Going into the next phase of this fat loss. Carb ups being dropped drastically. I weighed in 224 morning of these pics, pics taken after breakfast though, just several weeks ago did bod pod at 228 lbs and came back with bf of close to 26%, kind of surprised me there. Opinions are welcome here. Relaxed photo is relaxed, and all others are done cold. I just had a powerlifting comp a week ago, and have another in a few months, so that makes things even harder. But I plan to be close to 10-12% bf by next spring. At which point I will keep my bf in the 10-15% range except for various other circumstances that may require me to temporarily deviate.
I'm just starting this new phase, will be utilizing carnitine injections, my peptides once to twice a day, with a week off every 5-6 weeks. And the big kicker is planning on starting blast-cruise here soon. Idea will be low dose test cyp always with 5-8 weeks prop with 2-3 weeks off. Haven't ironed it out completely yet. Really unsure about the ai dose at this point, i currently take .25 arimidex eod, not sure what that needs to get bumped too, that keeps me low-mid 20s, but I don't do well with bigger doses, so bump it to ed, or is that overkill? I can ask this question elsewhere.
Let me know opinions on bf% too, and anything else, just keep in mind I don't have any intentions of bodybuilding, but the fat loss is important to me, as well as muscle and strength. I understand my arms are small in proportion to rest of body, largely genetics, but it might be misleading because I think the rest of me is just big in proportion to my arms and calves. However you want to look at it, but had them up to 17 and 7/8" earlier this year cold flexed, and they will keep getting smaller as I cut. But imagine with less fat on my body and them being more defined it won't look as bad. Thanks guys.