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Thread: Overdose of Melanotan-II causes muscle breakdown

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Exclamation Overdose of Melanotan-II causes muscle breakdown

    If you inject too much of the research chemical Melanotan-II into your body you can damage your kidneys and cause your muscles to break down. Researchers at the Illinois Poison Control Center in Chicago describe a case in Clinical Toxicology.

    The pituitary gland in the brain produces the hormone pro-opiomelanocortin [POMC]. This hormone is a precursor of ACTH, and ACTH is a precursor of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone or alpha-MSH. The latter is the model for the group of research chemicals to which Melanotan-II belongs.

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    The diagram above shows the structural formula of alpha-MSH. You can cut off all sorts of bits, as long as the shaded part remains intact. Otherwise the compound can't interact with melanocortin receptors, four of which are interesting.

    The type-1 melanocortin receptor [MC-1 receptor] is found in skin cells, which turn brown when stimulated by this receptor. Through this mechanism alpha-MSH analogues help pale-skinned people to develop a tanned skin without having to expose themselves to the sun.

    MC-3 and MC-4 receptors are located in the brain and the major nerve pathways. Stimulation of these causes sexual excitement and – in men – erections.

    And then there's the MC-5 receptor. This is involved in body temperature regulation. Thanks to this receptor many alpha-MSH analogues have a slimming effect.

    Three alpha-MSH analogues are on the market. One thing they have in common is that enzymes cannot neutralise them as easily as they can alpha-MSH.

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    Melanotan-1 is a medicine that is still at the experimental stage, but is being developed to treat illnesses that involve oversensitivity of the skin to sunlight. Melanotan-1 also goes by the name of afamelanotide or Scenesse. It is believed to be safe, although scientists have expressed concern about the stimulatory effect that Melanotan-1 appears to have on moles or birthmarks. Many skin cancers start out as moles or enlarged freckles.

    Melanotan-2 is a tanning agent, but also has a pro-sexual effect. For this reason the US company Palatin Technologies has developed it further into PT-141 or bremelanotide. Palatin toyed with the idea of putting PT-141 in a spray, but decided against this after test subjects developed high blood pressure from this.

    The 39-year-old white man described in the case study bought a bottle of Melanotan-2 like the one at the top of this page from an online store. The webmaster advises that users should inject 1 mg daily, but the man had given himself a shot containing six times that dose: he wanted to develop a tan as fast as possible.

    Two hours later things went wrong. The man started to sweat and got the shakes; he felt anxious and he developed pain all over. He was admitted to hospital where doctors found that he had a raised heartbeat and blood pressure and that his urine contained the protein myoglobin, an indicator of muscle damage. Apparently the overdose of Melanotan-2 caused muscle cells to disintegrate and as a result muscle proteins entered the bloodstream. This can cause kidney damage.

    The doctors gave the man intravenous sodium bicarbonate injections to reduce the muscle breakdown. The treatment worked and three days later the man was able to return home.

    The researchers put the product the man had used through a mass-spectrometer, and compared the printout with that of a guaranteed pure compound. There was a 99.41 percent correspondence, so it was likely that the product the man used to inject himself was not itself the problem.

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    The researchers have called on their colleagues to report any similar cases they come across. "Continued monitoring and reporting of these unique exposures can help elucidate potential complications and educate the medical community on arising Internet-based products", they write.

    Source: Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2012 Dec;50(10):1169-73.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion
    Very interesting as I only use 500mcg (250mcg before tanning and 250mcg after), but I've noticed my face get real red sometimes after an injection which to me indicates a rise in blood pressure. No way I'm going over 500mcg...I'm tan as fuk at this dose!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola
    Very interesting as I only use 500mcg (250mcg before tanning and 250mcg after), but I've noticed my face get real red sometimes after an injection which to me indicates a rise in blood pressure. No way I'm going over 500mcg...I'm tan as fuk at this dose!
    Good post bro,

    I just started again and have been doing 1 mg eod then I go to 1mg 2x a week for maintain..

    I also take at night cus the stuff gives me lethargy ..
    How is this?

