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Thread: Trt and no libido

  1. #1

    Trt and no libido

    Hello everyone, I'm on doctor prescribed test cypionate 100 ml on sunday morning and 100ml on Wednesday night and taking 1mg of arimidex Ed. Just did blood work takin on Wednesday night about 2 hours before injection.

    Total T - 1685
    Free T - 370
    Bio aT - 610
    E2- 42 range 7-39

    All those high number and no libido I do get morning wood and can have sex just no libido, Dr said ill see you in 4 months play with the dose until I feel right, also I have hcg that I want to add but I'm afraid to make thing even worse. Please help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    First consider lowering your dose. It's obviously too much. But getting to your libido, you should have your prolactin checked - too high or too low can decrease libido. Same with DHT, if it's too low you can have libido issues. Do you take any other medications? Regarding prolactin, I'm looking for medications like abilify or seroquel and the others in that class. Regarding DHT, I'm looking for propecia, proscar (finasteride), or avodart (dutasteride). Also how old are you? Do you have any other medical problems (namely depression), but please list all. Depending on your medical history, you can consider trying yohimbe (otc) or yohimbine (prescription, but I think ar-r sells it as well. Otherwise try great white peptides or preferably just get a script from your doc. It only comes in one strength, 5.4mg (taken 3x daily) and is available as generic and brand (Yocon). If you have high BP or thyroid issues, or even if you don't, definitely consult with your doctor first before starting yohimbe or yohimbine. There's also PT-141. Of course these are just temporary measures until the underlying problem is solved.
    Last edited by AnabolicDoc; 04-07-2013 at 07:10 PM.

  3. #3
    Is 1685 total test a healthy sustainable number? More test doesn't always mean more wood. Ive heard some say even going from 900 to 700 increased their drive.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I had vary low libido until I started using HCG twice a week. Now I have great libido. I am not suggesting you use it without testing or being seen by a doctor.

  5. #5
    Thanks for your response, ok I really been wanting to start my hcg but benn afraid that it will raise my test level even more and also my estrogen.thanks

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Saint Pete Beach
    It's known to raise test an estrogen but your already on an AI so your estrogen should be controlled. The hcg should really help you out.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    your estrogen is to still to high, my libido falls off whenever that happens. hcg will have no effect unless you get your estrogen down

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    by the way, that's a very high dose of adex, is it prescribed or from the internet. at that amount, your e2 should be crashed, which is bad as well

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Saint Pete Beach
    Quote Originally Posted by jwws9999 View Post
    your estrogen is to still to high, my libido falls off whenever that happens. hcg will have no effect unless you get your estrogen down
    How would hcg have no affect on FSH and LH when estrogen levels are slightly raised??? Would like to see source sited for this.

  10. #10
    My arimidex is doctor prescribed. So do you guys think I should drop my test dose to only on injection of 100ml e7 days instead of every 3.5 days. And start the hcg as dr prescribed 500iu 2x a week or just try 250iu 2x per week, and also If I make this change do I keep the arimidex at 1mg a day. Thanks again guys. Don't get me wrong guys I'm loving what that much test has done at the gym . But my BP runs a little higher then pre trt and I want my balls back lol.

  11. #11
    When I started trt I was on 200ml e7d, 500iu hcg2x week and 1mg adex on MWF and 6 weeks later my lab results were as follows:blood done on day of injection before injection.
    FREE T:105
    E2: 1056 range was 7-39
    And that's when dr had me stop hcg and split my test dose Down to the 100 ml E3.5D and started taking the adex at 1mg 7 days a week. Then we tested 6 weeks later . That's we're I am now at the numbers I wrote on the first post. Thank you guys.

  12. #12
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    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Mustangman View Post
    My arimidex is doctor prescribed. So do you guys think I should drop my test dose to only on injection of 100ml e7 days instead of every 3.5 days. And start the hcg as dr prescribed 500iu 2x a week or just try 250iu 2x per week, and also If I make this change do I keep the arimidex at 1mg a day. Thanks again guys. Don't get me wrong guys I'm loving what that much test has done at the gym . But my BP runs a little higher then pre trt and I want my balls back lol.
    sounds like a good plan, just concerned with that high a dose of adex, get blood work frequently

  13. #13
    Thanks,Jwws9999, I know I bothers me that I have to be at so much adex, do you think that now that I'm cutting my test dose I half I should drop to 1mg MWF instead? And do you think it's a good idea form me to start the hcg the same week that I'm cutting my test to in half or would it be better to try the 100ml cyp e7 days alone with the adex for a few weeks first? Sorry for all the questions. My E2 before trt was always high at 38 my total t was 404 but my free t was very low

  14. #14
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Mustangman View Post
    Hello everyone, I'm on doctor prescribed test cypionate 100 ml on sunday morning and 100ml on Wednesday night and taking 1mg of arimidex Ed. Just did blood work takin on Wednesday night about 2 hours before injection.

