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Thread: My first cycle (cutting cycle) on test enanthate

  1. #1

    My first cycle (cutting cycle) on test enanthate

    Hi guys, new to this forum and new to the world of aas. ill start off with my stats
    age: 25
    years training: 5-6
    bench: 267x6 reps
    deadlift: 310x6 reps
    squats: 330x6 reps

    Finally decided to take my first cycle guided by some knowledgeable people. Got 2x10ml vials of golden lab pharm test enanthate (250mg/ml) off my friend the other day.

    I plan to pin twice a week, 1ml each time i pin. Which means I am taking in 500mg enanthate per week.

    Ive got HCG which I am going to use pct (been reading alot about hcg being taken during, mid way and after the cycle, but I have personally been told to take it after)

    I had letrozol as well which is pretty damn strong but I only plan to take 1/4 tablets EOD

    I have ALOT of clomid and nolva to use pct 3 weeks after my last pin

    My cycle is as followed:
    10 week cycle
    weeks 1-10 500mg enanthate (two 250mg needles per week)
    HCG after my cycle for 4 weeks OR run it throughout my cycle(not sure how much to take yet, but i have a while to decide and already have it)
    clomid OR nolva pct 3 weeks after my last pin(not sure how much to take yet, but already have it)

    As I mentioned before, I am trying to CUT so my carbs will be lowER than normal, my diet is as follows:
    Meal 1: cup of oats and 2 scoops of protein powder
    Meal 2: 200gram steak OR 200grams of salmon (if im rich that week)+veggies
    Meal 3: 200gram chicken breast of thigh and salad
    Meal 4 (PRE): 1.5 cups of brown rice and 200grams of chicken breast
    Meal 5 (POST): 200grams of sweet potato or white potato with 180grams of canned tuna
    Meal 6: 3 whole eggs and a scoop of protein

    Training schedual:

    Monday: shoulders, 20 min interval
    Tuesday: back, 15 mins skipping
    Wednesday: chest, 20min interval
    Thursday: legs
    Friday: shoulders again (mine suck), 15mins skipping
    Saturday: arms, 20mins interval
    Sunday: off

    Now.. my questions about this whole plan are:
    - are the carbs sufficient to cut?
    - what is recommended, nolva or clomid as PCT, and how much to take
    - how much HCG to take post cycle for 4 weeks (if this is the recommended way)
    - how much HCG to take DURING cycle and from when till when (if this is the recommended way)
    - does this sound ok for my first cycle?

    I see alot of people going off criticizing on others plans, which i understand and expect. But please do so in a proper manner, it is my first time, 90% of the stuff online is garbage if you dont know where to look, people say one thing and do the other.

    I'd like to emphasize on the fact that I do appreciate your thoughts, critiques and recommendations but please dont do it in a way that makes me feel real stupid (even if something i am doing is real stupid)
    Last edited by mikeymikey; 10-02-2013 at 06:52 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Use the hcg on cycle 500iu a week spread over 2 pins. Stop before pct Dont use letro as a ai get arimidex. Try to get another vial of e and do 12 weeks. You can use nolva and clomid for pct

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    What are the macro's for your diet plan?
    Your actual goal?
    Bodyfat %?

  4. #4
    euroholic, do you think i should use hcg throughout the whole cycle? from week 1 to week 10 (or 12 as you said)? I was told to use either nolva or clomid, not both... I was thinking of getting another vial as well to make it a 12-14 week cycle but i guess ill see how i go. But I do/did initially plan on only doing 10 weeks

    back in black
    Macros SHOULD be roughly 220p, 150c, 80-100f so thats around 2400calories (let me double check when i get to work because i wrote it down and cant be bothered working it out now)
    I am 170cm tall (maybe 5'7''? dont know what it is exactly in foot)
    Weight at the moment is 90kg
    Body fat around 16%
    Goal is to loose a fair bit of fat and im assuming im holding alot of water as i generally do when i bulk. I wish to loose maybe 5kg which I think equates to be around 10-12 pounds? I am not too worried about the scales dropping.

  5. #5
    Just thought to use letrozol since I have it at hand

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Have a read at this and post up your stats as b I b asked it's to help you

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeymikey View Post
    euroholic, do you think i should use hcg throughout the whole cycle? from week 1 to week 10 (or 12 as you said)? I was told to use either nolva or clomid, not both... I was thinking of getting another vial as well to make it a 12-14 week cycle but i guess ill see how i go. But I do/did initially plan on only doing 10 weeks

    back in black
    Macros SHOULD be roughly 220p, 150c, 80-100f so thats around 2400calories (let me double check when i get to work because i wrote it down and cant be bothered working it out now)
    I am 170cm tall (maybe 5'7''? dont know what it is exactly in foot)
    Weight at the moment is 90kg
    Body fat around 16%
    Goal is to loose a fair bit of fat and im assuming im holding alot of water as i generally do when i bulk. I wish to loose maybe 5kg which I think equates to be around 10-12 pounds? I am not too worried about the scales dropping.
    That's a whole lot of fat in your diet if you are trying to lose fat. You might want to go to the nutrition section and lay it out and get some help. Black USA good asset in nutrition.

