Alright guys..
Trying to put together my next cycle and would like some help designing it.
Current weight: 93kg bf 13%
Current diet pre cycle: 3500kcal (35 protein/30 carbs/35% fat)
Diet will scale to 5000 (last year winter diet 4500 kcal: this year summer diet finished at 1700kcal)
Last cycle: p/wk (12 week total)
300mg test prop
250mg test enan
300mg masternon
176mg tren (parabolin)
Turanibol first 6 weeks
Anastrozole 1mg ed
Last cycle I experienced gyno probs for the first time and had to drop the test prop. Also added letro nearer theast few weeks and tapered off. Gyno was successfully treated but now I know I'm susceptible I want to avoid it on mu next cycle.
I'll start my cycle when I get my weight back to 98kg through diet. I'm looking to gain size on this cycle before starting my summer cycle/diet.