count how many bodybuilders I've seen completely demoralized because of this. Use your head, gauge yourself accurately. Just because you won a show does not make you a bad ass. To begin it doesn't make you a bad ass because it's bodybuilding and no one actually gives a crap. But truly see yourself properly and if you're smart you won't rely on your own eyes, you'll have someone who's honest help gauge you along the way, someone who won't sugar coat things and you won't blow up like a douche when they are criticizing only to help you.

    11. Most need 16wks to prep for a show. While this is a long period and while you may not actually need 16wks of full blown dieting, this will allow you to ensure you are ready well ahead of schedule. Hopefully it will prevent you from having to diet till near the point of death at the end. Keep in mind, this doesn't mean the diet won't be hard. There are very few things in life as hard as contest prep if done right.

    12. Now this one will piss a lot of people off, I understand that but again I assure you it is the truth. If you have the desire to be a hardcore bodybuilder, you want to compete in numerous shows and take yourself as far as you possibly can in that, if you follow what's considered general responsible gear use you're not going to go far. Your national level guys do not follow "Time on Equals Time off", they do not stay on less than off but stay on the majority of the time. For these guys, cycling typically means cycling the different compounds and varying the doses. It does not mean running a cycle, stopping, completing a PCT, staying off for a set period of time and then getting back on. It also means that while periods of use are planned out, various gear related items and doses, they may very well change as time evolves out of necessity. Is this type of use responsible? By standard message board responsible rules it's not but it is the nature of bodybuilding.

    That's all for now. I may add more later if this has been worth anyone's time. If not, oh well, I guess I'm talking to myself, lol!
    Last edited by Metalject; 03-25-2013 at 07:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Great read, thanks. Looking forward to more.

    Fat retention is a term I've used directly to people's faces when they claim they are holding water

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Great read, thanks. Looking forward to more.

    Fat retention is a term I've used directly to people's faces when they claim they are holding water
    "Fat Retention" that's great! Wish I'd thought of that, lol! Without question, bodybuilders are some of the most delusional people on earth when it comes to self-image, seeing themselves as they really are. Very few can accurately see themselves as they actually are. Maybe this is true with all walks of life but it's a little more extreme in bodybuilding. Everything's extreme in bodybuilding, the good and the bad.

  4. #4
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
    bigZthedestroyer is offline Anabolic Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Nice post man! I did my firs prep natural and when I showed up to pre judging my thoughts were "oh shit, I'm the only one not on gear" lol..when I decided that I wanted to take the next step and push myself further I soon realized that a cycle here and there wasn't going to cut it. It's nice to see a post like this highlighting what really goes on. I know my views on prepping changed rather quickly after my first one!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigZthedestroyer View Post
    Nice post man! I did my firs prep natural and when I showed up to pre judging my thoughts were "oh shit, I'm the only one not on gear" lol..when I decided that I wanted to take the next step and push myself further I soon realized that a cycle here and there wasn't going to cut it. It's nice to see a post like this highlighting what really goes on. I know my views on prepping changed rather quickly after my first one!
    I know what you mean. My first diet was natural. I actually used gear in the off-season and then dieted naturally. What a stupid decision. I've said this several times before, if you're going to compete but you're only going to use gear for either bulking or dieting always use it when dieting.

    And yes, what goes on in bodybuilding is a separate world compared to the average recreational steroid user...especially if you have a desire to compte and move up in the ranks. The rules simply aren't the same.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Good read guy. Just starring my journey to the stage! This time next year I'll b ready!


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Wow what a great read. Really opened my eyes to prepping

  8. #8
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    Without question, bodybuilders are some of the most delusional people on earth when it comes to self-image, seeing themselves as they really are. Very few can accurately see themselves as they actually are. Maybe this is true with all walks of life but it's a little more extreme in bodybuilding. Everything's extreme in bodybuilding, the good and the bad.
    The life we lead. Well said.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I know what you mean. My first diet was natural. I actually used gear in the off-season and then dieted naturally. What a stupid decision. I've said this several times before, if you're going to compete but you're only going to use gear for either bulking or dieting always use it when dieting.

    And yes, what goes on in bodybuilding is a separate world compared to the average recreational steroid user...especially if you have a desire to compte and move up in the ranks. The rules simply aren't the same.
    There's some TRUTH

  10. #10
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    I have a question MJ, don't your lipids go to shit after a while, what they do to combat that.. Especially cholesterol...I was young and have the genetics to be huge, but man that's alot of gear to never come off.. I would be scared.. Donating blood every other month?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by FONZY007 View Post
    I have a question MJ, don't your lipids go to shit after a while, what they do to combat that.. Especially cholesterol...I was young and have the genetics to be huge, but man that's alot of gear to never come off.. I would be scared.. Donating blood every other month?
    Very few bodybuilders think long term in regards to their health. I've heard countless bodybuilders defend what they do on the basis that it's healthy because they exercise regularly and eat healthy, but even that claim is a stretch. Healthier than being a meth head? Sure, but that doesn't mean bodybuilders are perfect pictures of health. In the end it all boils down to a choice. Football players take the risk of severe injuries, some that can negatively affect them for the rest of their lives. Race car drivers take the risk of slamming into a wall at 200mph and dying. Bodybuilding also comes with risks.