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Use the hcg on cycle 500iu a week spread over 2 pins. Stop before pct Dont use letro as a ai get arimidex. Try to get another vial of e and do 12 weeks. You can use nolva and clomid for pct
    Good advice above and from the others as well...
    Don't forget blood work. Very important.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  9. #9
    yeah got my blood count and test levels done on monday, i should get it real soon. Then I plan to get another mid cycle (week 6ish), then post cycle. That sound about right?

    Thanks Cape I will check that out now, just didnt want to lack energy since Im having lower carbs, so i ASSUMED to bump up the fats a little

    Thanks Clarky I will look into that

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Hi mikey.. i wouldnt recommend test e to cut. I would do test prop and end with winny instead. Test e no matter how much ur using is gonna cause water retention which you dun want. Enanthat is great for bulking but if u want that shredded look u gonna run test prop tren ace winny and masteron. Just an honest input and sth i learnt from gh15..

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrglorious View Post
    Hi mikey.. i wouldnt recommend test e to cut. I would do test prop and end with winny instead. Test e no matter how much ur using is gonna cause water retention which you dun want. Enanthat is great for bulking but if u want that shredded look u gonna run test prop tren ace winny and masteron. Just an honest input and sth i learnt from gh15..
    Why would u bloat on test e and not on test p?
    If you are controlling estrogen by an AI, diet on check that would be minimal ,

    I never got the idea behind difference between test e and test p beside the esters Half life

  12. #12
    An AI will help for bloat and water retention, I heard Test P, is better for cutting. Then again it all depends on what you're doing. I was always told keep short ester base with other short ester based steroids all depends on you're stack. For instance Test P and Tren A Or Test Cyp and Tren E. short ester with short ester and long ester with long ester. As far as water retention, I hear Test P is less water retention but I also hear test is test.. so each to their own. How many times a week do you want to pin is the real question.

  13. #13
    im going to pin twice a week, 250mg/1ml per shot

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by mikeymikey View Post
    im going to pin twice a week, 250mg/1ml per shot
    for your first cycle, I think you did your research very well. I did enth my first cycle as well, it was great. look into test cyp as well for your next cycle if you choose too. with the longer ester based test, you can get away with two injections per week. Shorter ester based test, you need to do EOD or ED injections.

  15. #15
    Thanks aviator. The content from others and online are plentiful but so many people have different opinions and say contradicting things (like hcg during or after for example), so i took what i believed to be the most wise thing to do. Yeah well for a first cycle I was planning to only take test to see how my body reacts with it. out of test e, p, c, I chose test e. At the end, they are all testosterone, but I will definitely try the others in the future to see what works best for me

    Mrglorious I think tren, prop and winny is too full on for a first cycle, I dont know how I will react with anything yet, let alone a cocktail of AAS. that combo is definately in my books for the future though, just not now. Im very inexperienced with aas so i guess i need to try one/two at a time

  16. #16
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    Glad you mentioned hgc.... I'm confused on this issue... most guys on here recommend taking during cycle (250iu twice weekly, day before aas pin) but if you read the cycles in, its suggested to run it for 10 days after cycle! I may be wrong but its how I understood it in the novice cycles write up.

  17. #17
    I had down more research and have done some minor modifications on my cycle which is listen below
    What I have: 2x10ml test e 250mg/ml
    5000ui of hcg mixed with bac water (not mixed yet, but thats the combined quantity)
    10xletrozole tablets
    Heaps of clomid and nolva
    20xT3 tetroxin liothyonine tablets 20 micrograms/tablet

    Weeks 1-10= 500mg test enanth each week, split into two days at 250mg each day (1ml per injection, 2ml per week, i have 2x10ml vials)
    weeks 1-10= 500ui HCG per week, split into two days at 250ui each day (pinned one day before i pin my test e)
    weeks 1-10= 1/4 letrozole tablet every other day, so roughly 3-4 times a week (3/4-1 tablet a week)
    Weeks 5-10= 12.5mg T3 ED (since it takes roughly 5 weeks for test e to kick in
    Weeks 12-15= clomid and nolva (still in limbo with the dosages)

    What do you guys reckon?

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Mate, Your squats and dead lifts are so low, you are not dieting correctly and should double both those lifts. What is all this interval?

    You are at the gym to train, so train. Hard fast and heavy. Even when I was 50 I could go from 75kgs to 110 kgs in a year and then back down. That was natural. With gear you have to be serious. All the best, John

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Andrew View Post
    Mate, Your squats and dead lifts are so low, you are not dieting correctly and should double both those lifts. What is all this interval?

    You are at the gym to train, so train. Hard fast and heavy. Even when I was 50 I could go from 75kgs to 110 kgs in a year and then back down. That was natural. With gear you have to be serious. All the best, John
    double those lifts? highly doubtful he pulls 620lbs for six reps with just diet imo.

  20. #20
    I dont think I could double those lifts even if i was gearing... interval training im assuming is what your asking for? HIIT cardio, treadmill or cross trainer, 5mins warm up, then 30sec full pace, 30sec walk, repeat until i've hit 20 minutes

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