Hey guys,
I recently posted my upcoming Test/Tren cycle but after much consideration I have decided to drop the tren and run a test only cycle for the duration of 15 weeks. My stats are,
Weight: 86kg
BF% : Not sure, but will say around 15%
Height : 5'11
Age: 25
Training history: 4-5 Years
Cycle History:
Mid 2012 (Sust 250. Deca 250) 1ml each, per week. Duration 10 Weeks.
Late 2012/Early 2013 (Test E 250) 500mg per week. Duration 10 Weeks
Standard Clomid/Nolva PCT and AI dosages for both cycles.
Cycle Details:
Week 1-15 Test E 500mg pw
Week 1-17 AI: either arimidex 0.25mg ED or aromasin 12.5mg EOD
PCT will being 2 weeks after last injection, should i run pct for 4 or 5 weeks??
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
I would like to use HCG Pregnyl and if I can hunt some down I will be sure to throw it in my cycle, Although im located in Australia so it is very difficult to come across hcg.
This is a simple cycle with great benefits, All advice will be appreciated!