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Thread: Four weeks test e, no pct?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Four weeks test e, no pct?

    I had an infection scare, my glute became very painful, swollen and red. Luckily it went away. But it turned me off going ahead with my cycle, considering it could have been the test that I had on hand. I became disinterested with saving my cycle and only wanted to end it.
    Today is 2 weeks after my last shot. I have nolva and clomid on hand. I took 20mg of nolva today. But really I'd rather do without taking more drugs and worry about sides. But leave this botched cycle behind me.
    What do you think, should I be ok to go without a pct? Or should I really take the serms to ensure I recover? Will the serms give me sides? I actually am worried about the serms making me feel crappy and feel confident that my natural test will probably bounce back soon.

  2. #2
    I am going to be offensive here and without profanity though.

    Sounds like you don't really know what your doing and have not researched this thoroughly. It is also clear that you don't really want to be in the game. You just want to be a bench warmer.

    Or you could start reading the stickies and articles on the importance of PCT and what auxillaries are important during the cycle also. Such as HCG. You said you dont want to do anymore drugs, but you need to consider the importance of finishing up with the nolva and clomid and moving on with life if this isn't for you.

    Get motivated to learn this and do it all naturally or enhanced. You are never going to do yourself any justice sitting on the bench... teetering back and forth asking yourself what should you do. You'll be stuck there a long time until you learn chemistry protocols and dieting too.

    good luck with your research and decision.
    Last edited by mk19gunner; 11-08-2013 at 04:48 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    We all have bad shots. If it scares you that bad, you might want to steer clear in the future.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by AshopRep View Post
    We all have bad shots. If it scares you that bad, you might want to steer clear in the future.
    I was going to continue the cycle. But I also noticed that my strength was down in the gym. Which lead me to believe that the test may not have been good too. (I switched brands). So at that point I just decided to postpone the cycle for now.
    Last edited by Iopu; 11-09-2013 at 12:37 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by mk19gunner View Post
    I am going to be offensive here and without profanity though.

    Sounds like you don't really know what your doing and have not researched this thoroughly. It is also clear that you don't really want to be in the game. You just want to be a bench warmer.

    Or you could start reading the stickies and articles on the importance of PCT and what auxillaries are important during the cycle also. Such as HCG. You said you dont want to do anymore drugs, but you need to consider the importance of finishing up with the nolva and clomid and moving on with life if this isn't for you.

    Get motivated to learn this and do it all naturally or enhanced. You are never going to do yourself any justice sitting on the bench... teetering back and forth asking yourself what should you do. You'll be stuck there a long time until you learn chemistry protocols and dieting too.

    good luck with your research and decision.
    Thanks for your reply. I do agree with what you have said. I stick to a diet year round though.

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