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Thread: New lab results (assistnce needed)

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Drunkest City in the USA

    New lab results (assistnce needed)

    I finally had 5 weeks of steady consistent protocol. 70mg Test CYP sub Q every 3.5 (Sunday AM/Wednesday PM) 250 IU HCG M-W-F evening and .5mg Liquid Exemestane every night. E2 has come down nicely but Test is high and free test is high. Please review history below and suggest adjustments to my current protocol. I was thinking the addition of HCG drove the test up so I should reduce the test back to maybe 60 mg every 3.5? I have been feeling a bit tired this past week... I thought it might just be stress from work and life.

    History of Test and estradiol (E2). Test protocol the 6 weeks prior to the lab results.
    12/06/2011 test 260 no E2
    02/17/2012 test 321.7 no E2
    05/30/2012 test 288.9 no E2
    07/17/2012 test 264.6 E2 19
    12/07/2012 test 303.9 no E2 Adrogel and patch
    01/23/2013 test 394.1 no E2 50mg in belly fat
    03/06/2013 test 852 E2 52 75mg switched to thighs
    04/17/2013 test 493 E2 37 75 mg thighs added HCG and stane 03/15
    05/22/2013 test 1056 E2 27 70 mg

    Test Details: Testosterone Total & Free-male
    05/22/2013 My value Range Flag
    Total Testosterone 1056 300 - 890 ng/dL High
    Sex Hormone Bng Glob 23 11 - 80 nmol/L
    Testosterone, Free 265 47 - 244 pg/mL High
    % Free Testosterone 2.5 1.6 - 2.9 %
    Last edited by bethdoth; 05-26-2013 at 12:58 PM.

  2. #2
    I dont have enough knowledge to comment but have a question, is Exemestane an Ai? If so, .5mg everyday seems VERY excessive. I take a very similar proticol and take .25mg of Arimidex 2x /wk and am thinking of backing that off to once a week. My last BW shows E2 at 26 but I seem to be VERY sensitive to E2. You show E2 at 27 which seems to be good for most maybe your ok.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    rhoag your numbers look great to me if they maintain there! Remember numbers will range depending on when you test. Also know that a more modern scale for total test is around 348 - 1197. Your percent free at 2.5 is perfect actually. I'd test the same items in another 6 weeks or so to see if stable. If you think it's to high lower to 60 x 2 per week.
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  4. #4
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    Thanks for the replies I have been doing all my labs on a Wednesday at 8AM every time for consistency. I know this current transient endro Doc is going to want me closer to the 850 mark. he feels that would be normal for a healthy guy closing in on 52. I have an appoint on Tuesday afternoon we will see what he says.

    Yes Exemestane an Ai. I had a really hard time finding dosage information for this. It seemed most that use it are guys that cycle and stack and they take way more, closer to 16mg daily. I will have to watch my E2 and then adjust because it has been coming down the last 2 labs, I don't want it to drop to low.

    I think Stane and Arimidex are different types of AI's In the write up below I think Arimidex falls into the class of other ais?? I am still a bit confussed on this?

    Here is a write up on stane: While Stane is in the class of compounds known as ai’s, it works differently than other ais. There is a specific enzyme at binds to test and coverts it to e2. Most ai’s bind to the enzyme responsible for converting test to e2 right at the site where the binding to test takes place. A specific site on the enzyme.

    Stane, however, renders the enzyme completely inactive, a reaction which cannot be reversed. So what does that mean? Well when other ai’s wear off the enzyme is active again and free to bind to test to convert it to e2. This results in a spike in e2 levels. This is often referred to as “e2 rebound”. This does not take place with Stane.

    Also of note while Stane is extremely effective at reducing e2, to the tune of between 80 -90 %, however it is also very forgiving. Research has shown it is very difficult to “crash” e2 levels while using Stane on your research subjects.

    All in all we are seeing Stane become the ai of choice in the research community for the obvious reasons stated above. We are proud to offer this cutting edge, unique and effective AI to you.

    I gotta add that it taste terrible!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    rhoag your numbers look great to me if they maintain there! Remember numbers will range depending on when you test. Also know that a more modern scale for total test is around 348 - 1197. Your percent free at 2.5 is perfect actually. I'd test the same items in another 6 weeks or so to see if stable. If you think it's to high lower to 60 x 2 per week.
    Last edited by bethdoth; 05-25-2013 at 03:29 PM.

  5. #5
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    Are you sure.about that stane dosage? 0.5 mg? Exemestane is usually dosed at 25mg or 12.5 but I have never seen less than 1mg used. I don't think that's enough to have any effect at all.

  6. #6
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    Pretty sure. The stane comes in a 30ML bottle where 25mg ='s 1ml so a 1 mil syringe each divide (.1,.2,.3 etc) would be 2.5mg. there are 5 dividing lines in each unit so 2.5 divided by 5 would be .5. So basically I fill the end of the syringe.

    I have searched for dosage for guys doing HRT and there really isn't much info. Like I said most posts that I found related to liquid stane were guys cycling, and yes they dose higher.
    Last edited by bethdoth; 05-26-2013 at 10:40 AM.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Point is rhoag you may be able to get by without an AI if you're lean and on the twice weekly protocol. Slightly reducing your dose and dropping your AI may be worth a try if you feel up to it. Less = more, right!
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  8. #8
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    I have thought about it but my E2 was high just 11 weeks ago at 52. I went back to the original post and added what my test dosages were the 6 weeks prior to each lab. It doesn't make much sense. There was one wrench thrown in my wheels because we were on vacation in Jamaica from April 6 to 13th. I did not take my hcg with me just test and stane. Plus I drank like a fish for a week but, did workout every day.
    So the labs from last week were probably my best indicator of how this protocol is working because I was consistent for 5 weeks. It would be great if I could reduce test back to 60mg every 3.5 and no ai. Because i do agree less is better.

    I know everyone is different. Like I said I have been feeling tired during the day lately and my mind actually not as sharp. I wonder if my body just doesn't like being at the upper range on the test? I felt the best just before the lab that had me at 852.

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