    On the topic of health, and I may mess this quote up a little but it's one of my favorite bodybuilder quotes of all time. It was a Marcus Ruhl video and they were following him out from the grocery store and when he gets to his car he lights up a cigarette. The camera man is surprised that he smokes and says something about how he thought bodybuilding was supposed to be about being healthy. Ruhl looks at the guy with kind of a surprised confused expression and says "Healthy? There's nothing healthy about bodybuilding." Think about it....what's healthy about eating enormous amounts of food every day and gaining more size than the human body was ever intended to have? What's healthy about bulking up and then dieting yourself down to near the point of death and then doing it again? What's healthy about that constant yo-yo effect of up and down body weight and body fat? What's healthy about putting enormous amounts of exogenous hormones into you body? Does this mean it's all detrimentally dangerous? No, not necessarily, but it doesn't mean it's healthy either.

    On the topic of cholesterol...cholesterol is kind of one of those tricky things. Very few give it as much attention as they probably should, but at the same time cholesterol concerns in general can be highly overrated. The volume of the cholesterol can actually be far more important than what the numbers are.

    Blood...some donate blood but while the issue of high RBC's can be a concern keep in mind you never hear of any bodybuilder dying because of this issue.

  12. #12
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Very nice Metal! As someone who's done his share of competing as well, it's a very open and down to earth post.
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  13. #13
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    Your thoughts on dealing with cholesterol once it is in a very high range? Just found out dex is terrible for the numbers. Switched to stane..

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Your thoughts on dealing with cholesterol once it is in a very high range? Just found out dex is terrible for the numbers. Switched to stane..
    The clinical data on this is not as bad a some are reporting it to be. Where did you find your information to base this decision on, Cape?


    Excellent writeup! Good job man - lots of valuable tips in there!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    The clinical data on this is not as bad a some are reporting it to be. Where did you find your information to base this decision on, Cape?


    Excellent writeup! Good job man - lots of valuable tips in there!

    Muscle Ink and Ronnie Roland.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Your thoughts on dealing with cholesterol once it is in a very high range? Just found out dex is terrible for the numbers. Switched to stane..
    Once your cholesterol gets really high, if this is a concern your best bet is to come off all gear for awhile until you get it under control and then do a better job controlling it down the road.

    And you're right, Arimidex can negatively affect cholesterol, but so can all AI's. However, what MickeyKnox said above also holds some truth, but keep in mind most of the data out there on AI's is put together when AI's are used alone, meaning they are used without anabolic steroids. At the same time here's what we do know about the relationship between anabolic steroids and AI's when least this is some decent data.

    *Testosterone - when used in a TRT setting it appears to have a minimal to no statistical affect on cholesterol. When used in supraphysiological doses, it can have a moderate effect in HDL suppression.

    *Take the same doses of testosterone, TRT or supraphysiological and conjoin its use with an AI and it can cause up to a 25% reduction in HDL cholesterol. Can, that doesn't mean it absolutely will.

  17. #17
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    Once your cholesterol gets really high, if this is a concern your best bet is to come off all gear for awhile until you get it under control and then do a better job controlling it down the road.

    And you're right, Arimidex can negatively affect cholesterol, but so can all AI's. However, what MickeyKnox said above also holds some truth, but keep in mind most of the data out there on AI's is put together when AI's are used alone, meaning they are used without anabolic steroids. At the same time here's what we do know about the relationship between anabolic steroids and AI's when least this is some decent data.

    *Testosterone - when used in a TRT setting it appears to have a minimal to no statistical affect on cholesterol. When used in supraphysiological doses, it can have a moderate effect in HDL suppression.

    *Take the same doses of testosterone, TRT or supraphysiological and conjoin its use with an AI and it can cause up to a 25% reduction in HDL cholesterol. Can, that doesn't mean it absolutely will.
    Above in bold is exactly why Dr. Crisler gives his patients another 10 pts on the HDL score.

    @ Cape. Look into Slo-Niacin to assist with your cholesterol:

    Also obviously Omega-3 Fish Oil. Be sure to look at how much O-3 is in it, not just the combined amount of oil they advertise on the label.
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  18. #18
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    Defiling Myself
    Thanks metal jet and Kelkel.
    It's been an issue before aas. And didn't get better with aas.

  19. #19
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Hereditary for me as well Cape. Next time you get BW done pull an NMR Test. It's basically an advanced LDL particle test which will help you analyze exactly what type particles (good=big, fluffy or Bad=small, dense) that you have and guide your treatment. The below link gives a real good explanation of the test:

    Labcorp offers it. I just had it actually.
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Hereditary for me as well Cape. Next time you get BW done pull an NMR Test. It's basically an advanced LDL particle test which will help you analyze exactly what type particles (good=big, fluffy or Bad=small, dense) that you have and guide your treatment. The below link gives a real good explanation of the test:

    Labcorp offers it. I just had it actually.
    Cool. I appreciate it. And will.

  21. #21
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    Part II

    13. The most important steroid for a competitor is Trenbolone, preferably Trenbolone Acetate. It's not that the Acetate version gives the hormone more punch, it's simply easier to maintain stable and peaked levels with. When it comes to a cutting/prep stack, nothing provides hardness like Tren. I would even go as far to say that you will get a greater level of hardness and definition with Tren then stacking two other steroids together. This doesn't mean you have to use Tren, but the odds are strong your results will be better if you do. It also seems to help protect strength during a phase of training where strength is often greatly diminished better than most steroids.

