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Thread: all of my lh/fsh values i nan attempt to see if hcg is right for me

  1. #1

    Exclamation all of my lh/fsh values i nan attempt to see if hcg is right for me

    at 19 my lh was 4.6(1.5-9.3) and fsh was 3.0(1.6-8.0) testosterone was 277

    at 21(my bday) my lh was 2.0(range says less than 2 is pre puberty and less than 10 post)...fsh was 2.9(less than 5 pre, less than 10 post) tt was 535

    2 WEEKS AGO....lh was 5.2(1.7-8.6) ..and total test was 339(348-1197), free was 10.1(9.3-26.6)

    so it appears my lh, varies quite a bit, and right now it is slightly above mid range. Do i sound secondary, and do you think hcg would benefit or hurt me?...and if ionly use 250-400 3x per week do i need to worry about my own lh stopping, or estrogen skyrocketing without an aromotase inhibitor.
    Last edited by powerlifterty16; 05-12-2013 at 02:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    hcg will suppress LH. Estrogen will rise, and an AI will stop peripheral aromatase activity, but do little to intratesticular aromatase (this is in one of gdevine's stickies I believe?)

    Have you tried clomid? After a month of hcg (which suppressed my LH), I did 14 days of clomid at 50 mg ED and my LH went up to 7.

    It's weird, it looks like your LH secretion is lagging behind your T production (pituitary is sensing low serum T and releases more LH, while higher levels of T are suppressing it). I'm used to seeing them together (high LH, high T/ Low LH, Low T)

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    South Fla
    I believe it best to get complete blood work done by a competent Endocrinologist and have your Hypothalamus and Thyroid checked.

    At your age LH and FSH values should be at the top of the reference range and they clearly are not.

    HPTA is sluggish and there are any number of pathologies that can cause that to happen.

    You need to rule out ALL health conditions before considering any type of hormone or peptide supplementation.

    Word to the wise!

  4. #4
    so would you consider the lh 5.2 to be low for my age as well? I was starting to think i may be primary with an lh of 5.2..thinking it may be pretty high? for secondary idk?

    i have an endo appt in june, but ive been seeing endos for years, and at this point ive done all that im willing to tired of seeing dr after dr and if my numbers look secondary i am willing to give the monotherapy a shot. i havent gotten a recent thyroid workup but a few weeks ago my tsh was 2.8 which while not ideal, is not horrible.

    When it was 20 my tsh was 3.22,
    freet4 was 1.0(.8-1.8) t3 was 110(76-181)

    when i was 21 (same time test was 535 and lh was 2.0)
    my tsh was 1.13,
    t4 was 8.39(5.41-11.66),
    free t4 was 1.21(.7-1.24)
    t3 was 159(94-170)

    brain/pit mri found a probable 2mm adenoma but ive since had a ton of followup mris that found no tumors...had an mri a few weeks ago and found nothing os that is ruled out...and my prolactin is awesome at 3..and always has been low...cortisol has always been high, although my urologist said that my last blood value of 25 was ok...ive been taking 600 mg phosphophatidyl(just started) and feel a small amount better.

    im calling the urologist tomorrow to ask what dose he is going to give of the monotherapy. so it seems 250-400 is reccomended? It only needs to be refrigerated once reconstituted right but not before? He is giving me the first inejction and then itake it home. Can he reconstitute it and pin me same day all at once so i can monitor if he refrigerates it and then take it home to my refrigerator or do i need to leave it With him and trust him that the will refrigerate it
    Last edited by powerlifterty16; 05-12-2013 at 04:24 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Last edited by 1; 05-12-2013 at 07:52 PM.

  6. #6
    i am op?

  7. #7
    im the op?
    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    ^^^^Your hyjacking the OP's thread.

  8. #8
    any thoughts on the above questions would be appreciated still confused on whther 5.2 is indicative of secondary..and i posted thyroid values as requested.
    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    so would you consider the lh 5.2 to be low for my age as well? I was starting to think i may be primary with an lh of 5.2..thinking it may be pretty high? for secondary idk?

    i have an endo appt in june, but ive been seeing endos for years, and at this point ive done all that im willing to tired of seeing dr after dr and if my numbers look secondary i am willing to give the monotherapy a shot. i havent gotten a recent thyroid workup but a few weeks ago my tsh was 2.8 which while not ideal, is not horrible.

    When it was 20 my tsh was 3.22,
    freet4 was 1.0(.8-1.8) t3 was 110(76-181)

    when i was 21 (same time test was 535 and lh was 2.0)
    my tsh was 1.13,
    t4 was 8.39(5.41-11.66),
    free t4 was 1.21(.7-1.24)
    t3 was 159(94-170)

    brain/pit mri found a probable 2mm adenoma but ive since had a ton of followup mris that found no tumors...had an mri a few weeks ago and found nothing os that is ruled out...and my prolactin is awesome at 3..and always has been low...cortisol has always been high, although my urologist said that my last blood value of 25 was ok...ive been taking 600 mg phosphophatidyl(just started) and feel a small amount better.

    im calling the urologist tomorrow to ask what dose he is going to give of the monotherapy. so it seems 250-400 is reccomended? It only needs to be refrigerated once reconstituted right but not before? He is giving me the first inejction and then itake it home. Can he reconstitute it and pin me same day all at once so i can monitor if he refrigerates it and then take it home to my refrigerator or do i need to leave it With him and trust him that the will refrigerate it

  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Steroid.com1 is on point here. Further testing is needed which is exactly what you don't want to hear. I'm confused as to why they found a "probably" 2mm tumor and then nothing since. Maybe a facility more adept at this form of testing?

    Pituitary tumors -

    Curious if you've been examined for varicoceles as well?
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Steroid.com1 is on point here. Further testing is needed which is exactly what you don't want to hear. I'm confused as to why they found a "probably" 2mm tumor and then nothing since. Maybe a facility more adept at this form of testing?

    Pituitary tumors -

    Curious if you've been examined for varicoceles as well?
    i['ve had as much testing as any young low t guy can have...ive been getting tests since 18. the mri i had was in 2009, and i;ve had about 3-4 mris in total all at good facilities, and my mri in 2010 was on a 3t machine where they found nothing, and mri in 2011 was at the same facility as in it's safe to say whatever was there is gone.

    my ultrasound showed minor vasricoceles, but all the drs who examined me said im normal and when i posted my treport here ''anabolic doc'' said it was not causing my probs.

    now back to the original question, is an lh of 5.2 low enough to be secondary?

    and any thoughts on my thyroid values Not to call anyone out here, but i think it's hypocritical to tell me to get more testing when i've had as much testing as anyone on this forum..been to atleast 20 specialists over the years,and when i post my lab values people dont look. I'm done with the testing, and i have no problem with genetic low t...ive always been a weak small kid....and 339 isnt even THAT low so i dont think it's from a medical concern.

    is my lh of 5.2 at its peak still low enough to be secondary?
    i posted a full thyroid workup in the quoted post...any thoughts?

  11. #11

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