Hi guys,

I would like your opinion and best injecting techniques for my 12 week test- e and Dianabol cycle,

I`m 22 years old, have been training for about a year and a half and the only reason im even considering doing a cycle is to fill my loose skin. Basicly i lost a lot of weight 5 years ago and i have a very flabby skin around my chest, abs and arms.

Before even starting with training i looked absolutely grotesque a walking mass of skin, now after year and a half my chest and arms are getting very tight and the skin is starting to be filed with muscle.

Before cycle max weight lifted:

Bench press: 100kg x 3reps
Squat: 160 kg
Shoulder press: 60 kg

Here are somepics of me before starting the cycle.
Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	146213Click image for larger version. 

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My cycle is the following:
1-12 weeks Test-E 500 mg/week
1-5 weeks 25mg/day

Bodytech Whey Tech Pro Isolate Vanilla, best tasting protein power out there.

Liv-52 for liver protectin

I will be following the Dorien Yates training program from bodybuiliding[.]com with one added day of arms training from the Kai Green Arm training video.

Monday: Chest and Biceps
Tuesday: Back
Wednesday: Delts and Triceps
Thursday: Rest day
Friday: Biceps, Triceps and Forearms(my arms are my weekest part so im training them twice a week)
Saturday: Legs
Sunday: rest day/cardio

I currently weigh at 85 kg and my height is 1.83 cm, i cant determine by body fat percentage due to a my loose skin problem.

I will be trying to eat around 3500 - 4000 calories per day with about 150-200 grams of protein per day which will be mostly chicken, egg and fish with 60 grams coming from protein power.

Now one final stupid question:

I was trying to do my first shot into my quad half an hour before posting this and i accidentally had filled my syringe with a very large bubble of air and i wasted most of the juice in the syringe trying to get the air out.
I didnt injected and insted wanted to ask u for the best injecting techniques u guys use.

Sorry for my poor english.