    14. Testosterone: During the competition phase there are a lot of opinions about how to use testosterone, and there isn't necessarily a one size fits all answer. A common theme you read on many message boards is using as little test as possible. You'll also find numerous threads where people talk about dropping all their testosterone a few weeks out, and they plan on doing this long before they reach the end of their prep. Planning exactly how you'll run your testosterone at the end weeks and months out is often a mistake...more on this in number 15. While many run lower amounts of test during the cutting phase compared to off-season training, just as many keep it very high if not higher during contest prep. If you're diet is on point and you take the right steps you shouldn't have to worry about water and bloat. When it comes to dropping the testosterone dose down towards the end, this can vary greatly from one man to the next and it can even vary from one prep period to the next. If you're in shape and looking good, in some cases keeping your testosterone doses higher than you might think will keep you fuller looking; however, again we're talking about the guy who's in shape. However, some will find as they get more experience under their belt that this won't hold true.

    15. Somewhat a continuation of number 14's impossible to predict months out how you'll look towards the end of your diet. Even if you've competed in numerous shows, the body simply changes and everything doesn't always work like it did the last time. You may have had an enormous amount of success with a certain type of diet, a specific food plan, and then a show or two later things do not work out like they did the last time. The same can be said about the stack of gear. Learn to accept that things may need to change. Understand you may have to adjust your prep each show in order to continue progressing. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to completely rewrite the book, but if a plan that once worked doesn't seem to work as well anymore, don't expect it to magically start working again all on its own.

    16. Anadrol: This may be a more useful steroid during contest prep periods than off-season. The fullness this steroid can provide at the end can be a big benefit, but it can also be a little tricky. If you've never used this steroid before, the last thing you want to do is run it during a contest phase. Learn how your body responds to the steroid, understand how to control the water retention and bloat that can come with it and have a thorough understanding of final week protocol that fits you before you attempt using it. You must also be in superb shape to truly get a benefit. If you're not shredded to the bone, it's probably best to forget about Anadrol use during this phase. Remember, if you're sacrificing conditioning at all for fullness you're going in the wrong direction. Generally 2-4wks of use at the very end will suffice and even a mere 25mg/ed can make a huge difference. You might be surprise how big of a difference 25mg/ed for the final two weeks can make a difference. If it's your first go with contest Anadrol use, go with the 2wk 25ng/ed plan, but only if you're truly in shape and meet all the other requirements.

    17. During your diet, if you're looking a little flat or even really flat it does not matter. Learn to let this NOT bother you. It does not matter if you're looking flat 8wks out or 4wks out or whatever time period you want to put on it. Think about it, why does it matter? What matters is that you're losing body fat, preserving and protecting as much muscle tissue as you possibly can and getting tighter every day. When it comes to being flat, the only time you don't want to be flat is when you step on stage, and even then only when you're in shape. If you're not really in shape, there's a very good chance carbing up will only make you look worse. I cannot stress how important conditioning is if you want to place well. If you get your panties in a wad about being flat mid-diet, there's a great chance you'll hinder your progress by adding in more carbs to compensate for this mental distraction and slow down the progress of your diet.

    18. Cheat Meals: Cheat meals can be very beneficial to a diet. Normally you'll want to diet for a couple weeks without one to really get your body into the grove, and waiting a little bit can also help you get into the grove mentally. Once you've dieted for a couple weeks, a weekly cheat meal can actually enhance your diet. It will greatly protect your mentality, but it will also spike your metabolism. If you're dieting properly, it's not going to make you fat or hinder your diet. However, at some point in time as the date of the show gets closer you may need to drop the cheat meal; most will need to drop it, but the exact time frame out is highly individualistic. How well you're progressing will largely determine when it needs to be dropped. Of course, dropping it somewhat contradicts what was said about the spike of the metabolism, but there is a reason for this. As the show gets closer this is when true suffering needs to begin. It doesn't mean you starve yourself but it's pretty damn close. Towards the end calroies need to generally be at the minimum level to keep and preserve lean tissue and nothing more. If you're behind in your diet you may have to get more drastic.

    *When you have your cheat meal try to do so the same day of the week each week. Also, have it as your last meal of the day. This seems ridiculous to some as they believe it will cause them to gain or hold fat, but this is impossible. Your metabolism should be on fire. Further, this cheat meal is going to help your body with some much needed repair. Perhaps equally important, having it as your last meal of the day prevents a lot of guys from continuing to cheat throughout the day if they had it earlier.

    *A cheat meal means a cheat meal. If you're dieting right you should be able to eat anything you want, but stay away from alcohol. Alcohol has absolutely no place in a contest diet. As the weeks progress and you get closer to your contest, you may find dropping all sugary deserts and bread related items out of your cheat meal. Many will find sushi to be an excellent cheat meal during this time, but it's actually a great cheat meal any time, very beneficial.

    19. Supplements: The only supplements that are truly worthwhile during a diet are as follows:

    *Fish Oil: Will provide you with the omega fatty acids you may be lacking during this phase. Omega fatty acids are also highly beneficial to the muscle tissue. Further, a lot of people find their immune system becomes weaker during a diet, which is understandable when a prep diet is so brutal. Fish oil has been shown to aid the immune system.

    *Calcium: Most contest diets lack this important mineral due to the food plan. For the sake of your health this is a good supplement to include. Corral Calcium is a great choice.

    *Fiber: Many become constipated during their diets; even if they don't they could be doing better. A good fiber supplement will prevent this from happening, keep you flushed out and you'll feel a lot better.

    *Optional: Items like Juice Plus or generic versions provide a lot of the vegetables and fruits missing in a contest diet without the unwanted sugars. This can actually improve your recovery and immune system. Some may find it beneficial.

