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Thread: The santa ethnicity controversy

  1. #1
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    The santa ethnicity controversy

    saw this on facebook, and while this may prove to be a controversial topic, my intent is to see if yall have heard about this and also what u think about it? apparently people are arguing over the fact that santa claus is typically depicted as white..

    according to aisha harris, we should make santa look like a penguin so all non-white people are not offended..

    Roland Martin talks with Aisha Harris About Santa Claus | Black America Web

  2. #2
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    I have to agree with the Fox contributors on this matter. The fact is Santa, or the image of Santa, is what it is which, historically and quite simply is a white man.

    On that note I have seen black Santa time and time again for many years. Is there a Santa committee? What is stopping the black community or any other community for that matter from depicting Santa as they wish? Nothing.

    If it makes any race or nationality feel better, then have that... It doesn't bother me.

    By the way, Santa is real.

  3. #3
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    Hmmmm...he breaks into ppls houses and GIVES them shyt instead of taking their shyt. You figure it out. Bad joke

  4. #4
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    Way to push the envelope Lunk.
    Last edited by Igifuno; 12-14-2013 at 07:11 AM.

  5. #5
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    Why is Santa always portrayed as straight? I'm offended.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Why is Santa always portrayed as straight? I'm offended.
    Seriously DSM? He runs around in THAT outfit and plays with all those elves and you don't think he's batting for the other team. You might want to have your gaydar repaired

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Seriously DSM? He runs around in THAT outfit and plays with all those elves and you don't think he's batting for the other team. You might want to have your gaydar repaired

    Sorry now its working. It just needed new batteries.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    Hmmmm...he breaks into ppls houses and GIVES them shyt instead of taking their shyt. You figure it out. Bad joke


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    I have to agree with the Fox contributors on this matter. The fact is Santa, or the image of Santa, is what it is which, historically and quite simply is a white man.

    On that note I have seen black Santa time and time again for many years. Is there a Santa committee? What is stopping the black community or any other community for that matter from depicting Santa as they wish? Nothing.

    If it makes any race or nationality feel better, then have that... It doesn't bother me.

    By the way, Santa is real.
    Yeh i agree. I think what frustrates me about the whole thing is not so much the person would like to portray santa as black (which isnt what shes saying), but that we shouldnt portray santa as white! To me THAT is racist.

    I think every nationality should portray santa however the fvck they want . Just dont tell me how i should or should not do it.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    Yeh i agree. I think what frustrates me about the whole thing is not so much the person would like to portray santa as black (which isnt what shes saying), but that we shouldnt portray santa as white! To me THAT is racist.

    I think every nationality should portray santa however the fvck they want . Just dont tell me how i should or should not do it.

    Do you portray god as white?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Do you portray god as white?
    jesus was middle eastern descent..

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---

    Yeh i agree. I think what frustrates me about the whole thing is not so much the person would like to portray santa as black (which isnt what shes saying), but that we shouldnt portray santa as white! To me THAT is racist.

    I think every nationality should portray santa however the fvck they want . Just dont tell me how i should or should not do it.
    That's my view also.....

    I'm tired of all this racial bullshit. I know racism still exists but its frustrating, as someone who doesn't give a good fvck what you are, when I'm roped in to a category because I'm white.

    I've been told I had it easier..... I've been asked " have you ever had to show your hands before asked to Durring a traffic stop?"

    Maybe I'm naive and want to believe everyone has a good heart...... I just can't see their point of view.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    That's my view also.....

    I'm tired of all this racial bullshit. I know racism still exists but its frustrating, as someone who doesn't give a good fvck what you are, when I'm roped in to a category because I'm white.

    I've been told I had it easier..... I've been asked " have you ever had to show your hands before asked to Durring a traffic stop?"

