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Thread: How till testosterone and steroids effect my protein syntesis?

  1. #1

    How till testosterone and steroids effect my protein syntesis?

    How will testosterone and steroids like winstrol and oxandrolone effect my proteinsyntesis?

    I have heard recommendations from 1,7-2 grams of protein per KG of bodyweight and also upp to 4 grams protein per KG bodyweight.

    I know that I get a lot bigger and stronger if I eat 4 grams of protein per KG bodyweight. Is this really becauase I have a bigger calorie intake or because of the big protein intake?

    How much more can my body take up in terms of protein per KG body weight when I use steroids?
    Where can I find articles about this?

    I have been reading Ronnies articles on this forum "You'll want to read this!" regarding not eceeding 4 grams of protein per KG bodyweight.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    1.5-2 grams per pound is normal not per kg.

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