Hey guys,
want to run a log for my cutting cycle
Cycle: 400mg/week test e for 12 weeks and 60mg anavar from weeks 1-8
I have aromasin for an ai, clomid nolva for pct (gonna run aromasin in pct too, maybe instead of nolva). I also have 10000iu of hcg.
my stats:
180cm 94kg 18% bf
Deadlift: 220kg
Squat: 155kg
Bench: 115kg
Press: 75kg
Diet: is as high protein and low fat as i can manage each day, aiming for around 2000cal average, slightly under on rest days, slightly over on training days
Training: 5 days/ week, relatively high volume and intensity 1 max out day and 4 volume days arranged into squat+push / pull. Will also be doing cardio on an ad hoc basis but at least 2x week (i enjoy cycling so whenever the weather is good enough) might include some fasted walks in the morning before work too.
Goals: Drop to around 85kg / 10%, maintain all existing muscle (not sure if ill be able to recomp a bit and gain some, if i do great but not going to pin my hopes on it happening) and gain some strength.