    Total T - 1685
    Free T - 370
    Bio aT - 610
    E2- 42 range 7-39

    All those high number and no libido I do get morning wood and can have sex just no libido, Dr said ill see you in 4 months play with the dose until I feel right, also I have hcg that I want to add but I'm afraid to make thing even worse. Please help.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mustangman View Post
    When I started trt I was on 200ml e7d, 500iu hcg2x week and 1mg adex on MWF and 6 weeks later my lab results were as follows:blood done on day of injection before injection.
    FREE T:105
    E2: 1056 range was 7-39
    And that's when dr had me stop hcg and split my test dose Down to the 100 ml E3.5D and started taking the adex at 1mg 7 days a week. Then we tested 6 weeks later . That's we're I am now at the numbers I wrote on the first post. Thank you guys.
    Interesting. I feel my E is skyrocketing too. I'll find out for sure after blood test results come in. But I've been on 200 mg each week, 250 iu Hcg mwf. And 1 mg anastazole Monday and Thursday.

    Doc said to try 1 mg anastraze eod. But to keep using the Hcg unless I want balls like raisins. I also started splitting my dose to e3.5d fri morn and mon night at 100 mg each
    Last edited by Moparman; 04-07-2013 at 11:00 AM.

  15. #15
    Nice what time of day do you take you hcg? I would love to stay on 100ml e3.5 days cause in 4 months I put on 16 lbs of LBM. And my bench press has gone up almost 100 lbs for my 1 rep max, but I really want to start the hcg to bring my big balls back. Do you think I could add the hcg and just stay at 100 ml E3.5d , if so i do my shots on Sun morn and weds night when would I take the hcg

  16. #16
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    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Mustangman View Post
    Thanks,Jwws9999, I know I bothers me that I have to be at so much adex, do you think that now that I'm cutting my test dose I half I should drop to 1mg MWF instead? And do you think it's a good idea form me to start the hcg the same week that I'm cutting my test to in half or would it be better to try the 100ml cyp e7 days alone with the adex for a few weeks first? Sorry for all the questions. My E2 before trt was always high at 38 my total t was 404 but my free t was very low
    i'd start doing the the new dosage of t with the hcg, than all you'll have to adjust is the adex, that's gonna be the trick. and i don't think it matters what time of day you take the hcg. i take 250 iu twice a week, and i'm not picky about when i do it

  17. #17
    Oh ok I thought I would have to take 250iu on the 5th and 6th day if I'm injecting every 7th day? Thanks again

  18. #18
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    Aug 2012
    1,704 change at a time. When my t was at 1400, libido wasn't there. Lowered my dose and it was back. Also, hCG raised my t level, so I probably wouldn't add that 'til you drop your t dosage. And, of course, after, or if you add hCH, get bw after a few weeks.

  19. #19
    Thank you Rusty11, so Your saying drop my dose from 100 ml 2x a week to 100ml 1x a week and keep my adex at 1mg a day and see if It helps? I definitely would like to start hcg cause of my boys getting smaller by the day .

  20. #20
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    The Great State of Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by Mustangman
    Thank you Rusty11, so Your saying drop my dose from 100 ml 2x a week to 100ml 1x a week and keep my adex at 1mg a day and see if It helps? I definitely would like to start hcg cause of my boys getting smaller by the day .
    You need to keep injecting twice per week, that seems to help the majority control E2. As for what dose per injection that's to be determined by your BW, Dr & how YOU feel

    Sent from my iPhone that was manufactured in a sweat shop in China

  21. #21
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    IMO, you need to work with you Physician on your dosage protocol and results of your blood work.

    The dosage amount of 1 mg EOD of the AI is way to much in relationship to your Testosterone dosage.

    Do you know if your Estrogen assay was the "sensitive" assay? If not, it needs to be. Read the sticky on's important.

    Besides what AnabolicDoc discussed, you should know that supraphysiological levels of Testosterone serum will/can damper libido in some/many men. You need to be at that upper end of the reference range and clearly you are not (you need to edit your post and add reference ranges).

    If you have a Doctor that tells you to play around with your dosage levels till you feel right without looking at blood work is very concerning to me.

    I think you need a new Doctor to be honest with you; this one is not caring for you correctly.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mustangman View Post
    Thank you Rusty11, so Your saying drop my dose from 100 ml 2x a week to 100ml 1x a week and keep my adex at 1mg a day and see if It helps? I definitely would like to start hcg cause of my boys getting smaller by the day .
    My best advice would be to listen to gd.

  23. #23
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    Feb 2013
    A guy I know takes the 1 mg anastazole eod. He says his body converts to estrogen easily so he needs it. I guess everyone is different right? So can anyone say for sure that's too much?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    My results (libido) went through the roof when I went from 200mg test to 150mg to now 100mg every 5 days BUT with HCG added in this go around at 250 iu 2x a week. My balls came back and my wife is happy but worn out. HCG did the trick for me and I cannot help think going lower in test dosage helped too. FYI I do not take an AI of any kind I do the natural route of stinging nettles and DIM. My E2 count is 17. Going back to dr to go over new BW since new protocol. Will post but by how I feel .............its so much better right now. Hope this helps

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