I saw my doc 3 weeks ago to go over the bloodwork. He was gonna call me in 3 days concerning HCG and the AI. Well he never did. I dropped off a few supporting documents and still 2 weeks later no returned calls after multiple attempts. I had no other choice but to stalk his office!lol
I waited for him in the room for a bit. He comes in and realizes that we already discussed the BW and I reminded him about the HCG, AI and him not returning my call. Of course, he was busy. He read about half of the articles, starting joking about me being "cutting edge", the " iceman" and laughed that I wasn't leaving without these scripts!!
He called Walgreens, they don't carry it and haven't in 2 years but can order it. Also said " universally" insurance won't cover the cost of about $120.00. He still was reluctant to write me for the AI. I told him for the last 3 weeks I've been using one anyways, that I felt better and no longer cry during a romantic drama such as Shrek.lol and i'd prefer to not get it off the net over a legit pharmacy. He couldn't argue that.
He wrote the scripts 250iu twice a week and Exemestane 25mg daily but i'll split to 12.5. He also said he spoke to a Urologist at a convention recently and that along with HRT, an AI and HCG are normal protocol. Surely this helped my case.
The Exemestane is $20.00 and according to BCBS, a 10,000IU of HCG is a $10.00 copay. Should be in stock tomorrow.
Persistance pays off.