    Other than these items there are not a lot of necessary supplements. A little potassium might be needed for some, everything else you should be able to get from the food you're eating.

    20. Salt: If you're dieting properly there shouldn't be a massive amount of salt in your diet. However, many purposely avoid all salt and this is damaging. You need sodium! Sodium is an essential electrolyte. If you're not eating a lot of foods that contain salt, and you shouldn't be, you may very well need to add a little to your diet to make sure you're getting enough. Some who don't often fall prey to some pretty severe muscle cramps. And stop worrying about it making you hold water. If you're dieting properly this won't be a problem. Further, like being flat a little water retention during the diet doesn't matter until you step on stage.

    21: Protein Shakes: Some will argue these should never be used during the diet, but that's simply not true. If you choose the right type of protein shake they can be convenient and should not hinder your diet. Some may find they cause them to hold a little more water than without, and in this case it's a good idea to drop the shakes 2-3wks out and stick with whole food. Your best bet for shakes is to stick with powder that doesn't have more than 1g of sugar. Choose low carb protein powder; any carbs you need get from your food. Stick with Isolate powders in general. Granted, they won't stick with you long but you can help this situation by adding a little peanut butter or oatmeal to your shake, which one may depend on what the rest of your food plan looks like.

    22. Condiments: If it has sugar in it don't use it. Mustard, any spice and any condiment made by Walden Farms is acceptable. Soy sauce is also a great addition and many of you may need it due to very low levels of sodium in the diet.

  22. #22
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Again very well said Metal. Keep this going. I think you'll help a lot of guys here with it.
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  23. #23
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    This is awesome. You gonna mention anything about diuretics?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flix View Post
    This is awesome. You gonna mention anything about diuretics?
    I'm not really planning any of this stuff out, just posting a list of things as they come to mind. I'll try to include some diuretic stuff in the next batch.

  25. #25
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    Very enlightening stuff

  26. #26
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    Part II

    20. Salt: If you're dieting properly there shouldn't be a massive amount of salt in your diet. However, many purposely avoid all salt and this is damaging. You need sodium! Sodium is an essential electrolyte. If you're not eating a lot of foods that contain salt, and you shouldn't be, you may very well need to add a little to your diet to make sure you're getting enough. Some who don't often fall prey to some pretty severe muscle cramps. And stop worrying about it making you hold water. If you're dieting properly this won't be a problem. Further, like being flat a little water retention during the diet doesn't matter until you step on stage.

    I'll chime in here and add that when using salt be sure it is "Iodized Salt" not regular salt.

    Read up:

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  27. #27
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    I got a message the other day asking me to lay out some stacks. I may do this later but I'm some what hesitant to. Primarily, the goal is to simply give some good tidbits of info on prepping or about the whole process in general. There are some good stacks I can think of that might be useful to lay out but they would be very generalized and not built for a specific person in mind. Anyway, if this is something more of you would like to see let me know.

    23. Cardio: regardless of how lean you are, start doing cardio from the beginning. If you don’t, you may find you have to do a lot more than you would have as you get closer to your show. There’s nothing wrong with being ready earlier and this should be your goal. Do not be afraid of cardio. If you’re consuming enough food yet the minimal amount as well as including a decent well planned amount of gear, cardio is not going to cause you to lose muscle mass. There’s no piece of cardio equipment that’s better than another, find what works well for you. Just do your cardio. Walking is all a lot of people need to do, good brisk walking.

    24. Diet Soda: if your diet is on point, diet soda is not going to hinder your diet. Many bodybuilders include diet soda in their plan almost all the way through. It can help curb your appetite and give you something to help you mentally. It is, however, not a bad idea to drop it all 2wks out and stick with just water. If for no other reason, it’s a good idea to really increase your water the last few weeks and if you do you won’t have room for diet soda.

    25. Don’t use self-tanner for your show. Even if you apply it carefully you will still see streaks when you’re on stage under the lights. It just looks bad. If you can’t afford to be sprayed, save your money and do a show once you can. For those who haven’t competed, most shows now days have someone set up that will spray you for $100-$150 depending on how many coats you need…maybe a little more in some cases.

    26. Posing: Start practicing your mandatories as soon as your diet starts. Try holding each one perfectly without moving around, hold it and be still. Don’t spend a lot of time getting into position. Learn and work your way up to being able to hold any pose without shaking for 30 seconds. Once you can, try holding it for another 10 seconds next time without shaking. If you can get to the point where you can hold a mandatory pose perfectly without shaking for a full 60 seconds, even with a smile on your face you’ll be a much better poser than 99% of the other guys on stage.

    - Posing Routine: Please refrain from giving hand signals to the crowd to get excited or putting your hand to your ear as if to say “I can’t hear you.” It just looks bad. I’m sure we could make an exception if that sort of thing really fit someone’s personality, but it can’t fit everyone’s yet most end up doing it. Most end up doing it because they don’t know what else to do, they haven’t planned out their posing routine. It is true, prejudging is more important, but this doesn’t mean the posing routine isn’t worthwhile. Look at is this way, you’ve busted your ass for several months to get ready for this show; why not get up there and look like you know what you’re doing? Further, while prejudging counts big time, what if you and another guy are neck and neck. If you are in a dead heat with another guy and you look like a fool during your routine and he actually looks like he knows what he’s doing, who do you think is going to win?

    - If you pull off a great posing routine don’t start thinking you’re a badass. Remember, you’re still standing up there in your underwear.

