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Thread: New Dr tomorrow! / a question.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    New Dr tomorrow! / a question.

    I have found a new doctor because I found this site after I started TRT and didn't realize how complex this treatment was until much too late!

    My old Doctor never checked me to see why my T might be low just slung this crazy protocol at me and said see you next month.

    200mg cyp every week
    250iu HCG daily
    1mg Letro Eod

    So needless to say after the 4th injection i was going crazy! So he switched me to this W/O BW!

    150 mg cyp every 6 days
    20iu HCG daily
    1mg adex eod

    Now a week later I'm starting to level out. He has never explained to me why he started me on the original doses or why he thinks the new ones are any better. I keep asking him to explain, he keeps saying. I'm the doctor trust me , trust me and pushes me out for blood work. I did get him to run a sensitive estrogen panel but he would not check my prolactin. He said it was useless.

    Before i go any further could someone maybe try to help me understand his original and current protocol?

    So after that i chose to find a new doctor who is A4M certified.
    Is there any way that my new doctor could find out why my T was low without taking me off of trt ? When I talk to this new doctor is there any specific questions or advice some of you vets might have to offer on the specifics of my treatment that i should ask or address before i make the switch?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Get a copy of your original bloodwork from your old Doctor and post the results.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    My Level/Range
    E2 23 pg/ml 20-75

    Cortisol 3.90 mcg/dl 6.70-22.40

    DHEA S LVL 130.80 mcg/dl 5.00-700.00

    PSA .59 ng/ml 0.00-4.00

    Lipid Profile
    Cholesterol Total 144 mg/dl <=200
    Triglycerides 193 mg/dl <=150
    HDL 33 >=40
    Low Dens Lipoprotien Chol. 72 mg/dl <=130
    LDL HDL Ratio 2.2 mg/dl <=3.6

    MG 1.6 mg/dl 1.6-1.25

    Free T3 3.4 pg/ml 2.4-6.8

    Estrogen 71 pg/ml less than 200 pg/ml

    Free T4 .8 ng/ml .6-1.6

    TSH ULTRA 1.051 mcIntUnit/Ml .340-5.600

    TEST 300 ng/dl 168-746

    Test,Free .87 ng/dl .95-4.30

    All of these Numbers are Pre TRT no medications what so ever. Keep in mind I'm only 29
    Last edited by PeteyP; 05-02-2013 at 10:21 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I'm planning on taking this BW with me to the new Doctor with me tomorrow and ask him what would the first thing he would do for me?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    Quote Originally Posted by PeteyP View Post
    My Level/Range
    E2 23 pg/ml 20-75

    Cortisol 3.90 mcg/dl 6.70-22.40

    DHEA S LVL 130.80 mcg/dl 5.00-700.00
    Start supplementing with 50 mg of micronized slow release DHEA daily in the morning as soon as you can.

    PSA .59 ng/ml 0.00-4.00

    Lipid Profile
    Cholesterol Total 144 mg/dl <=200
    Triglycerides 193 mg/dl <=150
    HDL 33 >=40
    Low Dens Lipoprotien Chol. 72 mg/dl <=130
    LDL HDL Ratio 2.2 mg/dl <=3.6
    Nothing to worry about.

    MG 1.6 mg/dl 1.6-1.25

    Free T3 3.4 pg/ml 2.4-6.8
    This is better near the upper end of the reference range.

    Estrogen 71 pg/ml less than 200 pg/ml
    Your estrogen dominant. This is one assay that should be in the upper 20's. I would like to know what you look like now with the use of the AI in your protocol.

    Free T4 .8 ng/ml .6-1.6
    Like FT3 we like to see this in the upper end of the reference range. Your Thyroid is sluggish.

    TSH ULTRA 1.051 mcIntUnit/Ml .340-5.600

    TEST 300 ng/dl 168-746

    Test,Free .87 ng/dl .95-4.30

    All of these Numbers are Pre TRT no medications what so ever. Keep in mind I'm only 29
    Tell us more about yourself. Age, body fat composition, diet, training schedule...everything.

    To be honest, the protocol you started with, while a bit aggressive, is not out of the ordinary.

