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Thread: Can't keep a Hard On

  1. #1

    Can't keep a Hard On

    I'm 65 years old my USA Dr in San Diego said after blood tests my levels where spot on for IGF and Test.

    Can anyone please shed any light on why I can not keep a Hard on.

    My Asian girl friends are all from 19 to 26 and good looking but after 5 minutes it starts going soft
    until it falls out - Help any ideas

    Daily - 2.5 iu of blue top HGH

    Weekly - 125 mg or 0.5 ml of Test Enanthate Injection
    - - - - - 3.0 ml of Vitamin B complex

    Is it what I'm taking or my age ?

    Any ideas would really help otherwise will have to give up my hobby.

    Last edited by xhooker; 10-04-2012 at 10:12 AM. Reason: mistakes

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Central California
    Are you a smoker?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by xhooker View Post

    I'm 65 years old my USA Dr in San Diego said after blood tests my levels where spot on for IGF and Test.

    Can anyone please shed any light on why I can not keep a Hard on.

    My Asian girl friends are all from 19 to 26 and good looking but after 5 minutes it starts going soft
    until it falls out - Help any ideas

    Daily - 2.5 iu of blue top HGH

    Weekly - 125 mg or 0.5 ml of Test Enanthate Injection
    - - - - - 3.0 ml of Vitamin B complex

    Is it what I'm taking or my age ?

    Any ideas would really help otherwise will have to give up my hobby.

    have you had bloodwork done? i would be curious about your E levels, prolactin level, and SHBG levels in particular.

    in summary of why: excessively high OR low estrogen will kill loibido, high SHBG will bind up that T you're on and kill that effect, and high prolactin will give exactly the symptom you're describing. (good at first, then wilting after a few minutes.) prolactin is the enemy. it's a hormone that rises in men post-orgasm that causes the refractory period. if it's high to begin with, your body thinks you're already done.

    another thought: have you tried tadalafil or sildenafil? it's not a sin and the stigma certainly isn't worse than the experience you described above!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Cialis is the bomb, bro.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by tripletotal View Post
    have you had bloodwork done? i would be curious about your E levels, prolactin level, and SHBG levels in particular.

    in summary of why: excessively high OR low estrogen will kill loibido, high SHBG will bind up that T you're on and kill that effect, and high prolactin will give exactly the symptom you're describing. (good at first, then wilting after a few minutes.) prolactin is the enemy. it's a hormone that rises in men post-orgasm that causes the refractory period. if it's high to begin with, your body thinks you're already done.

    another thought: have you tried tadalafil or sildenafil? it's not a sin and the stigma certainly isn't worse than the experience you described above!
    I agree with TrippleTotal, E2 and prolactin are the primary killers of erections. On top of this, what exactly were your "spot on" results of your Test? Just curious..

  6. #6
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    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    I agree with TrippleTotal, E2 and prolactin are the primary killers of erections. On top of this, what exactly were your "spot on" results of your Test? Just curious..
    PT 141 might be something to look into as well...

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    USA-New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    PT 141 might be something to look into as well...
    if you dont mind me asking, whats PT 141 ?

  8. #8
    A cut/paste from wikipedia.

    "Bremelanotide i/ˌbrɛmɨˈlænətaɪd/ (formerly PT-141) is a compound under drug development by Palatin Technologies as a treatment for female sexual dysfunction, hemorrhagic shock and reperfusion injury. It functions by activating the melanocortin receptors MC1R and MC4R, to modulate inflammation and limiting ischemia.[2] It was originally tested for intranasal administration in treating female sexual dysfunction but this application was temporarily discontinued in 2008 after concerns were raised over adverse side effects of increased blood pressure. As of March, 2012, Palatin is conducting a human Phase 2B study[3] using a new subcutaneous drug delivery system that appears to have little effect on blood pressure."

    I'm always worried about temporary ED solution. I know guys that seemed to have built up the tolerance to both Viagra and Cialis. It doesn't even work anymore. I wonder if one will build up a tolerance to PT-141. Good luck.

  9. #9
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich View Post
    if you dont mind me asking, whats PT 141 ?
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    A cut/paste from wikipedia.

    "Bremelanotide i/ˌbrɛmɨˈlænətaɪd/ (formerly PT-141) is a compound under drug development by Palatin Technologies as a treatment for female sexual dysfunction, hemorrhagic shock and reperfusion injury. It functions by activating the melanocortin receptors MC1R and MC4R, to modulate inflammation and limiting ischemia.[2] It was originally tested for intranasal administration in treating female sexual dysfunction but this application was temporarily discontinued in 2008 after concerns were raised over adverse side effects of increased blood pressure. As of March, 2012, Palatin is conducting a human Phase 2B study[3] using a new subcutaneous drug delivery system that appears to have little effect on blood pressure."

    I'm always worried about temporary ED solution. I know guys that seemed to have built up the tolerance to both Viagra and Cialis. It doesn't even work anymore. I wonder if one will build up a tolerance to PT-141. Good luck.
    AR-R carries it. I just received two vials.

