I finally had 5 weeks of steady consistent protocol. 70mg Test CYP sub Q every 3.5 (Sunday AM/Wednesday PM) 250 IU HCG M-W-F evening and .5mg Liquid Exemestane every night. E2 has come down nicely but Test is high and free test is high. Please review history below and suggest adjustments to my current protocol. I was thinking the addition of HCG drove the test up so I should reduce the test back to maybe 60 mg every 3.5? I have been feeling a bit tired this past week... I thought it might just be stress from work and life.
History of Test and estradiol (E2). Test protocol the 6 weeks prior to the lab results.
12/06/2011 test 260 no E2
02/17/2012 test 321.7 no E2
05/30/2012 test 288.9 no E2
07/17/2012 test 264.6 E2 19
12/07/2012 test 303.9 no E2 Adrogel and patch
01/23/2013 test 394.1 no E2 50mg in belly fat
03/06/2013 test 852 E2 52 75mg switched to thighs
04/17/2013 test 493 E2 37 75 mg thighs added HCG and stane 03/15
05/22/2013 test 1056 E2 27 70 mg
Test Details: Testosterone Total & Free-male
05/22/2013 My value Range Flag
Total Testosterone 1056 300 - 890 ng/dL High
Sex Hormone Bng Glob 23 11 - 80 nmol/L
Testosterone, Free 265 47 - 244 pg/mL High
% Free Testosterone 2.5 1.6 - 2.9 %