Gonna try this one more time here, already posted this in the trt section. So sorry if its over board, just looking for opinions.
Ok start with stats and what the cycle was. I know I need help and was a bad recovery. I also forgot to get LH and FSH tested. But here is what I got and please anyone chime in on my next steps to a better recovery. Thought I took every step possible to have a safe cycle, except I jumped into to fast without baseline bloods.
Cycle was
Test c 1-12 250mg/2x a week
Winny 9-13 75mg a day
Hcg 250mg/2x a week ( could have been bunk?)
LDEX .25 EOD 1-14
PCT all from ARR
14-18 Clomid 100/50/50/50
14-18 Nolva 40/20/20/20
these bloods were done 6.5 wks after pct and done about a week ago.