    Maybe I'm naive and want to believe everyone has a good heart...... I just can't see their point of view.
    well its like this: if given the choice where would u prefer to be dropped off at 2am all by yourself, beverly hills or harlem.. does that make me racist if i say beverly hills?? i dont think so.. i just call it like i see it.

    is harlem a more dangerous place because it is full of black people?? i would say it does not have to do specifically with their color, but moreso with their environment. the people just happen to be black.

    you could be in an affluent predominantly black neighborhood and be just fine. just like you could be in an all white trailer park full of white trash pieces of shit and be in danger.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---
    well its like this: if given the choice where would u prefer to be dropped off at 2am all by yourself, beverly hills or harlem.. does that make me racist if i say beverly hills?? i dont think so.. i just call it like i see it.

    is harlem a more dangerous place because it is full of black people?? i would say it does not have to do specifically with their color, but moreso with their environment. the people just happen to be black.

    you could be in an affluent predominantly black neighborhood and be just fine. just like you could be in an all white trailer park full of white trash pieces of shit and be in danger.
    Well yea.....

    Idc what your skin color is..... If you're an asshole - you're an asshole. I've been to some spots in queens that are heavily Colombian populated. A few of my friends are Colombian so they took me to a few spots to eat. I was stared at the whole time. It's like a white man had never walked into the restaurant.

    On of my good friends lives in an area on NJ that's known for drugs. Now..... He's clean but he can afford rent there and he has no family. I give him rides home and have brought some holiday meals to him and when I drive down the block the residents signal the dealers that I'm coming. They think I'm a cop......

    Oddly enough the one place that I've found that breaks racial and social boundaries is the club scene in NYC. When I used to party I met people from all over the world. I had friends that I knew and would see often from every single race and social status.

  15. #15
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    yeh i wish people would just get over this racial crap.. its amazing how such a small percentage of people are racist nowadays, yet it is still such a prevalent issue. it seems to me the black people are the ones who bring it up quite often.

  16. #16
    What a worthwhile controversy, let's argue about the ethnicity of a bearded fat man that lives in the North Pole with his elves and flies over on his reindeer driven sleigh to deliver presents down our chimneys on Christmas Eve.

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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    What a worthwhile controversy, let's argue about the ethnicity of a bearded fat man that lives in the North Pole with his elves and flies over on his reindeer driven sleigh to deliver presents down our chimneys on Christmas Eve.
    LOL.. excellent perspective!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---
    yeh i wish people would just get over this racial crap.. its amazing how such a small percentage of people are racist nowadays, yet it is still such a prevalent issue. it seems to me the black people are the ones who bring it up quite often.
    It's gets to me like no other...... Al sharpton and Jessie Jackson are money hungry scumbags. They do a disservice to racial equality IMO.

    My view..... I wasn't alive Durring the times of slavery. I didn't commit any crimes and I am the furthest from racist. I think it's important to learn from history but we can't fvcking move on as a nation if racism is used to benefit people

  19. #19
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    Imagine the racial uproar here in the U.S. if Santa was celebrated the way it is in Aruba or the Netherlands/some European countries . I vacation there around Dec 5th which is their celebratory day. I was floored to see the white people in black face around as helpers ,they call him Sinterklaas .

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman
    What a worthwhile controversy, let's argue about the ethnicity of a bearded fat man that lives in the North Pole with his elves and flies over on his reindeer driven sleigh to deliver presents down our chimneys on Christmas Eve.
    Lol a new low..... Arguing over the ethnicity of a fake character

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bedford
    Imagine the racial uproar here in the U.S. if Santa was celebrated the way it is in Aruba or the Netherlands/some European countries . I vacation there around Dec 5th which is their celebratory day. I was floored to see the white people in black face around as helpers ,they call him Sinterklaas .
    They leave their shoes out for him to fill with candy

  22. #22
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    People who think of this stuff have no life. Santa is santa. Is it wrong to healthy people that santa has to be fat? Or to beardless people that santa has to have a beard? If people are bringing up that its rasict that santa is white they truly have nothing else left to complain about.

