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Thread: Hgh dosing help

  1. #1
    human project's Avatar
    human project is offline Knowledgeable Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Hgh dosing help

    It seems that every other week I'm changing my gh dosing protocol.... I've tried everything.... Currently I'm thinking about doing 7ius per day 6 days on 1 day off and someone said I'd be better off doing 8ius 5 on 2 off.... This week I've been taking 3ius when i wake up to pee another 2ius when I wake up just before my morning fasted cardio..

  2. #2
    human project's Avatar
    human project is offline Knowledgeable Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I'm currently trying to come off anabolics and hoping raising my hgh will help me save muscle...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Hi there

    What type of HgH are you running? could be that you need to change the product itself? Personally I have never tried generics but from what I hear its a 50/50 chance on them...I go for pharma grade stuff str8 from local drugstore around the corner but I guess not everyone lives in a country like ours :P

    anyway: i am sure others will ask this but what are your stats and goals you hope to achieve from this?

    is it just a PCT kinda cycle? if so what was the last cycle you did? gains? were they lean muscle or water or what?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    im pretty sure he is running legit jins.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I don't think 7ius per day 6 days on 1 day off or 8ius 5 on 2 off makes much difference in long term effect... I would go 7ius everyday I really don't see any sense in day off while taking HGH..

    Another thing to your plan to come off anabolics... Have you ever used slin? If used properly 10IU slin twice a day may have anabolic effect comparable to 1000mg test/week!! So maybe taking 150mg test E/week as maintenance dose with 5-7ius HGH ED and some slin would cause that you will actually grow during this "pause time"... Just a thought..

  6. #6
    human project's Avatar
    human project is offline Knowledgeable Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Othello
    Hi there

    What type of HgH are you running? could be that you need to change the product itself? Personally I have never tried generics but from what I hear its a 50/50 chance on them...I go for pharma grade stuff str8 from local drugstore around the corner but I guess not everyone lives in a country like ours :P

    anyway: i am sure others will ask this but what are your stats and goals you hope to achieve from this?

    is it just a PCT kinda cycle? if so what was the last cycle you did? gains? were they lean muscle or water or what?
    My stats are

    Age: 24
    Weight: 245-250lbs
    Training experience: too long
    Cycle experience: 6 years
    I basically blast and cruiz taking off once ever 6-8 months for 3months or so....

    I am currently using pharmacy grade hgh.... It's not generic

    I haven't decided what to do about pct either.... Can't use clomid bc of terrible depression I get from it....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    You don't pct from hgh

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Your muscles repair and grow at night during sleep after killing it in the gym. I would change to IM before bedtime at a dosage of 5iu every night. This will give you the anabolic muscle repair with your GH.

  9. #9
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    May 2006

    Didnt mean PCT for the HGH cycle but was asking if the HGH cycle itself was being used as a PCT support coz many people seem to cruise on hgh in between cycles to keep some of the gains.

    Clomid hits me real hard to. I used pregnyl once in the middle of the cycle and once at the end. Also used other products like proviron , dostinex and arimidex...i cruise on proviron btw :P been doing it on and off for the last 5 yrs or so... 2 to 3 tabs a day...mostly for down under support than for muscle mass or anything else but I read it helps with giving muscles a hard look...anyway u read many things on the web...

  10. #10
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    dunno about night shots esp at his age...his body is still producing some amount of hgh and it would be risky to take night shots. I believe night shots are good only because at night there is no risk hed be absorbing any carbs around the shot...night shots also mimic the bodys way of dosing hgh in humans and is used by/recommended to people who are not capable of producing enough hgh

    As for IM being anabolic vs IV ... to be honest I have not heard of this but if you have any supporting evidence to this it would be good news. From what i know its a question of absorption time/mechanism which differs between IM and IV. As for anabolism I believe its dose related but then as i said this is a very vast domain and new studies emerge every day so I would love to read any lit. that shows this...


  11. #11
    human project's Avatar
    human project is offline Knowledgeable Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Othello
    dunno about night shots esp at his age...his body is still producing some amount of hgh and it would be risky to take night shots. I believe night shots are good only because at night there is no risk hed be absorbing any carbs around the shot...night shots also mimic the bodys way of dosing hgh in humans and is used by/recommended to people who are not capable of producing enough hgh

    As for IM being anabolic vs IV ... to be honest I have not heard of this but if you have any supporting evidence to this it would be good news. From what i know its a question of absorption time/mechanism which differs between IM and IV. As for anabolism I believe its dose related but then as i said this is a very vast domain and new studies emerge every day so I would love to read any lit. that shows this...

    Isn't iv in your vein??? I've herd of many people going this for huge doses of 20+ iu's.... I've herd it's up to twice as strong... Is this true; also what would proper procedure be?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2006

    sorry mate my bad.

    its subQ (sub cutaneous) much for multi tasking (forum and work lol) never heard of intravenous injections for HgH but then it could be happening...the two methods I know of are IM (intra muscular) like test shots or SubQ (sub cutaneous) like insulin jabs.

    Using the norditropin nordilet pens, I very much doubt IM would be feasible as the needle is so small (5mm)...

    I believe many of those who go huge on doses do so because they are using non pharma grade stuff which can be under dosed at best...until someone tests those, I wouldnt be willing to bet my money on the accuracy of the dosage.

    in Pharma grade 1Mg is 1Mg as this is controlled, overseen and verified by a rigorous quality control process in place...

    or did you mean people who did large doses did them in IV? Geeez what for man? I mean there is so much the liver can take up at one given time and in one given my honest opinion, like all drugs, one might face the law of diminishing returns after a certain dose... add to it the risks of sides from larger doses...just thinking of that gives me shivers hehehe

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