    27: Carbing Up: The carb loading phase is without question the primary area where most guys ruin an otherwise successful diet and prep period. Again, everyone is so worried about being full, so afraid of looking flat they end up letting this fear ruin their physique they've worked so hard for. Here are some rules and bit of advice to consider:

    *If you're not at your best, you're not as lean as you need to be but perhaps still lean enough to do a show, you might consider forgetting about carbing up. Chances are you'll ruin yourself. If you're at this stage yet you fully know your body and better yet, have someone working with you who understands this protocol or even better yet has worked with you on a show before, there can be exceptions to this rule.

    *If you are in shape and going to carb up, normally 3-4 days of depletion before hand will suffice.

    *Most do not need to start carbing up until Thursday before a Saturday morning prejudging. Some may be fine starting on Wednesday but most don't need to.

    *When you start carbing up, don't start with the maximum amount, build up as the days go by.

    *When carbing up it's often a good idea to pick one food for your carb load, one carbohydrate and one you know your body typically responds well to. The best choices are normally potatoes, rice or oatmeal. This rule should be the rule for every guy who has never competed and for many is a good rule to follow for every show you do. If you end up having a problem with your carb up you'll know exactly what food is causing the problem.

    *Junk food is not needed in a carb up for most guys. This is a fact and it is perhaps the biggest reason guys ruin their physique, gorging on junk food. Again, there are exceptions. There are stories of guys who ate enormous amounts of cake and/or pie for their carb load but these are normally genetic freaks or guys who have a metabolism that just doesn't quite make sense. They may also be running stacks that would make most vomit or bleed from their eyeballs but the genetic freak and metabolism factors are normally the primary factors and odds are most do not fall into this category. Remember, as you continue to compete, you'll get better with the carb up.

    28. Your Attitude: If you win a show or even place really well, for some reason this turns a lot of guys into complete assholes; cocky without warrant. There’s nothing wrong with being proud of your accomplishment, but most people do not care nor are they really that impressed. Don’t get me wrong, I like bodybuilding but this is something you have to do for yourself. Most people think it’s idiotic and to a point it probably is, but without a doubt most people do not care. Here are some stats to ponder:

    *Approximately 50 million Americans have a gym membership. That’s 50 million out of 350 million plus.

    *67% of all those who have a membership never use it. That means only 17.5 million ever actually use their membership.

    *Of the 17.5 million that go to the gym with some regularity, how many of them do you think actually care about bodybuilding? Half? No way…25%? Not a chance in this world. Very few actually care. Of those 17.5 million you’d be lucky to find 10% that can name a bodybuilder other than Arnold. So ask yourself this question again? If you do well at a local bodybuilding show or even win a national show, do most people care? This isn’t said to depress you, but bodybuilding is not about winning the admiration of countless adoring fans; it is a self-endeavor against yourself and nothing more. If you can enjoy it on this basis you will get far more out of it.

    *If you disagree with these stats here are some more things to ponder:

    - If a lot of people care about bodybuilding why isn’t it on TV? If it’s considered something to be admired by most or even provide entertainment, why can’t it be found on one single channel out of nearly a thousand available? Poker’s on TV, so are a bazillion reality shows with desperate idiotic morons.

    - If anyone really cares about bodybuilding, why do so many local state level shows struggle filling up half of a small auditorium? Why do most national shows struggle with the same? For that matter, why does the Mr. Olympia struggle to sell out every year and they have to give countless seats away to the military and still can’t completely fill up the auditorium?

    *Enjoy bodybuilding, it can be an enjoyable thing. But do it for the right reasons. Personally, while it will never have a massive following like the NFL, the way many bodybuilders handle themselves truly hurts an increase in appeal it could have. Of course, this does not out way the way bodybuilding is run, but that's a topic for another day, probably one that would belong in another thread.

  28. #28
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  29. #29
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    It's ironic that you talk about the arrogance that tends to follow bodybuilders... An old powerlifting training partner of mine has had some success on stage and it has made him an absolute ass. He posts stupid 'inspirational' quotes on Facebook every other phucking day... Here's the latest;

    "For those that are always asking me how to get ripped, here's my response. Don't try to be me, I'm climbing my own mountain, fighting my wars, and winning my own battles. So, stop looking up at me and trying to be me: be the best YOU."

    This is in response to a woman asking him for help with a diet.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by m_donnelly View Post
    It's ironic that you talk about the arrogance that tends to follow bodybuilders... An old powerlifting training partner of mine has had some success on stage and it has made him an absolute ass. He posts stupid 'inspirational' quotes on Facebook every other phucking day... Here's the latest;

    "For those that are always asking me how to get ripped, here's my response. Don't try to be me, I'm climbing my own mountain, fighting my wars, and winning my own battles. So, stop looking up at me and trying to be me: be the best YOU."

    This is in response to a woman asking him for help with a diet.
    sounds like an arrogant prick

  31. #31
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    More random tid bits of awesomeness....LOL! Or little things to think about that I hope help out

    29. Train hard but train smart - We've all heard this saying a million times but I don't think most understand what it means. One of the biggest mistakes a lot of guys make during their contest prep, well maybe not the biggest but it's a common one, is thinking they need to change their training style when dieting. The guy will train one way in his off season and come contest time he tries to reinvent the wheel. One of the most common myths is you should go lighter and do more reps when getting ready for a show and heavier and fewer reps when in the off-season. The truth, however you train in the off-season do the same during your contest prep. Your body is use to the way you've trained in the off-season, that method is what's built your muscle, don't change it.

