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Thread: My doctor juiced me!!! HRT

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Hollywood, California USA

    Smile My doctor juiced me!!! HRT

    Hey bros (and ladies)...

    I went to the doc and he gave me a shot of cyp today! Damn! I have to reconfigure this upcoming cycle now.

    Wow! Now I know how BuyLongTerm feels.

    So, how do you think I should go about calculating my cycle now?

    I'm about to start 400 (or maybe 437mg) of test enan per week for 10 weeks (with 20mg nolva ED thru the end of PCT - clomid in PCT too).

    My shot was 200mg of test cypionate, and I will be using enanthate for the cycle. So, I guess I'll just wait a few days then inject 250mg of test enan - sound good?

    I wish it was enanthate that they gave me, but I can make it work - nonetheless

    Damn bros, I can't believe I have legal test flowing through me right now - at least I have someone (the doc) to blame for any sides (and get meds if needed)

    I'm feeling pretty damn good right now.

  2. #2
    Good job on ur upcoming cycle! Hey, no need to lie and say u got it from the doctor..Just be honest with us, and say u got it from a regular source (we're like a family here on the anabolic review board) so lying would best not be apperciated. But other than that, grat bro! Good luck on ur cycle man!

  3. #3
    Why did he give it to you?

    p.s. I think that you should start your cycle next week and run 10 more. 11 weeks including the freebie.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Southside Jamaican Queens
    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteBeastDexter
    Hey, no need to lie and say u got it from the doctor..Just be honest with us, and say u got it from a regular source (we're like a family here on the anabolic review board) so lying would best not be apperciated.
    Why the hell would he be lying on a steroid message board, especially considering he has/ and is now cycling anyway?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Hollywood, California USA
    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d
    Why the hell would he be lying on a steroid message board, especially considering he has/ and is now cycling anyway?
    Thanks bro. I read that and I was thought WTF!


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Hollywood, California USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Methuselah
    Why did he give it to you?

    p.s. I think that you should start your cycle next week and run 10 more. 11 weeks including the freebie.

    Yeah, I thought of just starting my scheduled cycle a week from now, but I'm really ready to get the show on the road, so I might just do 250 of test enan to top it off nicely for the first week.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Bro did he give you a script, are you going back in 3 months for a check up?


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Hollywood, California USA
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Bro did he give you a script, are you going back in 3 months for a check up?
    I had tons of blood work before, so I have a good baseline established. I was in the normal range, but he said since it wasn't at the high end, I could have a shot if I wanted one. Yep - it went that smooth.

    I'm guessing that he'll let me have another in 3 weeks, but I am not sure. He's not an HRT doc.

    I'll want to have a checkup after my cycle, so in the spring, I'll get all the blood tests done again - a while after PCT is sucessfully completed.


  9. #9
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    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by realityarts
    I had tons of blood work before, so I have a good baseline established. I was in the normal range, but he said since it wasn't at the high end, I could have a shot if I wanted one. Yep - it went that smooth.

    I'm guessing that he'll let me have another in 3 weeks, but I am not sure. He's not an HRT doc.

    I'll want to have a checkup after my cycle, so in the spring, I'll get all the blood tests done again - a while after PCT is sucessfully completed.

    Well in Hollywood, Ca, they bring in the testosterone in Oil Tankers.... shots for everyone...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Congrats my brothera!!!!! It's such a great feeling to know your legal!!!!!!! If anyone is happy for you bro, you know it's me!!!!

    Most guys will say it's not that much, but just to know that a Dr. injects you with TEST, is a fantastic feeling.

    Let me know how it goes, and anything I can do, please let me know....

    (legal as well)


  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Freakville, MA
    Can someone tell me why WBD would think RealityArts is lieing?


    lucky you can get your doc to give you some free juice.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Hollywood, California USA
    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    Congrats my brothera!!!!! It's such a great feeling to know your legal!!!!!!! If anyone is happy for you bro, you know it's me!!!!
    Most guys will say it's not that much, but just to know that a Dr. injects you with TEST, is a fantastic feeling.
    Let me know how it goes, and anything I can do, please let me know....
    (legal as well)
    Thanks BLT. Yep, I joined the legal HRT club It is quite a rush to get an AS shot legally.

    I'll just have to work my own cycle in with it

    I'll be keeping you posted.


  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Hollywood, California USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Calipso
    Can someone tell me why WBD would think RealityArts is lieing?


    lucky you can get your doc to give you some free juice.
    Hey Calipso, I'm not sure... Perhaps he is a 14 year old kid that just learned that pubic hair is real. Not sure

    Thanks for the thumbs-up.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Toronto Canada
    Muast be nice to have a doc that will do that for you.....good luck with your cycle dude...

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Hollywood, California USA
    Quote Originally Posted by somedude247
    Muast be nice to have a doc that will do that for you.....good luck with your cycle dude...
    Thanks SD.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Man, I guess I need to move to hollywood and find me a doc.
    Best of luck on your upcoming cycle

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by lozinit
    Man, I guess I need to move to hollywood and find me a doc.
    Best of luck on your upcoming cycle
    I read once that Tom Cruise, John Travolta, and many stars and actors on soap operas, etc, whenever they go into a movie and there is a shirts off scene in the movie that they did steroids for month or two to look extra good for the shirts off scenes... its very common and I am sure all the "script" doctors find hollywood to be a great place to do business... thats amazing that this one guy said the doctor said he wasnt even low on testosterone but he'd boost him up to normal maximum anyways...

