I have been looking at HGH and it is no lable HGH from past reading of forum post I have read people discussing cap color ?
Which is the best cap color to consider
I have been looking at HGH and it is no lable HGH from past reading of forum post I have read people discussing cap color ?
Which is the best cap color to consider
Its not worth purchasing, your better saving your money rather than wasting it. It wont be real gh it will either be some peptide, complete garbage or some other chemical what will retain water and cause sides. Stay well clear not worth it no matter who the source is.
Respectfully ! THANK YOU !
Is there place to research on the Internet for dependaple and trust worthy companies ? All I find want Western Union and are from Europe no USA comanies outr there ?
I have researched a considerable amount and the most recommended brand and # 1 on HGH List has been Somatropin ? Does that sound correct ?
Don't buy generic and stay clear of China. Even the authorised dealers in China are selling fakes to the underground so its a no win situation. We can't list sources sorry and don't trust anyone who approaches you with one.
I u Thank you for the warning I am to dumb to figure out how to use Western Union online . . . lol It ask for agent and address and I never have that info ?nderstand about not listing sources ?
I am 54 and seeking for repair of old injusries that keep being a bother and for the other benifits ! Been on TRT for 13 mths and finally got balanced . Now seeking more pain free exsistance and in hopes of getting off opiates that I am scripted and hate but I got ran over by a truck and I do have sever pain that from what I have read Somatropin will help repair internal Injuries and assist in fat loss and give energy boost !
Am I mistaken or is it possible for me to reachout to an experienced member for some advice and info possibly Kel ?
If you want real gh go see a prescribing physician. 99% chance that YOU will get ripped off with either fake gear or just outright scammed via online sources or local gym hustler.
If veteran buyers/users get ripped off trying to score gh what do you think the chances are that you'll actually end up with real gh?
*Anyone wanting a source check from a willing vet/mod must first acquire 100 posts and 45 days of activity*
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Could or would you atleast pm me a member that would be willing to answer some question about my need for some HGH Somatropin and how to use it along with misl info ? I have researched and was hoping to tweak what I have found out " If I can find some ? "
Marcus I did read and I understood you to say no listing of sources ? ( I though you meant no listing on open forum ) Then I read in your Signature about the 100 post and 1 mth and that was what I was asking if I mis understood please accept my serious appology . I was not attempting to bug you just hoping for a little direction ? Not intending to offend or break any rules ? Possibly I do not completly understand ! You are sharp and I have to admit a lot sharper than me . SO my question that seemed obvious to you may be more complex to me . Again never intend to offend or troll utmost respect !
Respect :
Thanks for the acvice and your tempered reply . I am glad you did see I was not trying to agraviate ! I guess I was hoping for something to good to be true ? lol I wil not mention this again :![]()
if you evaluate legitimacy of drugs from the color of the lid or the packaging then you dont value your health much.
this you intend to inject to your body, growth hormone does have sideffects and if its bad then you can sue the company, if you have UGL then you dont know what you have and you have no one to sue.
besides, the cost of making real gh is so great that if one was capable of doing it then there would be a respectable drug company around it. in regards of chineese stuff, Jintropin is a highly respectable brand - first one ever to be licenced. But it is commonly forged
Thank you for that tidbit of info there friend like you made me aware of a news flash that I had no knowledge of ? I am 54 and not seeking to sue anyone and if you stay in the game long enough you will ralax and use UGL's and be glad they are there ! You don't purchase from them hoping to sue You hopefully know who you are dealing with and are making educated decissions ?
If you go back in this section and read there are complete threads and in other forums also discussing purchasing buy color of the cap I do admit that these were older threads and I have not made a purchase and do not intend to .
I came here ask a question and it was answered by a very qualified member .
But I do thank you for taking a personal interest in my health and giving me the latest 411 on this subject ! This forum is very frotunate to have new members like you that are so smart and care about other members like you do .
Again thank you for you personel interest in my personal health , you are the man !
Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 12-11-2013 at 02:36 PM.
Crazy Mike anyone know where he is cough
This is the tag for info on HGH What you need to know about HGH ! " HGH Insider " they give the ratings of each brand and Somatropin is at the top of their list and good detailed info on the top 5 . Thaat is what I was going off of ?
Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 12-11-2013 at 03:32 PM.
I 200% agree with Marcus and Rick. Don't listen to any BS about blue tops, green tops all BS from guys trying to peddle crap and prey on guys that do not know any better. Real pharmaceutical companies that doc's would prescribe are legit and they do not sell their products to these companies selling online. Those companies would never risk their business selling like that. Counterfeit's!! This stuff is not like buying a black and decker drill where you shop online for price. Don't listen to "I trust my source" or my buddy has a good connection. Or he get's out the back door of such and such a company. Better of spending the money and going through an anti-aging company, or a Doc that would prescribe it. Better to take a small dose of Pure product than lots of hgh that is completely fake and may even cause harm to your body. You will save money in the long run and better for your health. If it is not affordable, just don't do it.
Stay healthy!
Thanks sir I agree I am an older guy on disability and am lucky to afford TRT so I guess I will just be thankful for that b
You know something really that could be a polorizing topic is that if there was a group of Dr. on the Obama Care team that were spelized in TRT and HGH the medicial bill of all males would drop by the billions of dollars due to inproved health and the demand for TRT and HGH would go up and shpould make it cheaper and the price of medicial care less all the way around !
Who would have ever thunk of fixing the problem as opposed to piutting a andaid on the symptom ?
Nice thought, but don't count on Obamacare to do much in beneficial manner. HGH is really expensive and hate to see you get scammed on junk. It's just one of those products that is rare situation to obtain it at an affordable price. I would try to study nutrition section and keep training, make the best of what you can work with.
I am an old guy and I basicly did self medication on my TRT because my Dr is a DA and will not script HG even and I need it bad right now my supplier ran out and can't get any more SUX !
But I will keep trying and I will find some or find a Dr. I can afford I will just have to keep on keeping on that was why I asked the question to begin with .that one is checked off and time to move on to plan B . . . .lol
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