    - Important note - There's really never a reason for a bodybuilder to do low rep sets, sets below 6 reps and there's never a reason to max out. What I mean by "there's never a reason" is there's no advantage physique wise. Sure, now and then it can be fun to do and that's fine but during your contest prep, especially the latter part of your prep stay away from this. Low rep heavy sets and maxing out during contest prep, especially when you're already tired and beat down from the diet is a great way to hurt yourself. Of course I know some might say things like "what about guys like Ronnie Coleman who train heavy low rep during contest prep?" First off you're not Ronnie Coleman or what's known as a super genetic freak of nature. Secondly, guys like Ronnie don't train low rep heavy weight continuously through their prep, it's not their norm either.

    Here's a good example of what I'm talking about: I was able to meet Ronnie Coleman a few times through some work things. No, I'm not claiming to be his best friend or anything. One time I did have the chance to ask him about a video of him deadlifting a ridiculous amount of weight a few weeks before a show...I think he did a couple reps and it was something like 800lbs, you can see it on youtube and I'm sure many have. Anyway I asked him if this was normal for him during contest prep and he laughed and said "heck no" so I asked him why he did it and he said "because someone paid me too" and then he laughed again. The point, unless someone's paying you to do it and you're also Ronnie Coleman, don't do it. You will get hurt.

    30. The most important steroid for a bodybuilder - Trenbolone no question. I do not know too many bodybuilders who have been very successful in a show without Tren. Some? Sure, but not many and at the top levels I can't think of any. Is it an important steroid for the off-season? It can be useful but I wouldn't call it necessary but it's without question the difference maker come contest prep time.

    31: Diuretics and Water: Someone sent me a message asking if I'd mention anything about this so here you go. I'm not going to give specific dosing guidelines on diuretics but rather some general guidelines most should hold to.

    *Water: Many cut their water way too early and get way too creative and it always makes things worse. A good rule of thumb, however much you've been drinking on average, the Monday before a Saturday morning prejudging increase it by 1 gallon. Yes you will be in the bathroom a lot but that's just part of it. Thursday, go back to your normal water intake. If you're still thirsty drink more water. Friday, hold to your normal water intake and stop all water somewhere between 6-7 Friday night before a 9am Saturday morning prejudging.

    *Diuretics: For the vast majority start diuretics Friday morning before a Saturday morning prejudging. Diazide is the number one choice, Aldactone is also good or a combination throughout the day if needed.

    *Lasix: Most need to stay away from these, you'll only screw your physique up or hurt yourself. First time competitors have no business using Lasix and many veterans don't need it. If you have some experience under your belt a low dose of Lasix with a higher dose of Aldactone can be acceptable.

    32. If you're a week or so out but are 3-4wks behind in your diet you're not going to be able to make this up. You can still do the show if you want to but you will not be at your best. If you're just doing this for fun, then sure, go ahead and do the show. If you're really wanting to find out where you stand don't do the show. Diet for 3-4 more weeks and do another show. This seems kind of obvious to me but some tend to think they can get a months worth of dieting in over the course of one week. If doing another show isn't a possibility because of time or money constraints that's fine's bodybuilding, not the end of the world. Just diet smarter next time. And once again remember, if you look 3-4wks out there's less than a 1% chance you're just holding water.

    33. I may have already said this or eluded to it, I can't remember, but it's worth saying again. Don't weight yourself every day unless you want to completely screw yourself mentally. First and foremost what you weigh DOES NOT MATTER!!! What you look like in the mirror is the only thing that matters. Secondly, if you're going to weigh, and everyone will, weigh yourself once per week at the same time every week. I would advise you not to weigh after a cheat meal or even the next day as this will not be anywhere near an accurate weight. If you're still getting cheat meals in your diet the best time to weigh, the most accurate time is the same time every week before your cheat meal, that day.

    34. If you hire someone to help you with contest prep, which is always a good idea and the only smart thing to do if you're really serious about your bodybuilding, remember you get what you pay for. If you pay for cheap help you're going to get cheap help and if you get pissed off at the level of help you're getting remember you didn't pay much for it. If you're hiring someone to help you with prep and they're a friend and want to give you a good deal that's another story. However, if you know someone who does this for money, it's one of the ways they actually help pay their bills, even if they're a friend don't expect them to do it for free or give you the bro discount. They might be able to for one or two guys but they can't do it for all their friends. Doing contest prep for someone takes time and their time is just as valuable as yours. Remember, you're hiring someone because you need help.

    35. Prep Coach part 2: Friend or not, if you're not going to listen to the person and do everything they tell you to why are you hiring them? If you hire someone to help you with your prep the odds are strong you'll find others who tell you to do things differently. Buddies or professional gym goers, they all have an opinion and if you listen to them and start taking little tid bits from everyone YOU WILL mess up your diet and prep.

    36. DNP: You do not need it and you should not use it. Risking your life for a plastic trophy, one that cost less to make than your posing trunks cost to buy is not worth risking severe damage to your health.

    37. If you win a bodybuilding show, in the grand scheme of life you have won a plastic trophy or if you're really lucky a nice shiny sword or battle axe. You have won a show and I hate to break it to you but Fox News and CNN will not be calling. Even if you win the Olympia they will not be calling. You do not now own the gym you workout at. Those at the gym are not seeing you in a new light of superiority. Women will not ask you to give them a baby because you look better than anyone else covered in greasy oil wearing a banana hammock while flexing your butt cheeks. Understand why you do this:

    *To do something others can't and the self-satisfaction in knowing you've done something others can't. They may not care (most won't) but you can still hold that satisfaction and proudly.

