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Thread: First cycle opinions

  1. #1

    First cycle opinions

    Hi everyone!

    First off I'll start with some basic info...
    Age 34
    Height 5'8
    weight 179
    BF 12%

    Been working out seriously for the last 2 years and am looking into trying my first cycle...I only know one person who is on them, but Id like to get as many opinions as possible as opposed to relying solely on one single persons experiences.

    I have been doing research on beginners cycles, but to be honest my head is spinning with the amounts of information as well as conflicting statements regarding how to properly run a first time I've been doing my best to put this together so I can get some input on what I have come up with so far!

    So here it goes, and feel free to advise or criticize accordingly...after all I am on here to learn and run this the safest and most effective way possible!!

    Test E 500mg, 250mg on Monday and 250mg on Thursday for 12 weeks
    Aromasin (so far its proving difficult to find) 12.5mg eod weeks 1-12
    Clomid 50/50/25/25 weeks 14-18
    Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 weeks 14-18

    First question is, if im not able to find aromasin or armadex..what would be the risks of running the cycle without them? obviously if they are a necessity then I wont proceed until I can find one of them.

    Any tips or suggestions are GREATLY appreciated guys and girls!!

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Welcome. Sponsor banner in top right corner is where i buy Aromasin. They call it Liquid Stane.

  3. #3
    Thank you 3day!! I'll check them out, any advice on my cycle?

  4. #4
    Hcg is always a good idea to use on cycle. 250ius twice a week

  5. #5
    Thanks Fresh, HCG is one of those products where I've heard all kinds of contradictory statements...some people say it should be a staple product with any cycle, while other people say for a Test only cycle it isn't necessary...So much info to try and absorb!

    What would the benefits of adding HCG to my cycle be?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Hi, Your Q' is an AI such as Arimidex or Aromasin necessary is Yes. It helps to control you Estrogen level and the bi product side of Gyno for one. There are many more reasons and sides and it is not really safe to have your E2 too high or low.

    I suggest that you do a bit more reading in regard to most everything from where you get AI's and different ancillary's and peptides. Learn what they do and WHY and dosage protocols.

    Learn more about the necessity to keep you E2 in check and the ramifications if too high and or too low. Good luck on more education and your proposed cycle. ...crazy mike

  7. #7
    Hi Crazy mike,
    Thanks for your input...I'm definitely going to do a lot more research before I jump into world of aas, I obviously still have a lot to learn and do not want to rush into something I am ill prepared for.

    Ive gotten a lot of the information so far from forums such as this, but its hard to weed out the good info from the bad sometimes... can you recommend any other sources for educational material so that I can be more prepared for when the time comes that I do want to start a cycle?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Ya know steady Eddie, I've Google a lot of info, but if you search this forum there is basically everything you need to know and learn. Some of the searches on Google will bring you straight to this forum.

    I suggest that you stay on here and look up what you need to learn. If you just can't find it ask and someone might show you a direct link. This the best place I've found. You can spend countless hour reading on here. Good luck and don't change that dial ...crazy mike

  9. #9
    Go to the stickies and find austinites educational database and read the thread on hcg. It's very informative. I tried to directly link you, but I'm not allowed to do that yet!

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