Just got my gear in, and I'm preparing to do my first cycle. Coincidentally, our strength conditioning coach just lectured us on roids, and he said that if he is suspicous of anyone, he will test us for roids for our own good.
I know that this might all just be smoke, but I KNOW that the NCAA and our conference will test for roids randomly. The likelihood of being tested is slim, BUT if I was tested, I want to be prepared for ways to get around it.
I play D-1 baseball, and i'm starting a test prop/anavar/winstrol/ and maybe clenbuterol cycle. I dont do any street drugs. I read the "how to beat drug tests" on the home page, but i would like to hear yall's advice. I like the additive idea (bleach, Klean, etc) but i play in Texas, where i heard thats illegal.
Also, I dont want to rig a drug test if it isnt going to test for roids, i hope yall can help me out here. also, i'd appreciate advice on what size of needles, and how many I'd need for my cycle, (or how to get them...local pharmacy, online, etc)
Oh, sorry I'm running a Winny 50mg EOD, Test P 50mg EOD, and Anavar 25mg ED. Should I go Test P on MWF, Winny on TRS, or Should i drink the winny for less injections, but I REALLY dont want to lose out on any of winny's results. Stack/cycle advice is always welcome, too.