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Thread: Can I get some feedback about test Prop, Masteron Prop, and Var cycle?

  1. #1

    Can I get some feedback about test Prop, Masteron Prop, and Var cycle?

    Hey guys, so I am putting together my cycle that I am going to start in the first week of June. I am just making sure that I have everything lined up before I put the final part of my order in to my guy. I am looking to add around 10lbs on this cycle; however, I am really looking to get that hardened, cut look. My last cycle was last summer I ran a 12 week cycle of Test prop, primobolan, anavar, and winstrol. Yes, I ran 2 orals at once, and that was not smart at all. Luckily, I have learned a ton in the past several months and I feel that I am completely ready to give this one a go. I just want some last input from some of you guys to double check I am on the right track here.


    23 years old: (please don't flame on the age, thank you)
    9-10% BF
    3 previous cycles

    The cycle that I was planning on running was:

    Weeks 1-8: Test prop 75mg EOD (should I bump this to 100?)
    Weeks 1-8 Masteron prop 100mg EOD
    Weeks 1-8 Anavar 40/40/50/50/50/60/60/60
    Weeks 1-9 Aromasin 25mg EOD
    Weeks 1-7 HCG 250iu 2 x week

    Support supplements: BCAAs, whey protein, Omega 3 fish oil, mixed greens super foods drink, probiotics


    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
    Vitamin C 6 grams/day for 4 weeks
    Tribulus 1000mgs/day for 4 weeks
    Vitamin D 5000ius/day for 4 weeks
    Melatonin 3mgs/night for 4 weeks

    Any feed back would be greatly appreciated!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    How tall are you? What were your two previous cycle?

    You dont titrate orals - not necessary.

    Use hCG up to wk 8.

  3. #3
    Oops. I forgot to mention that. I am 5'9.

    My cycle 2 summers ago was 10 weeks of sustanon 350, with masteron E, along with winstrol depot. My cycle last summer was 12 weeks of test prop, primo E, var, and winstrol.

    I will also use the HCG for the 8 weeks as you suggest.

    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    How tall are you? What were your two previous cycle?

    You dont titrate orals - not necessary.

    Use hCG up to wk 8.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Once again, You dont titrate orals - not necessary. Use 60-80mg/day.

    You have lots of support but are missing UDAC or NAC for liver support - very important when using orals.

    Use hCG up to wk 8.

    Bump your Prop to 100mg EOD.

    And i would recommend you dose your Aromasin ED not EOD, regardless of your chosen dose. Begin with 12.5mg ED, then titrate up if necessary.

    Hows your diet? I assume that's dialed in because of your low BF%.

  6. #6
    Okay, I will do that then. The reason why I was tapering up with the orals was to avoid having to buy another bottle of var... I guess you get what you pay for. I forgot to mention the NAC support. I'm on that.

    I will bump that test up to the 100 like you suggest as well as run the HCG from weeks 1-8 at the 250iu 2xWEEK.

    For the aromasin, should I continue this after finishing the cycle? I was planning on running it an additional week or so after my last prop pin. I also have letro on hand. Is there somewhere you suggest putting this in? Perhaps 2 weeks before running the cycle? I have read some interesting posts on the forum about to run it a few weeks before hand. Yes, I am aware of the sexual disfunction possibility... I just don't want that gyno, man.

    As for my diet, this is an easy part for me. I have no problem eating healthy and getting lean "naturally." I eat extremely clean. I practice IF for 14-16 hours. This works great for digestion, detoxing, and staying lean.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by mhswhite500 View Post
    Okay, I will do that then. The reason why I was tapering up with the orals was to avoid having to buy another bottle of var... I guess you get what you pay for. I forgot to mention the NAC support. I'm on that.

    I will bump that test up to the 100 like you suggest as well as run the HCG from weeks 1-8 at the 250iu 2xWEEK.

    For the aromasin, should I continue this after finishing the cycle? I was planning on running it an additional week or so after my last prop pin. No. If you control your E2 properly on cycle, you will not require any additional AI post cycle. I also have letro on hand. Is there somewhere you suggest putting this in? Perhaps 2 weeks before running the cycle? I have read some interesting posts on the forum about to run it a few weeks before hand. Yes, I am aware of the sexual disfunction possibility... I just don't want that gyno, man. Forget the Letro. Again, managing your E2 on cycle is key.

    As for my diet, this is an easy part for me. I have no problem eating healthy and getting lean "naturally." I eat extremely clean. I practice IF for 14-16 hours. This works great for digestion, detoxing, and staying lean. Perfect.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post

    Managing E2 during cycles in the past have never been a problem. However, the issue seems to occur a bit after the post cycle, which is a bit odd. It doesn't get too crazy, or anything like that. I am just a bit concerned, though. The gyno that I am referring to isn't full blown gyno. Hell, it might not even be gyno and I just might be my paranoid, usual self. I get a small BB like substance under the side of the nipple. I guess it is linked to Progesterone? I am not too familiar with that term. From what I have read, it seems to be a precursor to gyno, or that the individual is more prone to it. Would you care to give me a bit more info in regards to what this is?

    Thanks again, man

  9. #9
    don't mean to bug here; bump.

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