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Thread: new cycle help.

  1. #1

    new cycle help.

    Hi Im 26yrs old 6ft 1in 224lbs bf not sure. Been training for 3 yrs now. I have ran two cycles prebious . Both were test only cycles. First was test e 500mgs a week for 10wks second was test p for 12wks at 400mgs a week. Would like to run a new cycle to cut and gain lean mass. Was thinking of running some tren a and test but not sure of what dose I should run any advice thanks

  2. #2
    I would recommend you stay off the Tren for a couple more cycles. Let your body get used to the cycle/PCT routine. Tren will definitely cut you but it has such strong sides I wouldn't recommend it unless you have at least five cycles under your belt. This may seem extreme but I had more than five cycles before I ran Tren and I got hit by strong sides.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    I would forget the Tren it is overrated not in how effective it is that is dead on accurate but the sides that come with it, the experience you should have if you are going to use it, and most importantly the need to use it. You can run whatever you want but do you really need to run tren are you competing or anything if not I would leave it alone for a while buddy. If you want to cut why not run something like this

    Test E weeks 1/12 300mg twice a week (600mg total a week)
    Masteron prop weeks 1/14 150mg every other day
    Test P weeks 12/14 150mg every other day.

    (Of course on any of these runs you need to have HCG 250ius twice a week or don’t run anything)

    If you are looking to take a step up in your cycles there it is you will get great gains while you cut (so long as you really know how to diet) and you will love Mast in my opinion that’s my suggestion

  4. #4
    I appreciate the advice a lot. I really do Cuz I don't know everything that's why I ask for experienced advice. So is the masteron like equpoise or is it totally different.

  5. #5
    Hcg what is that exactly. Isn't thy something thats released during pregnancy.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Mast is nothing at all like EQ, EQ really is not worth your time or money in my opinion and Mast is going to give you much better results. I don’t have time to explain all I know on HCG but there are tons of forums on it look it up. It is not just used for pregnancy. It has also been used in men’s fertility for years. To explain this in a ultra simple way when you cycle your natural test shuts down, this can happen sooner or later depending on compounds used, tren deca right away others could take 4 weeks or more. Anyways Testicular atrophy sets in your reproductive system as well as other things shuts down this can be extremely damaging to the long term health of your balls (reproductive system) to where it is very possible they may never work or reproduce anything ever again even with a good pct. HCG is going to mimic what your body naturally does. So it will better protect your balls for their long term safety I would never run any cycle of any length without it sounds like you have a lot to learn you should try to do some reading on this for yourself.

  7. #7
    Well thanks for info. I knew all that about your test. I wasnt sure on the hcg. I took nolva and clomid before. Just was never introduced to hcg.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    why not try a test prop/var cycle..

  9. #9
    I have actually thought about that cycle too just kinda open to different ideas of what might be good to run

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