I did a cycle 2 years ago consisting of Tren ace, test prop and t3. This was the worst decision I have made, however I cannot change the past and I just want to fix my problem. I have libido problems.
I did some blood work in March 2013 and here are the results.
Free Test : 62.6 pmol/L
March 13, 2013 results
RTH: 2.07 uIU/mL
AND: 2.75 ng/mL
TES: 569 ng/dl
March 18, 2013 results
PRG: 0.801 nmoI/L
LH: 4.14 mIU/mL
FSH: 7.18 mIU/mL
E2: 105 pmoI/L
March 5 2013 results
LH: 3.46 mIU/L
FSH: 3.61 mIU/L
PRL: <10.6 mIU/L
E2: <73.4 pmoI/L
If anyone can help me there would be no way of expressing how grateful I would be.
All the best and thank you.