Hey test lovers Im like 5 months post test cycle everything has been fine but the last couple weeks ive been getting weak erections like not fully hard.
These tests were done on the 8/2/2013 i had no ed at this time even with high e2 and high prolactin
Fsh 4 range 2-12
Lh 7 range 2-9
Free test 441.2 range 198-619
Total test 19.6 range 8-29
Oestradiol 151 (28-156)
Prolactin 551 (86-324)
26/4/2013 these tests were done a few weeks ago with the ed symptoms.
Fsh 3
Lh 3
Oestradiol 138
Free test 458.9
Total test 17.9
Prolactin 178
Now my e2 is a little high i guess im just a high estro guy. My prolactin is normal now so what would be causing my ed? I had no ed with high estro and high prolactin now i have high estro and normal prolactin so did i crash my prolactin levels too much can that cause ed? My doctor says im healthy and all tests look fine and are with in normal range. Ill admit ive let my bf go up a few percent the last few weeks can that be the cause? Im at 17%