    *To push yourself towards something, to push yourself beyond what your body naturally wants to do.

    *To give yourself some discipline in your life and goals that seem impossible. If you can learn to take that same discipline to other areas in your life it will be rewarding.

    *To be better than the rest of the guys standing on stage covered in greasy oil wearing a banana hammock while flexing your butt cheeks.

  32. #32
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    Great post.

  33. #33
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    Well said as always Metal! I very much enjoy reading your competition dissertations. Brings back a lot of good memories!
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  34. #34
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    I'm glad a few of you enjoy the post.

    I do want to add some of the comments it probably sounds like I'm really bashing bodybuilding but that's not my intention. We all know it's an extreme kind of thing and anyone whose been around it knows the extreme nature of it can get out of hand. That's hard to see when you're currently enveloped in it, I know, I remember but I'm not trying to bash it. In a lot of ways I still really like bodybuilding but there are some things about it that really burn me up, but that's another thread

  35. #35
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    nice thread, Metal. it's interesting to know what the guys on stage have to go through.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I'm glad a few of you enjoy the post.

    I do want to add some of the comments it probably sounds like I'm really bashing bodybuilding but that's not my intention. We all know it's an extreme kind of thing and anyone whose been around it knows the extreme nature of it can get out of hand. That's hard to see when you're currently enveloped in it, I know, I remember but I'm not trying to bash it. In a lot of ways I still really like bodybuilding but there are some things about it that really burn me up, but that's another thread
    I love bodybuilding and I loved competing; it was a great way to challenge myself. But, I really couldn't stand other bodybuilders or the environment some of them created. Backstage at some shows was just ridiculous; some of those guys were unpleasant to say the least. I often reminded fellow competitors that we were walking around on a stage, wearing nothing but a speedo, drenched in oil and covered in spray-on tanner; LIGHTEN UP.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I'm glad a few of you enjoy the post.

    I do want to add some of the comments it probably sounds like I'm really bashing bodybuilding but that's not my intention. We all know it's an extreme kind of thing and anyone whose been around it knows the extreme nature of it can get out of hand. That's hard to see when you're currently enveloped in it, I know, I remember but I'm not trying to bash it. In a lot of ways I still really like bodybuilding but there are some things about it that really burn me up, but that's another thread
    I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on it and so would others I'm sure. This thread has real potential and I'd like to see it keep going!

    Quote Originally Posted by m_donnelly View Post
    I love bodybuilding and I loved competing; it was a great way to challenge myself. But, I really couldn't stand other bodybuilders or the environment some of them created. Backstage at some shows was just ridiculous; some of those guys were unpleasant to say the least. I often reminded fellow competitors that we were walking around on a stage, wearing nothing but a speedo, drenched in oil and covered in spray-on tanner; LIGHTEN UP.
    Man, wasn't that always the way. I made some great friendships with fellow competitors but others were just asshats.
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  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on it and so would others I'm sure. This thread has real potential and I'd like to see it keep going!
    You know what's interesting about this thread? This is one of the biggest steroid websites on the internet and one of the largest forums, we all know that. But despite being one of the biggest steroid boards the overall board population has very little interest in bodybuilding. I find that funny when most people assume steroids and bodybuilders go hand-in-hand but this board just proves most steroid users are simply every day people that may or may have no interest in bodybuilding....and most don't. "Funny" may not be the right word but hopefully what I'm saying makes sense. And sure, I could be wrong, there might be a larger bodybuilding interest here than I realize but it's not talked about much and a big deal, just an observation.

    As far as what burns me up about bodybuilding, where do I start? LOL! Alright, I start my next bullets with those things....hey, you asked for it

  39. #39
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject

    You know what's interesting about this thread? This is one of the biggest steroid websites on the internet and one of the largest forums, we all know that. But despite being one of the biggest steroid boards the overall board population has very little interest in bodybuilding. I find that funny when most people assume steroids and bodybuilders go hand-in-hand but this board just proves most steroid users are simply every day people that may or may have no interest in bodybuilding....and most don't. "Funny" may not be the right word but hopefully what I'm saying makes sense. And sure, I could be wrong, there might be a larger bodybuilding interest here than I realize but it's not talked about much and a big deal, just an observation.

    As far as what burns me up about bodybuilding, where do I start? LOL! Alright, I start my next bullets with those things....hey, you asked for it
    You're right! I use to associate steroids with bodybuilders and jersey shore haha...It seems as if competitive bodybuilders are a rare breed and a majority of users are your average dudes and sometimes girls!

  40. #40
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    Things you need to do and consider before you consider entering a bodybuilding contest.

    This little insert will be a little different than the last ones. This is more or less things you need to consider regarding your every day life before you start prepping for a show but I'll throw a few directly related things to prep in there as well.

    1. If you cannot avoid alcohol during your prep you don't need prep. Drinking alcohol during prep is like putting sugar in your gas tank.

    2. You need to try to do your best to go to bed at the same time every night 7 days a week. You need to be in a routine. This will help with your meal planning so that's it's also routine day after day and most importantly it will ensure you get adequate rest every night. You're going to need it. As your diet progresses and you get into the final weeks you may actually have a hard time sleeping. Part of this may be attributed to the gear but more than anything the wear and tear on your body can become so intense sleep becomes mentally difficult. You should also be drinking an enormous amount of water, so expect to wake up to go to the bathroom a few times a night.

