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Thread: Need a push

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Need a push

    Hey guys I'm 2 weeks into my HRT and have a question.
    Currently running HCG, ARIMIDEX, DHEA (50mg sublingual torches), nature Throid, and nutrients. No test at this point as I know it's a marathon and NOT. Sprint! BUT, my workouts are weak so far! There is progress so far with the above mentioned...I feel the mental fog is being lifted... More energy and my sleep seems to becoming more regular. I only woke up once last night and feel back asleep easily!
    Still zero libido and as mentioned my workouts suck!
    When I was younger I ran dbol for 4 weeks and my workouts were awesome! Do TRT docs prescribe such a compound? Also, I think I should begin asking the doc for test! My levels when starting were (total test 340 / 800-100ng/dL) and
    (free testosterone 8.1 L / 17-25pg/mL).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    What doses are you at for your TRT, HCG, and arimidex? I've been on TRT for a bit over 2 months now and my dr didn't have me on arimidex until after my blood work at week 6. Maybe your esterdiol is tanked.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
    I've posted my labs when I first stated and please forgive me but its too late tonight to look that stuff up. I will get back tmrw

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013
    But my e2 levels are not low. Very very high actually

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013
    from what I gathered on all my searching lately...either low or high levels of E will not result in feeling or being on!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by 64509chvl View Post
    from what I gathered on all my searching lately...either low or high levels of E will not result in feeling or being on!
    If you are saying that high or low e2 levels will make most of us feel like sh1t then yes your research is correct.

  7. #7
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    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by xcraider37 View Post
    If you are saying that high or low e2 levels will make most of us feel like sh1t then yes your research is correct.
    Yeah, that's what I meant, lol! OP mentioned E2 being very high so I'm assuming that's the culprit holding him up. I'm in no position to be giving advice...just learning myself & trying to be involved since I just started HRT.

  8. #8
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    May 2013
    Testosterone: free 340 L (800-1000 Ng/dL), total 8.1 L (17-25 pg/mL)
    SHBG: 44.4 (16.5-55.9 nmol/L)
    DHEA-s: 212.8 AVG (400-560 ug/dL)
    IGF-1: 128 L (200-350 ng/mL)
    Estrone: 123 H (10-30 pg/mL)
    Estradiol, Sensitive: 26.3 (10-30 pg/mL)
    LH: 0.1 (1.5-9.3 mIU/mL)
    FSH: <0.2 L (1.6-8.0 mIU/mL)


    B=breakfast; L=lunch; D=dinner

    B6 Complex 1000 mg once at L
    Vitamin D3 2000 IU once at L
    Ascorbic acid 1000 mg once at L
    N-acetyl cysteine 600 mg once at L
    Super Ubiquinol 50 mg with Mito Support once at L

    Lithium orotate 5mg 2x/day
    Magnesium citrate 150 mg 2 caps Nightly #60
    Melatonin 3 mg Nightly between 9-10 PM #30
    Nitric Oxide Support 1 scoops mixed in water Nightly

    EPA/DHA Fish Oil 1000 mg 2 softgels daily
    l-carnitine, l-arginine, Vitamin E and zinc
    Milk thistle
    2 TBS Organic Golden Flaxseed Meal daily

    Drug Treatments:
    Anastrozole 0.25mg cap Take Mon/Wed/Fri.
    Nature-throid ½ Grain daily
    DHEA 50mg troche ½ 1-2x/day
    Baby aspirin 81 mg 1x/day
    Methylcobalamin (B-12) 1000 mcg/ml Mix with HCG
    HCG 5000 IU vial mix 3 ml B-12, then inject 25 units on Mon/Wed/Fri only

    Sorry for the lengthy post... I just think Testosterone should be implemented in my protocol. What are your alls thoughts? I still feel depressed ALOT and zero drive and libido!

  9. #9

    I am rather perplexed here.
    Is the blood work you listed your values before starting your protocol?
    If so, why are you taking an AI if your sensitive E2 test was in the 20s?
    The 20s are where you want to be.

    If you are feeling like crap since starting your protocol then I would guess the AI crashed your E2.

