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Thread: Raising E2 with more Test

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Raising E2 with more Test

    I've been sitting low with E2 for some time, anywhere from 8-11. It appears that I react pretty well to Ai and it crashed my E2, and has been down for a couple of months. I'd like to get it up short term to at least the mid teens and let it flow upward to the 20's longer term. I'm at 8 now and am having boner issues ... got a new smoking hot girlfriend and am semi-losing boner during sex - I do NOT want to F this relationship up! I never had a problem before until by E2 started getting really low.

    Over the past couple of months, I've been taking Ai every 2-3 weeks at about 1/4 to 1/2 mg each time, and actually stopped about 2 weeks ago completely. I want to see if I can bump up my E2 by increasing my weekly dosages. I was at 145mg Test Cyp/week and 250mg twice a week HCG. I'm thinking of bumping Test Cyp to 180mg/week and HCG to 500 mg three times a week and do this for a month.

    Smart or dumb?
    Last edited by vmons01; 07-17-2013 at 12:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    yes you can bump up your dose to produce more e2, but you can also eat lots of flax seed and soy product to increase your e2. its a good thing you don't convert, no AIs!

  3. #3
    i would leave test the same dose and see if not taking your ai will help...the fact you needed an ai shows you converted

  4. #4
    What is your total and free test numbers from current protocol?

  5. #5
    LowT Mike is offline HRT Specialist, P.A. -
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    Apr 2013
    Not everyone requires an AI. The aromatase enzyme lives in adipose tissue. So men with more fat tend to hyperaromatase. Some guys require an AI in the beginning of treatment then seem to need less. A great way to control if you have just a little bit of aromatase would be 50mg Zinc and 2-3mg of copper it works very well. I use it for my hyperaromatse heavier guys that are taking 1mg anastrozole EOD. I can cut their dose in half with the right amount of Zinc and Copper.

  6. #6
    LowT Mike is offline HRT Specialist, P.A. -
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    Apr 2013
    Dont let your E2 bottom out. Bad for the endothial tissue coating the vessels surrounding the heart and brain. Thats why there are so many studies coming out with men with Low E2 and the direct correlation to Alztimers, Parkinsons, Lewy Body Dementia and Coronary Artery Disease. No bueno. Drop in libedo issues happen when E2 gets too high FYI.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    My current protocol (1x145mg Test/week, 2x250mg HCG/week, no Ai) has me at Total Test of 821 and E2 at 8 (Labcorp).

    It appears that I did need an Ai at about 12 weeks after starting treatment when E2 spiked to 60. But it's been around 10 since then. I'd really like to bump it up short term!

    LowT Mike: I've read consistently that low E2 can also affect libido. It's not as much my libido as it's my erection quality though?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Atlanta GA
    For me I had low E2 no matter how much test I ran, my brother is the same way can run a gram a week and never needs a AI lol, BUT we both have low E2, what helps me keep my E2 around 24 is HCG not sure why but it does but again everyone is different and you have to do the trial / error and see how it goes.

    And yes when my E2 was 6 I could not have sex for shit, mid 20's for me is the sweet spot.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Just curious, what is your HCG protocol? And has your E2 been low from the beginning, or did you drive it low?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Atlanta GA
    Quote Originally Posted by vmons01 View Post
    Just curious, what is your HCG protocol? And has your E2 been low from the beginning, or did you drive it low?
    Always been low, from 3-9. I hit 3 when I was told by a bro to take a AI if your taking test, that's before I went to see a pro. Also at 3 my knees killed me, I could not have sex, I had dry skin and felt like shit. From me I can do 100 test or 1000 a week and still have low E2 but HCG will bring it up. I do 100 a day per Crisler when I used to see him. I also take 3g copper and 50g zinc like Mike posted so not sure if I am fighting myself

    For the past year my E2 has been 20-24 each time I do blood work, Also for me HCG does not bring my test level up.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryanmcd View Post
    Always been low, from 3-9. I hit 3 when I was told by a bro to take a AI if your taking test, that's before I went to see a pro. Also at 3 my knees killed me, I could not have sex, I had dry skin and felt like shit. From me I can do 100 test or 1000 a week and still have low E2 but HCG will bring it up. I do 100 a day per Crisler when I used to see him. I also take 3g copper and 50g zinc like Mike posted so not sure if I am fighting myself

    For the past year my E2 has been 20-24 each time I do blood work, Also for me HCG does not bring my test level up.
    100 a day of HCG ? Why do it at all?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Atlanta GA
    Quote Originally Posted by Beethoven View Post
    100 a day of HCG ? Why do it at all?
    Not sure maybe ask Dr Crisler, it works and I feel good and if I do the 250-300 a few times a week I get zits and feel like shit so I do 100 a day instead of 250x3, if you do the math it's about the same.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Beethoven View Post
    100 a day of HCG ? Why do it at all?
    100 per day is the same almost as 250x3.

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