    3. YOU DO NOT need to wake up and eat when you're prepping. Sleep is far more important. Get your food in during the day. If you wake up starving drink some water and go back to sleep.

    4. No one should say you can't have a social life when you're prepping for a show but it is going to be far more limited than normal and if you can't handle this then bodybuilding is not for you. You have a set meal schedule you need to stick to. If your timing of your meals gets a little off because of some social activity don't freak out. This is fine, everyone needs some social activity now and then to maintain sanity but overall your prep should be 24/7 on average.

    5. Prep does not take a break on weekends.

    6. Prep does not revolve primarily around your time in the gym. If anything you're actual weight training will probably be a little less in regards to how long you actually lift weights each training session.

    7. While actual weight training is very important during prep, the primary factors prep revolves around is food, gear and rest.

    - Food: Eat enough to preserve your muscle mass and in a way that keeps your metabolism revved. DO NOT fear losing muscle if you're running a good stack. A lot of guys are so petrified of losing muscle they eat more protein than they should and this leads to excess calories they don't need and in the end it leads them NOT being in as good of shape as they could be. Calories from protein count.

    - Gear: The combo of the right gear is important but what you're willing to do with it is far more important. This factor alone means competitive bodybuilding is not for everyone. If you want to do a small local show to test the waters that's great. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. But if you want to win, especially the bigger shows you will have to do things a lot of people are uncomfortable with. There are some genetic freaks that can get away with less gear than most competitors but most will need large doses of a lot of gear. By large doses I'm referring to doses far above and beyond the every day guy cycle. When you get to the national level the idea of lower doses for freaks goes out the window. For example, no one on or any sane message board will call a competition stack responsible. Can we call it irresponsible? That depends on our point of view, but the truth about competition plans and cycles is simply that, the truth.

    - Rest: If you don't rest you don't recover. If you don't recover you won't look your best and you may even risk not being in shape at all. Even worse, the lack of rest while trying to prep is going to destroy your mental sanity. This is pretty simple really but it's something that messes a lot of guys up.

    8. Most of you will have no libido towards the end of your cycle. Perhaps "No libido" isn't entirely accurate, but when you're dieting hard, messing with crazy stacks and beating your body into the ground a libido is going to suffer. The good news is most of you will be so tired and focused you won't care. If this idea bothers you, prep probably isn't for you.

    9. There are no magical training routines when prepping. There's not a special split or training style that's going to bring you above and beyond others. There's not some secret out there. The important factors are remaining consistent and not annihilating your body each and every training session. This doesn't mean you don't train hard, of course you train hard but taking every last set to absolute failure, doing drop sets in every last exercise, etc. is stupid and a good way to burn yourself out.

    10. If you're doing this because of the idea that it will help you get more girls you're going to lose. I only bring this up because I've seen it before and most guys who do this for that reason never finish or diet and prep half-ass. You have to find a self-motivating factor. A lot of guys say they do it because they like the idea of betting themselves and that they're competing with themselves each and every time. Personally, the guys I've seen who have the most success do so because they hold to the idea of concurring something. They're not simply trying to better themselves, they may not even have that thought in their head...they're trying to kick something in the ass. This guy wins but either way you have to find a self-motivating reason.

    - Side note, women do not care if you're competing in a show. Sure, there are a few who are impressed in a way that makes them want you, probably less than 1% but most do not care. Just a piece of my own personal history, I've been fat, skinny, large and muscular and ripped to the bone, I'm not a rich guy but I can attest that you can find plenty of women, beautiful women regardless of physical appearance if you have half a brain, carry yourself well and can speak in coherent sentences. Granted, if you're 600lbs obese or look like a walking skeleton this might change things.

    11. Common Myths:

    - Testosterone Propionate will not make you more ripped.

    - You do not stop all injectables a few weeks or days before your show. You run your gear up to the day of the show. The exception will be HGH, this should be discontinued 10-14 days before your show. Depending on how you look you may also have to dramatically lower your testosterone dose the last few weeks but there is no reason not to keep at least a TRT dose in there.

    - You should be scared of T3 because it will make you lose muscle - False. If you're using steroids this won't happen.

    - Keto diets will make you lose muscle - False. Keto diets are not for everyone but they can work extremely well. Carbs do not promote muscle tissue retention, they are strictly an energy source. There is no reason for you to lose a butt load of muscle on a keto diet if you are taking in adequate amounts of fats and proteins and on a well-planned stack.

    - Looking flat during your diet does not mean you're losing muscle, it just means you look flat during your diet and it means absolutely nothing. Worry about this and ruin your diet.

    - It's stupid to run certain compounds for short periods of time during prep that are slow acting. There's no benefit - False. A lot of bodybuilders will use EQ or Nandrolone during the first half of their prep. They may end up only using it for 6wks or so but the point during this time is not like off-season use or for the reasons a every day gear user would use them. The primary reason they're using them is to enhance the dose of anabolics for tissue preservation purposes and total anabolism that can be taken advantage of early on in a diet. Keep in mind they're normally using higher than average doses, so there is an advantage. Some might ask "why not just use more test?" The reason is the individual wants more anabolic action rather than androgenic and will save more androgens for the latter half of the diet when he's really worried about hardening and conditioning.

    Alright, that's it for today. Hopefully this helps someone.

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