    Now, if you tell me your 19 years old it's a totally different situation.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    29 years old been lifting about 7 years 18% bf diet is good all natural foods no junk! Right now running 50/30/20 pro/carb/fat @ 2400-2800 calories a day 5'10" weight 214 . I lift 4 days a week for about two hours full body do abs twice a week got dead lift and squats its a good well rounded routine. I switch up weight and reps every week to prevent adaptation as much as possible. Most all of my simple carbs come from fruits. 90% of everything I have been doing over the last 3 months I have learned from Vets on this forum, Thanks Guys!
    Last edited by PeteyP; 05-03-2013 at 10:48 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    Ever use aas?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    [QUOTE=PeteyP;6522708] He has never explained to me why he started me on the original doses or why he thinks the new ones are any better. I keep asking him to explain, he keeps saying. I'm the doctor trust me , trust me and pushes me out for blood work. I did get him to run a sensitive estrogen panel but he would not check my prolactin. He said it was useless.[QUOTE]

    I work as an Rn and I see this all the time. This is a more complex explanation of what I tell my patients. According to the Informed consent law Doctors are required to disclose and discuss anything concerning their care of the patient. Patients are allowed to ask questions to elicit a better understanding of the treatment or procedure, so that they can make an informed decision to proceed or to refuse a particular course of medical care.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Thanks Tiger. GD no I have never used aas. Lol not even the knock off "legal" crap.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Well I met with the new doc this morning. Went over my protocol and the bw i have that my old doc used to set up my protocol.

    The new doc is A4M certified and is worried about why my levels are low . So we are setting up a plan to bring me off of the protocol and test my LH and Fsh and a whole huge list of other thing z

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    [QUOTE=tigerspawn;6524021][QUOTE=PeteyP;6522708] He has never explained to me why he started me on the original doses or why he thinks the new ones are any better. I keep asking him to explain, he keeps saying. I'm the doctor trust me , trust me and pushes me out for blood work. I did get him to run a sensitive estrogen panel but he would not check my prolactin. He said it was useless.

    I work as an Rn and I see this all the time. This is a more complex explanation of what I tell my patients. According to the Informed consent law Doctors are required to disclose and discuss anything concerning their care of the patient. Patients are allowed to ask questions to elicit a better understanding of the treatment or procedure, so that they can make an informed decision to proceed or to refuse a particular course of medical care.
    Great info!

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    South Fla
    Agree with your Doc; you shouldn't be so low at should be peaking.

    Keep us posted on your progress in this thread.

  13. #13
    LowT Mike is offline HRT Specialist, P.A. -
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    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by PeteyP View Post
    Well I met with the new doc this morning. Went over my protocol and the bw i have that my old doc used to set up my protocol.

    The new doc is A4M certified and is worried about why my levels are low . So we are setting up a plan to bring me off of the protocol and test my LH and Fsh and a whole huge list of other thing z
    Great! Im A4m board certified and when I was reading the threads and you asked "Is there any way to find the reason of my low T without taking me off TRT. I had to chime in...When deciding to treat someone at your age with the levels you have the practitioner has to rule out a few pathologies first because it is not that common. There are a few things that you could run to be ruled out before you get pulled off your TRT. pituitary adenoma for both prolactin secreting and none. Just get a simple head MRI. Klinefelter's syndrome, most cases are diagnosed at birth and would be long shot but possibly if you exhibit the symptoms and signs might be worth a chromosomal analysis (karyotype) to confirm the diagnosis. The most obvious approach would be to pull you off your TRT and restage a LH and FSH. I didnt see it on your original panels and it would really help the diagnosis from the beginning. With a baseline T and LH, FSH you can then start triage possibilities such as, head trauma, testicular trauma, primary hypo, secondary hypo, "then lifestyle impacts" diabetes,use of SSRI's, opioids. Sounds like the new doc knows what hes doing. Please post the new protocol and I will be happy to review

    Mike Brookins, Board Certified Anti-Anging and Regenerative Medicine
    Chief Clinical Advisor

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Thanks Mike! Yes my new doc discussed all of the same things you just mentioned with me and I made another appointment with him so that we can get the ball rolling. I feel very confident with my new doctor. He is known personally by a family member. Not to mention that he was so knowledgeable. We spent almost an hour and a half discussing my current protocol and what all we need to do and possibilities of treatment! Maybe even being able to come off of trt! Which has its pros and cons. All in all I'm excited!

  15. #15
    LowT Mike is offline HRT Specialist, P.A. -
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by PeteyP View Post
    Thanks Mike! Yes my new doc discussed all of the same things you just mentioned with me and I made another appointment with him so that we can get the ball rolling. I feel very confident with my new doctor. He is known personally by a family member. Not to mention that he was so knowledgeable. We spent almost an hour and a half discussing my current protocol and what all we need to do and possibilities of treatment! Maybe even being able to come off of trt! Which has its pros and cons. All in all I'm excited!
    Great! Let me know how it goes.

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