  10. #10

    Yes Thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by tripletotal View Post
    have you had bloodwork done? i would be curious about your E levels, prolactin level, and SHBG levels in particular.

    in summary of why: excessively high OR low estrogen will kill loibido, high SHBG will bind up that T you're on and kill that effect, and high prolactin will give exactly the symptom you're describing. (good at first, then wilting after a few minutes.) prolactin is the enemy. it's a hormone that rises in men post-orgasm that causes the refractory period. if it's high to begin with, your body thinks you're already done.

    another thought: have you tried tadalafil or sildenafil? it's not a sin and the stigma certainly isn't worse than the experience you described above!
    Thanks Tripletotal and others
    You where right on my estrogen levels far to low have adjusted and everything is OK will re do
    Blood work this month as has been traveling without meds and post results
    Last edited by xhooker; 04-09-2013 at 07:15 AM. Reason: spelling

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I had some ED problems that went along with my horrible diet, extremely low T, and a recent trauma and subsequent surgeries and batteries of drugs. I've been cleaning everything up, and slowly healing from my (hopefully) last surgery last week, but I added 5mg 2xday of liquid Cialis, and I've had excellent results. Of course getting all your BW in order is first on the docket, but there are a lot of positive results from using a PDE5 inhibitor other than just to work on ED. Here's a link from the TRT forum

    , if it doesnt' work, just hop over to the TRT forum and look for the heading "5mg Cialis 2x a day". Hope this helps.

  12. #12
    PT-141 is no joke. Take too much, and you will have a hard on for 8 hours.

  13. #13
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    Mar 2013
    I have used PT 141 and Melanotan II. I believe PT 141 is made from Melonetan II. I use the later more because of tanning effect also. What dose do you guys recommend for these? I get nausea and headache if I take to much.

  14. #14
    Lol, I've been there buddy. Infact, I'm still there right now! To make things even worse, I'm ****ing 23 years old and I struggle even Getting erect, let alone keeping it erect lol.

    To the geezer who said Cialis is 'the bomb'... No, no it's not man, just gives me a ****ing headache n makes my heart race a little faster than usual, but that's probably not be the case for everyone still.

    You need to go see a Urologist and get a Cavernosogram,full work up check and an Ultrasound scan to see what the problem is. If it's not an injury or something then it must be to do with yur age or yur testosterone/estrogen levels.

  15. #15
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    Mar 2013

    QUOTE=HGH_89;6539584]Lol, I've been there buddy. Infact, I'm still there right now! To make things even worse, I'm ****ing 23 years old and I struggle even Getting erect, let alone keeping it erect lol.

    To the geezer who said Cialis is 'the bomb'... No, no it's not man, just gives me a ****ing headache n makes my heart race a little faster than usual, but that's probably not be the case for everyone still.

    You need to go see a Urologist and get a Cavernosogram,full work up check and an Ultrasound scan to see what the problem is. If it's not an injury or something then it must be to do with yur age or yur testosterone/estrogen levels.[/QUOTE]

    If Cialis didn't work did you try Viagra? V didn't work for me bit Cialis did. It's not uncommon for one not to work but the other does.There's supposed to be a new class of ED drugs coming out but I am not up on the info. But If you use PT141 or Melonatan II WITH Viagra or Cialis in a lower dose you should get results! But be careful lol. I like what scotchgaurd said about temporary ED solutions especially at a young age. Better to find out the problem than masking it. Geezer!! oush! lol
    Last edited by ImpeccableChaos; 05-16-2013 at 02:49 PM.

  16. #16
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  17. #17
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    Levitra is a ED medication too.

    I use a cialis/viagra combo that I make. Sometimes I will add Nitric Oxide to it for sport. iPT-141 is great too.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by HGH_89 View Post
    Lol, I've been there buddy. Infact, I'm still there right now! To make things even worse, I'm ****ing 23 years old and I struggle even Getting erect, let alone keeping it erect lol.

    To the geezer who said Cialis is 'the bomb'... No, no it's not man, just gives me a ****ing headache n makes my heart race a little faster than usual, but that's probably not be the case for everyone still.

    You need to go see a Urologist and get a Cavernosogram,full work up check and an Ultrasound scan to see what the problem is. If it's not an injury or something then it must be to do with yur age or yur testosterone/estrogen levels.

    Cialis cause that at high dose
    i tried this 5 mg twice a day and it causes bad headache for me like im sick
    im running 10 mg E3d and its working fantastic
    it worked for almost a year before of countinous runnung. never got immune to it or built tolerence. 10mg always had amazing effect on me ....
    E3d. no headaches. not a single side effect
    and amazing performance

  19. #19
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    I just want to put my two cents in for Vardenafil Hcl (Levitra). Viagra makes my BP really low, my face flushes, and my nose gets clogged up. Cialis does the same thing for me but lasts too long.

    Levitra is awesome! Hard cock, no flush, BP felt fine too!!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2013
    At your age you could use Trimix. Rx and penile injection but you are good for an hour. 4yr user

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