I should have shared these a while ago, but for personal reasons I wasn't ready yet.
Here is my progress pics since being on TRT over the past year. Hoping to help
motivate other and let them know there is a light at the other end of the tunnel
IF you are willing to the work.
Started TRT when i was 35y/o now i'm 36y/o 5'7
Going from From left to right.
Pic 1: It was taken right before i got on TRT
I was around 180-185lbs, I was working out hard in the gym but over the years I slowly lost
the ability to lose bodyfat no matter what I did.
Pic 2: Months 1-4 into my TRT treatment, my weight shot up to 220.
I was still getting my protocol dialed at the time and you can tell i'm holding
water. I wasn't on an ai yet and yes my E2 did get on the high end.
In the Gym, i felt like I was a different person..new PR's every week.
Pic 3: Months 5-8, bodyweight 190 lbs, Finally got my protocol dialed in All based on Blood work,
-Test E 200mg week/ split 100mg on Monday AM and 100mg on Thursday PM,
-HCG 250iu M-W-F,
-AI .25mg Tuesdays.
Pic 4: Month 9-12, Really dialed in my diet and got my bodyweight down to 188lbs.
It was a roller coaster at first but i'm really happy that I decided to get on TRT.
I don't want anyone to think my results came "easy", I still had to bust my ass in the gym
everyday and staying consistent with my diet.
This back pic I'm currently sitting at about 198 pretty solid, I plan to get leaner over the summer and
hopefully get some vascularity like Kel and GD!
I also want to personally thank Kel and GD for their time for taking the to answer messages from me along
the way to help my refine my TRT protocol.
This board is a great place thanks to everyone who contributes.