    If santa is depicted as white its because it all started in europe and guess what? There white. If santa started in kenya he would be a tall black thin man

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Bedford View Post
    Imagine the racial uproar here in the U.S. if Santa was celebrated the way it is in Aruba or the Netherlands/some European countries . I vacation there around Dec 5th which is their celebratory day. I was floored to see the white people in black face around as helpers ,they call him Sinterklaas .
    I'm gonna be in Costa Rica this year for Christmas so I'm interested to see how Santa is portrayed over there and what kind of traditions they have.

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  24. #24
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    What color should the elves be? They have to be white.. Can you imagine if someone ever portrayed the elves as black? A group of little black people working around the clock for their master without pay..

    This whole controversy is fukkin ridiculous.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    What color should the elves be? They have to be white.. Can you imagine if someone ever portrayed the elves as black? A group of little black people working around the clock for their master without pay..

    This whole controversy is fukkin ridiculous.

    Ooohhh shit! yeah you would never hear the end of that. It's a shame that some people have so little going for them, that they need to create a controversy like this. Does no good for anyone and is a load of bullsh1t.

  26. #26
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    Pagan festival. It originated from pagans

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    saw this on facebook, and while this may prove to be a controversial topic, my intent is to see if yall have heard about this and also what u think about it? apparently people are arguing over the fact that santa claus is typically depicted as white..

    according to aisha harris, we should make santa look like a penguin so all non-white people are not offended..

    Roland Martin talks with Aisha Harris About Santa Claus | Black America Web
    not too sure what the controversy is all about. look at where Jesus was born. Now ask yourself how many people (prior to international travel and globalization) were born in this region with blue eyes, brown hair and white skin? In reality, i believe the man to be born with olive or dark skin, black hair and brown eyes, typical of what you would expect from that region.

    But i've also heard certain brothers in the military try to tell their white counter parts that jesus was a black man (bronze skin and hair like a lamb). i would have to argue against that as well, although i certainly could be wrong in either case.

    but who cares? the man died 2,000 years ago.....

  28. #28
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    TR the controversy would be over santa claus' race, not Jesus.

  29. #29
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    All these white people problems. Life is so rough.

  30. #30
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    Whenever I see things like this, I often wonder, is it ethnic minorities who complain about this, or is it liberal middle class white people suffering from "white guilt".

    I don't see why Santa needs to change colour. I guess evolution is racist because panthers arent white. I guess James Bond films are sexist because Bond hasnt been turned into a woman yet.

  31. #31
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    Some people will come up with anything to keep the race card in play. I say cut out all the bs incentives for race and make the playing fiels even.

    I like sants except he has all the good little girls sit on his lap. I would have all the naughty girls sit on my lap instead.

    For Christmas I always asked for the list of nauvhty girls.

  32. #32
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    Should Buddah be white? Should Orisha Nla be Asian? This argument is ridicules. It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with cultural tradition.

  33. #33
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    Here's the real reason Father Christmas exists, so who cares what his orientation is.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Santa-Capitalism.jpg 
Views:	409 
Size:	25.5 KB 
ID:	146949

  34. #34
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    It's Fox News... everything is about race with them.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54
    It's Fox News... everything is about race with them.
    They were reporting on something that CNN contributors already reported on.

    The race issue is definitely not limited to a political arena or news network.
    Last edited by Igifuno; 12-14-2013 at 02:40 PM.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg
    Here's the real reason Father Christmas exists, so who cares what his orientation is. <img src=""/>

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    It's Fox News... everything is about race with them.
    Not at all. They are reporting how ridiculous this is.

  38. #38
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    Fun fact. Santas clothes were green until Coca-cola made them red.
    Last edited by DAAS; 12-14-2013 at 02:09 PM.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    TR the controversy would be over santa claus' race, not Jesus.
    we all know St. Nick was white.

    he only slides down middle/upper class chimneys in low crime neighborhoods where the demographics of the neighborhood favor those that are pigmentally challanged.

    Kinda like a Beverly Hills Santa.

    Makes you wonder who REALLY are Santa's little helpers are?

  40. #40
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    I say we petition for Lovbyts to be the exclusive santa for all young asian girls.

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