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Thread: Tried TB-500

  1. #1
    Brazensol's Avatar
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    Tried TB-500

    I finally gave TB-500 a shot (no pun intended) after hearing many positive experiences. Sadly, I did not experience any improvements of note. I have tendonosis in my right forearm that makes any bicep and most back work painful at best and usually impossible. Here was my regimen:

    31 Jan 4 mgs.
    4 Feb 4 mgs.
    12 Feb 2 mgs.
    18 Feb 2 mgs.
    25 Feb 2 mgs.
    1 Mar 2 mgs.
    8 Mar 2 mgs.

    There were a few times when I thought I was making headway only to have the pain return a few days later. I did no lifting during the injections. In fact I haven't lifted since mid October. So frustrated. I wish everyone else who tries this better luck than I have had. I think the problem with me is it has been so long term (over ten years) that I fear the damage may be permanent.

  2. #2
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    I think this is the first bona fide trial where it didn't work.

    PM me where you got it from?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brazensol View Post
    I finally gave TB-500 a shot (no pun intended) after hearing many positive experiences. Sadly, I did not experience any improvements of note. I have tendonosis in my right forearm that makes any bicep and most back work painful at best and usually impossible. Here was my regimen:

    31 Jan 4 mgs.
    4 Feb 4 mgs.
    12 Feb 2 mgs.
    18 Feb 2 mgs.
    25 Feb 2 mgs.
    1 Mar 2 mgs.
    8 Mar 2 mgs.

    There were a few times when I thought I was making headway only to have the pain return a few days later. I did no lifting during the injections. In fact I haven't lifted since mid October. So frustrated. I wish everyone else who tries this better luck than I have had. I think the problem with me is it has been so long term (over ten years) that I fear the damage may be permanent.

  3. #3
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    PM sent.

  4. #4
    TB500 made a world of difference for me.
    I torn my Labrum in both shoulders. At separate times of course.
    My right shoulder took around 9 months to heal enough to lift (No TB500)
    My left shoulder seems to of healed in roughly 4-5 months. I just recently started lifting this week. ( I started TB500 2 weeks after injury ).

    I hope TR can help guide you, as he did for me.

    Thanks again TR
    Last edited by DB1982; 03-11-2013 at 10:04 AM.

  5. #5
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    Your protocol is different that those i have seen as far as loading time. Most do for 4 weeks - not 2.
    This and one other back injury are the only 2 instances i have seen minimal to no effects stated.

  6. #6
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    Agreed, something is wrong. Hope it's just a case of bunk peptide. It's still working for me.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 04-22-2013 at 01:35 AM.

  7. #7
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    he's getting his TB from a popular supplier. I don't think it's bogus product.

    but remember guys, tendonosis is a more severe/persistant form of tendonitis, and he may have to go about this several times for healing.

    if it were me, I'd give it another go around. maybe push it out for three months.

  8. #8
    Brazensol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Your protocol is different that those i have seen as far as loading time. Most do for 4 weeks - not 2.
    This and one other back injury are the only 2 instances i have seen minimal to no effects stated.
    Since there is no standard protocol I went with a heavier dose the first week (knowing that I respond slower to most any meds I've ever taken) and kept it at two mgs after that. Compared to TR's regimine I had taken 18 mgs over the same time he had taken 14 mgs. I don't think the protocol is what went wrong if indeed anything went wrong at all. If anything, I agree with TR, in that perhaps my damage is more severe and will (hopefully) respond to a second round of TB-500. I know a lot of guys have had great success with this stuff.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    he's getting his TB from a popular supplier. I don't think it's bogus product.

    but remember guys, tendonosis is a more severe/persistant form of tendonitis, and he may have to go about this several times for healing.

    if it were me, I'd give it another go around. maybe push it out for three months.
    I think I'll give it another try. It's not cheap but it's well worth it if it works.

  10. #10
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    Ok. I'm gonna try another round of TB-500. I may have got a little bit of relief from the last round. I think another round is in order and will hope for the best. Though there is still quite a bit of pain in the forearm it is somewhat less than before the TB-500. I am doing light preacher curls with higher reps and so far it's tolerable. The next day I can actually pick up my coffee mug without wanting to immediately put it back down. That is an improvement.

    It should be here in a couple of days and will let you all know how it goes.

  11. #11
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    I'm in. I'm about to start a run myself. Tendonitis. Will be reading.

  12. #12
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    Tomorrow will be my third injection of my 2nd cycle. So far things seem to be going very well. Only certain movements of my wrist cause any pain at all. My first injection was just over 4 mgs. Second one was 2.5 but I think I will go with a full 5 mgs for the 3rd and 4th injections and then drop to 2.5 mgs for another 2 or 3 weeks and then try to figure out a maintenance dose schedule. I must admit after having been disappointed with the first cycle, I am very pleased with the results of the second cycle. Without this improvement I fear my weightlifting days were over. It was just to painful to do anything that involved the bicep.

  13. #13
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    Great news...

    What company were you using before? And what company now? Just curious...(feel free to pm)
    Last edited by Twin; 04-21-2013 at 10:38 PM.

  14. #14
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    I'm betting it will work for you Braz. Osis is a more severe form than itis, so will probably take more mg's and longer period of time

  15. #15
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    Thanks TR. I may have overdid it a bit at the gym last night. Tried too much weight on 1-arm rows and seated rows. Got some pain (minor) but like an idiot pushed through it. Felt it when I got home but... this morning I was still able to pass the "coffee mug" test so I think I will be ok. Just got to learn to take it easy (easier said than done).

    Two months ago I am sure I would not have been able to hold my coffee mug after this workout so the TB-500 is working. I just need to work with it. lol.