  18. #18
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    Hollywood, California USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    I read once that Tom Cruise, John Travolta, and many stars and actors on soap operas, etc, whenever they go into a movie and there is a shirts off scene in the movie that they did steroids for month or two to look extra good for the shirts off scenes... its very common and I am sure all the "script" doctors find hollywood to be a great place to do business... thats amazing that this one guy said the doctor said he wasnt even low on testosterone but he'd boost him up to normal maximum anyways...
    Yeah, I've seen some of them get bulked/ripped in a few months, and I don't think their yoga instructors helped much


  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Hey RA, that's amazing your doc gives you test even if you're in the normal range? Mine won't even give me the test to check my test!

    Anyway, good luck!

  20. #20
    WHoah, misunderstanding there guys!!! sorry if u thought all wrong, but I couldnt believe it, you are very lucky to have free test, and to be honest that is cool. Good luck

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Hollywood, California USA
    Quote Originally Posted by johnsomebody
    Hey RA, that's amazing your doc gives you test even if you're in the normal range? Mine won't even give me the test to check my test!
    Anyway, good luck!
    The case to be presented for a doctor to give a total/free/bound testosterone (et al PSA, LH...) blood test is that a person MUST establish a baseline. That is, it is important to know where YOUR levels are as an individual, because you need something to compare future tests to. It is very important that people start considering these tests in their 20s and 30s, definitely in their 40s, and should have been done a couple of times (minimum) prior to their 50s and above. How can a doctor compare current numbers to absolutely nothing? EVERYONE is different. What is ok for one is low for another. So each person needs these tests.

    I hope that anyone on AAS has plenty of tests to refer back to - so they know what is 'normal' for them!

    I like to say, someone could be in the 'normal' range, but it may not be their normal level. For example (using meaningless numbers), if you are at 425 and within the normal range, you may have previous been at 800 and in the normal range - and that is a significant drop!

    Most general physicians (non-specialists) do not know much about this, but the knowledge is always available to them. The trick is getting them to do their research...


  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Well, I'm givin up on my doc and having it done via, though apparently even they don't authorize a complete panel, just free levels, from what I understand.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Hollywood, California USA
    Quote Originally Posted by johnsomebody
    Well, I'm givin up on my doc and having it done via, though apparently even they don't authorize a complete panel, just free levels, from what I understand.
    That's too bad about your doc JS. I hope that the other place works out good for you. Did you find them from that LEF site, or did you do a search and end up with them?

    Let me know how it goes...


  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by johnsomebody
    Hey RA, that's amazing your doc gives you test even if you're in the normal range? Mine won't even give me the test to check my test!

    Anyway, good luck!
    Bro you need to look for a new Doc, when I asked mine he did it. Bro your paying him he's not paying you, if the relationship between your Doc and you isn't go enough to get a blood test for test levels, it's time to move on.


  25. #25
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    Hollywood, California USA
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Bro you need to look for a new Doc, when I asked mine he did it. Bro your paying him he's not paying you, if the relationship between your Doc and you isn't go enough to get a blood test for test levels, it's time to move on.
    Well-said JohnnyB. Johnsomebody has done just that - moved on. He said he is going elsewhere for his testing.


  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    JS, Bro, you should definnitely find another Dr. I can't believe if you told him that you thought you had low levels, he wouldn't help you. To me, that is bullshit!!!!

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Hollywood, California USA
    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    JS, Bro, you should definnitely find another Dr. I can't believe if you told him that you thought you had low levels, he wouldn't help you. To me, that is bullshit!!!!
    Even is the levels weren't thought to be low, the doctor should do it. I wonder what this doctor does is someone wants a PSA test.

    I could be wrong, but this doctor sounds like a guy about 70 years old or so...


  28. #28
    For the benefit of others who are trying to understand what HRT is all about... How old are you and what symptoms did you complain of?

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    I'm 47 had low energy, depression, mood swings and low to no sex drive


  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I actually tired to bring up stuff like that with my doc and he said "You wouldn't be in the kind of shape you're in if you had low test levels."
    That was before I did my cycle -I have to admit I was so flattered I didn't want to contradict him!
    Plus I'm a lousy liar.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    LI, NY kidd!!
    i want prescribed juice....

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Hollywood, California USA
    To get the blood tests, you don't have to have any symptoms. To get the testosterone injection, you must have some of the symptoms. You can find these symptoms on almost all websites dealing with HRT.

  33. #33

    I don't know. It would seem to me that HRT is a regime, not a single shot. I get my juice from my doc as HRT. I get scripts for a year at a time--androgel and cyp. I'm 38, got all the symptoms and blood tests confirm; another part of it is MRI's to look at my pituitary gland, and check prolactin levels. I'm hypogonadotropic because of juicing. I've been juicing for 3 years and doing post cycle recovery to the letter everytime.