    I used to do 500mcg a day at night until I was at where I wanted..

    I saw Dave palumbo recommend my newer strat

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013
    I have been dosing between 500mcg and 1mg per day...Definitely not going over that dose!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    5months ago we had a guy join the gym he weighed around 160 lbs. and was as white as a ghost. Now he weighs over 200lbs and is darker than most of the African Americans we have at the gym. He doesn’t tan so he has to be taking Melanotan-II. Thanks for the thread Turkish.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Like everything. Moderation is the key. 6 times the recommended dose! What a retard. Works great in small amounts. Tan's my Irish ars right up and easy to maintain at 500mcg once per week.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I've always done 1 mg a day for 7 days then 1 mg a week after that. I live in the tropics and wear shorts/no shirt to work so I'm not sure where the sun leaves off and the Melanotan II begins. I get almost too dark like that.

    On another note, my girlfriend is 7 months pregnant and absolutely HUGE. Probably something to do with her being a 110 lb Thai girl and me being a 265 lb Sasquatch, but about the last 6 weeks she doesn't really want to have sex as much as before. I'm on close to 3 grams of Test plus masteron/Proviron so needless to say I'm pretty much wanting it 5 times a day (no exaggeration). She was right there same as me until the 6-8 weeks ago. Anyway, if I were to start taking Melanotan II now it would become a real problem.

    Not to highjack, but is this normal with pregnant chics? This is my first one...

    I've also found out that hot pregnant chics make me extremely horny!!!

    If this is deemed a highjacking you could just PM me about the libido of big pregnant chics.
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    Last edited by The Titan99; 05-16-2013 at 02:40 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99
    I've always done 1 mg a day for 7 days then 1 mg a week after that. I live in the tropics and wear shorts/no shirt to work so I'm not sure where the sun leaves off and the Melanotan II begins. I get almost too dark like that.

    On another note, my girlfriend is 7 months pregnant and absolutely HUGE. Probably something to do with her being a 110 lb Thai girl and me being a 265 lb Sasquatch, but about the last 6 weeks she doesn't really want to have sex as much as before. I'm on close to 3 grams of Test plus masteron/Proviron so needless to say I'm pretty much wanting it 5 times a day (no exaggeration). She was right there same as me until the 6-8 weeks ago. Anyway, if I were to start taking Melanotan II now it would become a real problem.

    Not to highjack, but is this normal with pregnant chics? This is my first one...

    I've also found out that hot pregnant chics make me extremely horny!!!

    If this is deemed a highjacking you could just PM me about the libido of big pregnant chics.
    Lol Titan u give me the lolz

  9. #9
    Brazensol's Avatar
    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    Lol Titan u give me the lolz
    +1! lol.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    North East
    Titan, your the ****ing coolest, just so you know. And yes, preggrz is hot.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2013
    In my experience Titan....MT-II will give you lots of problems lol.

    Just wait till she's horny again...or get yourself a gik.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Titan in my experience it varies, some pregnant womem maybe believing they are unnatractive seek sex regularly others just the opposite. Also putting all dented forehead jokes aside many women find deep penetration uncomfortable during later pregnancy...although I have yet to sleep with a late term asian I would assume this would be more of a problem in smaller framed women who sleep with sasquatch.

    On the MTII deal I am always cautious since my first experience. The first bottle of MTII I got had a huge ball of peptide in it... although I thought it looked large having never seen the product before I really had nothing to compare with. Anyhow I mixed in my 1 ml of bacwater and dosed up what should have been .25mgs. After injecting I felt nautious as I had read you might so I went to sleep, well I awoke about an hour later covered in sweat and shivering and sick racing heartbeat and the whole up and pissed and the toilet had about an inch or two of foam on top of the water...about 15 minutes later I finally got warm again and my sweating and heartbeat returned to normal. This was years ago and at the time no one said that what had happened made any sense but now after reading this desription it fits 100% with the case study, except I just went back to bed and the next day added another 2 mls of bac water and cut the dose to a 12th of what I had used the first time. The up side of this whole deal was that my first bottle of MTII lasted me about a year.

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