    Also, many of your ranges in your bloodwork don't come close to the real ranges given in your other thread. It is hard to diagnose someone if they give faulty information.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Faulty info??? I took the values straight from the paper work!! Im gonna double check. Now u hav me freakjng out!!!!
    So u dont think i should be running the AI even though pinning the HGC?

  11. #11
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    You are on an AI but no test? That will kill your E2 and you will feel like crap. Your blood work doesn't show really high E2 - not enough to run an AI, especially if you aren't on test.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Deadlifting dog

    I posted the same numbers in both? Maybe u have me confused with another member? Im including a pic of the labs again. I appreciate any and all help bro! Seriously have no idea what is going on here??? Maybe the doc has me on the AI due to my Estrone 123 H (10-30 pg/mL)
    And the labs you see are the labs taken prior to treatment

    Click image for larger version. 

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    The above pictures are what the clinic has put together to keep all my labs in order. They are exactly identical to the actual lab papers! They simply transferred them from lab corp papers to a binder type to keep proper records

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Alright fellas. As i thought. I started a very similar thread before and LowT Mike suggested that my protocol was in check and all looks good and to simply stay on track and consider adding L-Arginine. ????
    I called the clinic last week and the Doctors husband who facilitates clients questions told me to continue this protocol for a month and then "see how i feel". Today i sent an email asking to begin Testosterone and received NO response. So... Tmrw i will INSIST rather than ask to start test. Also, this doctor loves the new "deodorant style" applicator for topical test. Should i run with that or insist injections???

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2013
    The "deodorant style" applicator

    Click image for larger version. 

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  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Are you sure your E2 was a sensitive assay. ...crazy mike

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Crazy mike:

    This is the "LabCorp" paperwork
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	139677

    This is the "binder" paperwork
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image-3102477426.jpg 
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ID:	139678

    As u can see the binder paperwork says "sensitive estradiol"... So i guess that is what it was???

  17. #17

    As far as your ranges:
    In your thread Tnatious New Bloodwork: PleaseReview you will note that LabCorp gives ranges that are the average ranges in the tested population. The ranges you give in this thread are your doctor's view on optimal ranges. Very different.

    As for taking an AI: Low T Mike said that he wouldn't have you taking an AI yet. He said to get bloodwork done after 4-6 weeks and take the AI if your estradoil climbs above 30. Not your esterone. Crashing your estradoil (E2) can make you feel really bad. Not good at all for your health.

    As far as adding testosterone, you should probably wait 4-6 weeks and see if the HCG is getting your testes producing enough test to get you in a good range.

    You might want to consider contacting

  18. #18
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    May 2013
    Thanks Deadlift! Didnt mean to throw LowT Mike under the bus... I miss understood. So, would u and others suggest placing the Anastrozole on the side line for now?
    Also, the clinic i belong to "IAAM" has the same credentials as Low and i have already paid these people a BUTT LOAD OF MONEY! But, i take suggestions; so monday i will contact and see what we can workout.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Well guys...after reading and reading im going to demand testosterone! Please help me point out some facts as to why i should start. I want to go into the office with some facts as go why i believe i need it. I dont want to simply walk in the doctor office demanding testosterone because i have no libido and still have depression. I would rather walk in stating facts based in my lab results

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2013
    And thanks again to all of you who make this forum so helpful! I would be completely lost in this treatment without yall!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Tnatious
    Well guys...after reading and reading im going to demand testosterone! Please help me point out some facts as to why i should start. I want to go into the office with some facts as go why i believe i need it. I dont want to simply walk in the doctor office demanding testosterone because i have no libido and still have depression. I would rather walk in stating facts based in my lab results

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Any advise guys? Sorry to make this all about me but not feeling well

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Not sure what is going on with my phone as half of my posts are not showing up on my thread... So if you guys have seen this already i DO APOLOGIZE!
    Well guys...after reading and reading im going to demand testosterone! Please help me point out some facts as to why i should start. I want to go into the office with some facts as go why i believe i need it. I dont want to simply walk in the doctor office demanding testosterone because i have no libido and still have depression. I would rather walk in stating facts based in my lab results

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