    Good luck.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Great stuff. But I just get stuff here by the price of pharmacies, and from great and trustable sources so, why bother!??

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Hollywood, California USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Methuselah

    I don't know. It would seem to me that HRT is a regime, not a single shot. I get my juice from my doc as HRT. I get scripts for a year at a time--androgel and cyp. I'm 38, got all the symptoms and blood tests confirm; another part of it is MRI's to look at my pituitary gland, and check prolactin levels. I'm hypogonadotropic because of juicing. I've been juicing for 3 years and doing post cycle recovery to the letter everytime.

    Good luck.
    Have you ever been able to produce your own testosterone appropriately over the past 3 years? Or, is HRT a must from here on out?
    Last edited by realityarts; 10-26-2003 at 02:01 PM.

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Hollywood, California USA
    Quote Originally Posted by taquipariu
    Great stuff. But I just get stuff here by the price of pharmacies, and from great and trustable sources so, why bother!??
    "To each his/her own." Some prefer to have a doctor involved to some degree.

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by realityarts
    Have you ever been able to product your own testosterone appropriately over the past 3 years? Or, is HRT a must from here on out?
    I started HRT as a way to get juice from an online "HRT Clinic". They required baseline test levels and PSA to cover their asses. Basically, anyone over 30 with a low PSA could get the script if they were willing to pay for the blood tests and prescription fees. My test level wasn't all that bad when I started. It was 640 on a scale of 320-840 being normal as I recall. I had my levels tested every 6 months post cycles. They slowly declined.

    I'm now being treated at the endocriologly clinic at a renound university. So, I know that I'm getting the best information and treatment available. In the future I'm going to be careful about what I ask for. I do have a prescription for steroids and my insurance does pick up the cost. Looking back, I wish I would have stuck to protien and multi-vitamins.

    I don't have the results back from my MRI's or prolactin levels. Maybe it isn't because of using juice; I might just have a tumor on my pituitary and my levels can rebound once it's removed. Either way, I'm probably juicing for life.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Methuselah
    I started HRT as a way to get juice from an online "HRT Clinic". They required baseline test levels and PSA to cover their asses. Basically, anyone over 30 with a low PSA could get the script if they were willing to pay for the blood tests and prescription fees. My test level wasn't all that bad when I started. It was 640 on a scale of 320-840 being normal as I recall. I had my levels tested every 6 months post cycles. They slowly declined.

    I'm now being treated at the endocriologly clinic at a renound university. So, I know that I'm getting the best information and treatment available. In the future I'm going to be careful about what I ask for. I do have a prescription for steroids and my insurance does pick up the cost. Looking back, I wish I would have stuck to protien and multi-vitamins.

    I don't have the results back from my MRI's or prolactin levels. Maybe it isn't because of using juice; I might just have a tumor on my pituitary and my levels can rebound once it's removed. Either way, I'm probably juicing for life.
    Jeez.... I've been below 300 since I was 30... lowest test came in 224 and I never did juice before those tests! My only simptom was low sperm count and inability to get weight above 165 lbs without it being all fat.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Methuselah
    .... I had my levels tested every 6 months post cycles. They slowly declined.

    I'm now being treated at the endocriologly clinic at a renound university. So, I know that I'm getting the best information and treatment available. In the future I'm going to be careful about what I ask for. I do have a prescription for steroids and my insurance does pick up the cost. Looking back, I wish I would have stuck to protien and multi-vitamins.

    I don't have the results back from my MRI's or prolactin levels. Maybe it isn't because of using juice; I might just have a tumor on my pituitary and my levels can rebound once it's removed. Either way, I'm probably juicing for life.
    This is what I really wonder about doing gear -how many guys have ended up with permanently reduced test levels like this? How could that possibly be worth it? And how is it some guys don't seem to care if that happens to them? Is it because they're just too hooked on gear?

    These are the sort of Qs that bother me about all this.

  40. #40
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    Hollywood, California USA
    Quote Originally Posted by johnsomebody
    This is what I really wonder about doing gear -how many guys have ended up with permanently reduced test levels like this? How could that possibly be worth it? And how is it some guys don't seem to care if that happens to them? Is it because they're just too hooked on gear?

    These are the sort of Qs that bother me about all this.
    I definitely feel you on this one JS. I'm using just to get the 'edge.' Though, I imagine many started this way. I hope (and feel confident) that I can keep things under control. I don't have any desire to win any competitions, so that will not be a factor.

    I'm simply looking to recover what has passed in my youth. When it all comes down to it, I'm more concerned with my overall health and longevity - above and beyond looks and size. I do want that 'edge' (regained health and vigor) to help me in my fitness efforts. It may very well be that I am better off not going this route, but I'm going into it with much research and caution - hoping that I'm staying below the level that will cause any type of permanent endocrine problems or other serious medical complications.

    Wow JS, you brought some 'real life' into all of this. Yeah, I think there are many that don't even weigh-out the consequences. It's quite like the teenager who feels like s/he'll live forever and that nothing can happen to him/her.


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