  16. #16
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    ^the aging process requires we learn to adapt. You know this. But you are still struggling with accepting it. I know I did. Three injuries in three years, each injury took that muscle group down 6 months.

  17. #17
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    Still seem to be getting improvements. Some days are hit or miss. Days I think it will hurt and hardly a twinge and other days its more painful with no known cause (I suspect something done while sleeping). I am doing 5 mgs week and this is week 4 on the new cycle. Staying light and slow on any curls or rowing. Also started to use moist heat for about 20 minutes before lifting to try and improve blood flow and loosen up the problem area. I wonder if I should use more moist heat (say three times/day) to try and improve blood flow along with nutrients/TB-500 into the area? Any thoughts TR?

    Also using the rehab ideas (stretching along with very light weight movements) found on the tendonosis sticky.

    I still think I can beat this thing.

  18. #18
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    in the beginning, when I began to notice improvements, I was skeptical, thinking it could be just the normal healing process. but I knew from experience that my tendonitis took six months to rehab. so after 6 weeks and a majority of the pain was gone, I knew something good was happening.

    Just keep at it is all I can say.

    Today, I have 30mg in cold storage, just in case.............

  19. #19
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    One your dosage is a little low.
    Two, your TB might have been fake.
    My TB is lab tested and is good, I've had great results BUT my loading phase was 10mg/wk for 6wks followed by 10mg every 4wks.
    If I have any nagging areas I inject directly into them.
    I started a friend at 2.5mg wk to see if it would heal some nagging knee pain, after 3 weeks there was no effect so I bumped dosage up to 5mg and within a week there was a noticeable difference.
    Take it for what it's worth

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    in the beginning, when I began to notice improvements, I was skeptical, thinking it could be just the normal healing process. but I knew from experience that my tendonitis took six months to rehab. so after 6 weeks and a majority of the pain was gone, I knew something good was happening.

    Just keep at it is all I can say.

    Today, I have 30mg in cold storage, just in case.............
    Agreed, I thought the same thing until I stopped and the pain returned within a few months. Now I plan on running forever. I have 400mg left right now and I'm going to stockpile some more just in case. I don't want to run out, ever!
    It makes everything on me work better so it's worth the chunk of change I pay for it.
    Here's some more food for thought, I buy it wholesale and some of these peptide sites are still selling it cheaper than what I pay for it. To me that means one of two things.
    1. They get an awesome deal on massive bulk buys
    2. They found a cheap supplier selling fake thymosin and either haven't tested it or don't care that it is fake.
    3. I like counting in my replies

  21. #21
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    Any thoughts/experience with BPC-157?

  22. #22
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    None but I plan on reading more about it in the future. I'll let some other guinea (Times Roman) be the test subject on that one

  23. #23
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    Week 7, I believe, and another 5mg injection today. I have enough for 3 more weeks. Overall things have gotten much better. Still bothersome a bit while lifting so gotta be careful on technique and weight used. I use moist heat 20 minutes before lifting and ice it for 20 minutes as soon as I get home. Hurts a bit when I go to bed but the pain is almost gone by the next morning (I think the way I sleep does not help any) and by the end of the day it is pretty much back to pre workout condition. In the past (pre tb-500) even the lifting I am doing now would have left me in fairly serious pain for days afterward. Couldn't even pick up my coffee mug to drink out of it half the time. Now, no problem! I couldn't even do the classic bicep pose without lots of pain and now almost no pain! If I could just keep out of the gymn for 2-3 weeks I think this thing just might be a thing of the past.

    I think I love this stuff! I just hope I don't grow a third eye in the back of my head or something else like it in the future. lol.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brazensol View Post
    Week 7, I believe, and another 5mg injection today. I have enough for 3 more weeks. Overall things have gotten much better. Still bothersome a bit while lifting so gotta be careful on technique and weight used. I use moist heat 20 minutes before lifting and ice it for 20 minutes as soon as I get home. Hurts a bit when I go to bed but the pain is almost gone by the next morning (I think the way I sleep does not help any) and by the end of the day it is pretty much back to pre workout condition. In the past (pre tb-500) even the lifting I am doing now would have left me in fairly serious pain for days afterward. Couldn't even pick up my coffee mug to drink out of it half the time. Now, no problem! I couldn't even do the classic bicep pose without lots of pain and now almost no pain! If I could just keep out of the gymn for 2-3 weeks I think this thing just might be a thing of the past.

    I think I love this stuff! I just hope I don't grow a third eye in the back of my head or something else like it in the future. lol.
    see mate? =) I mentioned your tendonosis is a more severe form of my tendonitis, and therefore, your previous attempts were a bit on the shallow end, and you needed to run it a little more. So i'm glad you are finally beginning to see some results.

    just be careful, and remember that TB is not a cure-all. It may heal you, but do nothing for the original cause of the tendonosis in the first place. Recommend modifying your routines accordingly so as to prevent future reinjury.

    Good luck!

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pac Man View Post
    None but I plan on reading more about it in the future. I'll let some other guinea (Times Roman) be the test subject on that one

    ....thanks (I think?)

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post

    ....thanks (I think?)
    Be sure to let us know how it goes before you lose your sanity...!

  27. #27
    Brazensol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    see mate? =) I mentioned your tendonosis is a more severe form of my tendonitis, and therefore, your previous attempts were a bit on the shallow end, and you needed to run it a little more. So i'm glad you are finally beginning to see some results.

    just be careful, and remember that TB is not a cure-all. It may heal you, but do nothing for the original cause of the tendonosis in the first place. Recommend modifying your routines accordingly so as to prevent future reinjury.

    Good luck!
    And it' all thanks to your original tb-500 log!

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