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Thread: Blood test labs in Canada?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Blood test labs in Canada?

    Hopefully the right forum to ask this in...

    My doctor's an idiot, and as Canadians know, getting a GP is hard enough as it is, most in my town have waitng lists for new patients.

    So I'm wondering, are there any blood labs like you see here for the US in Canada where you can order and pay for your own tests?

  2. #2
    not that i know of.

    did you tell your doc of AAS use?

    they wont sign of it unless they think it's warranted. maybe if you insist as hard as you can you might have some success, but he'll probably make you pay.

    i dunno man, im thinking about my options as well. canada sucks for getting things like this done.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Agreed, Gp sucks and canada sucks for that... My problem wasnt steroid related(never took) and he just assume it was(because I workout...) and he literally expulse me of the consultation...

    **** GP!

  4. #4
    That's a little ridiculous

  5. #5
    Go to bloodtestcanada . You can pay online, to get a requisition, and have the blood drawn at a local lab. Problem is, it seems that they now only utilize labs in Ontario, and BC.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Dear Patients,

    We regret having to withdraw this pathology access service to the Citizens of Canada, but it seems that overly paternalistic Doctors within your healthcare system seem to think that they know what is better for you.


  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by D2'd View Post
    Dear Patients,

    We regret having to withdraw this pathology access service to the Citizens of Canada, but it seems that overly paternalistic Doctors within your healthcare system seem to think that they know what is better for you.

    Well, that sucks, eh?!

  8. #8
    so no blood tests?

  9. #9
    Just got an email from them. They apologize for the change... Damn!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    NC Highlands
    How far are you from the border? I am from Miami, its 6 hours to anywhere, with desire, its no big deal to be in Ohio in a day.

  11. #11
    I am from the states living in Montreal for work. I talked to a psyio guy who is referring me to a GP and is supposed to be no problem?? I will find out Aug 20 when I go and will keep you posted. I have to pay out of pocket of course. Everyone here keeps telling me if you have the card you can go to the hospital and its no big deal?? I don't know. Quebec is it own entity it seems the longer I live here. My guy at Popeyes I talk to says he goes all the time with his med card. I will ask him a little more for you. good luck.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Dewey View Post
    I am from the states living in Montreal for work. I talked to a psyio guy who is referring me to a GP and is supposed to be no problem?? I will find out Aug 20 when I go and will keep you posted. I have to pay out of pocket of course. Everyone here keeps telling me if you have the card you can go to the hospital and its no big deal?? I don't know. Quebec is it own entity it seems the longer I live here. My guy at Popeyes I talk to says he goes all the time with his med card. I will ask him a little more for you. good luck.
    Quebec is very different from the rest of the north america.
    I've research a little more and naturopath may be able to have blood test done, if not saliva test can be done.
    go on ANAQ - Association des naturopathes agréés du Québec to look for one in montreal.

    I will look into it this week, I'm also looking for it. Not in montreal though. Good luck

    About the hospital, I would not try. And still less in montreal. GP are morons(for most), they will just not allowed bloodtest without any reason. It worked with my family doc but now she is gone for a while and Other doc won't allow it...

    You can try, but I don't think it will work.
    Last edited by qscgugcsq; 07-29-2013 at 07:59 AM.

  13. #13
    Thank for the help

  14. #14
    By the way once my bw's done where is the chart that I can compare to??

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I would like to know where to get blood test in canada ( montreal ) as well

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    bed, work, gym, kitchen
    Ive been searching unsuccessfully. Most places require a doctors req. and are privatized to certain doctors offices. I am actually planning to cross the border and have a full panel done as well as a bod pod scan since canadian prices are whack as fvck! ! If anyone finds the info on canadian blood lab for personal use, let me know. Hopefully thwy are also annonomys because I'd hate the results to make it to my doc and f up my file.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Yeah, I've decided to do the same. I live on the border, and was looking at the online labs (private md labs .com) and there's a lab an hour away I can get the blood drawn. Costs around $60.

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