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Thread: High blood pressure, what to do

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    High blood pressure, what to do

    So I notice the skin around my chest and shoulders was super flushed - I could press my hand against my skin and get a clear handprint that lasted for 5 seconds as if I had a crazy sunburn. Naturally, I got concerned over my blood pressure and headed to the local pharmacy to get a read.

    Turns out it's a bit high, 151/85. The pharmacy clerk said I should go see a doctor.

    Now here's where I'm a bit torn. I'm right in the middle of my cycle (500mg test e/week on week 8 of 12). My blood pressure was fine going in so it's clearly the test. What would going to the dr do for me, anything? I'm not going to tell her I'm on test, but I'm pretty sure she would figure it out if she ran a blood test (which I assume she would).

    Is this so high that I should stop my cycle? Or is there a way I could cope with it / reduce it a little get by the last 4 weeks?

    FYI, I just ordered a home unit that gets good reviews on quality and will be monitoring it daily from here on out.

  2. #2
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    check your diet first, lower your sodium intake. Add some Arginine and L Citrulline to your intake. Hawethorne berry can also help some, and several other thing can help also that the more experienced members can chime in. Cialis also can help lower your bp, but that may not be something you want to take. Keep fluid intake high also.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985
    check your diet first, lower your sodium intake. Add some Arginine and L Citrulline to your intake. .
    ^^^ this. Arginine and citrulline did wonders for me. Mine was hovering right around where yours is at and came down significantly after adding A & C

  4. #4
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    It's not overly high. Certainly not something I would consider seeing a doc about unless the systolic was consistently high. Normal BP is 120/80. 150 is high but systolic high BP can be a very short term thing.

    Do as chad suggests and monitor at different times of the day when you get your unit.

  5. #5
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    Are you using an AI? If not, do so.

  6. #6
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    First off monitor it. One time being high isn't necessarily a concern. It can be caused by caffeine, stress etc.
    If you want ways to lower it naturally then obviously avoid high salt foods. Stay away from fat and sugary foods.
    Get more potassium, magnesium and calcium in your diet. Take garlic, COQ10, vitamin D and C
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
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  7. #7
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    My diet is pretty good actually, I do about a 50/30/20 carbs/protein/fat and nothing i've been eating lately is high in sodium. I do also take a multi (the optimum nutrition ones). I am, however, a coffee guy. I drink about 16oz of coffee every morning and sometimes I'll do a preworkout (maybe once per week).

    Suppose my best option would be to replace my morning coffee with a morning job, skip the pre workout and start taking COQ10, at least until the end of my cycle. Do you think it would be worthwhile going to a blood drive while I'm at it? My thinking is it couldn't hurt and it's for a good cause, maybe it will even help?

    Also, can you get arginine and citrulline alone? If so, how much to take?

  8. #8
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    caffeine probably is spiking it some

  9. #9
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaps
    My diet is pretty good actually, I do about a 50/30/20 carbs/protein/fat and nothing i've been eating lately is high in sodium. I do also take a multi (the optimum nutrition ones). I am, however, a coffee guy. I drink about 16oz of coffee every morning and sometimes I'll do a preworkout (maybe once per week).

    Suppose my best option would be to replace my morning coffee with a morning job, skip the pre workout and start taking COQ10, at least until the end of my cycle. Do you think it would be worthwhile going to a blood drive while I'm at it? My thinking is it couldn't hurt and it's for a good cause, maybe it will even help?

    Also, can you get arginine and citrulline alone? If so, how much to take?
    Doing any cardio?

    What's you're dietary fiber intake?

  11. #11
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    Aug 2013
    Now Blood Pressure Support helped me by the 4th day of taking it. Its hawthorn and grapeseed. I took 2 doses in the morning and 1 dose at night. I also took 50mgs of CoQ10 in the morning. I monitored salt intake, drank more water, and towards the end of cycle started 81mgs of aspirin in the morning. That all kept my bp under control. Good luck!

  12. #12
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    My blood pressure is always through the roof when I do AS. I can also press into my skin and see it turn white where I press. If I were not on AS with the same symptoms I might be concerned, but it has never been something that has bothered my while on. I also notice my heart rate is faster too. I don't want to steer you in the wrong direction here, but I think those are some normal sides and nothing to truly be alarmed about. But, at the same time Im one of those guys who does not check his blood work as much as I should. But it has never scared me. Good luck!

  13. #13
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    Oct 2013
    Hey guys, just wanted to thank everyone for the advice. I started taking:

    NOW blood pressure support (hawthorne berry & grapeseed extract) 1 in the morning 1 at night
    CoQ10 - 3 spread throughout the day.
    Argenine and Citrulline - 3 doses throughout the day.

    I also cut my caffeine intake. BP is down to high 120s low 130s from 150s. Good to know that monitoring blood pressure on cycle is so important.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Are you using an AI? If not, do so.
    what i was going to say
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  15. #15
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    I'm pretty sure I mentioned this earlier, but I had a hard time getting my hands on AI. I had some ordered but shit got ****ed up and its only supposed to get here on the last 2 weeks of my cycle.

    Would an AI really help with BP?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Doing any cardio?

    What's you're dietary fiber intake?
    Cardio can be key to naturally lowering your BP

  17. #17
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    I've been swimming on off days for cardio. I get plenty of fiber.

  18. #18
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    500mg of test a week and no AI?

    Enjoy the titties......

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarkey02 View Post
    500mg of test a week and no AI?

    Enjoy the titties......
    I've had clomid on hand in case of gyno. There's nothing about test-e only that says your 100% going to get gyno - it's one of many sides that can happen. I have had no issues with gyno thus far and my cycle is almost over. Why even post this comment? Completely unconstructive.

  20. #20
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    Just because you don't have gyno or sensitive nipples, does't mean you don't have an elevated e2.

  21. #21
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaps View Post
    I've had clomid on hand in case of gyno. There's nothing about test-e only that says your 100% going to get gyno - it's one of many sides that can happen. I have had no issues with gyno thus far and my cycle is almost over. Why even post this comment? Completely unconstructive.
    Clomid is not the drug of choice for gyno. Yes, the comment was not constructive but neither is doing a cycle unprepared and taking unnecessary risks chaps. The more insidious effects of estrogen are internal, not external. Gyno is everyone's main concern but really should be much lower on the list of estrogen related worries.

    Quote Originally Posted by ANIMAL View Post
    Just because you don't have gyno or sensitive nipples, does't mean you don't have an elevated e2.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by chaps View Post
    So I notice the skin around my chest and shoulders was super flushed - I could press my hand against my skin and get a clear handprint that lasted for 5 seconds as if I had a crazy sunburn. Naturally, I got concerned over my blood pressure and headed to the local pharmacy to get a read.

    Turns out it's a bit high, 151/85. The pharmacy clerk said I should go see a doctor.

    Now here's where I'm a bit torn. I'm right in the middle of my cycle (500mg test e/week on week 8 of 12). My blood pressure was fine going in so it's clearly the test. What would going to the dr do for me, anything? I'm not going to tell her I'm on test, but I'm pretty sure she would figure it out if she ran a blood test (which I assume she would).

    Is this so high that I should stop my cycle? Or is there a way I could cope with it / reduce it a little get by the last 4 weeks?

    FYI, I just ordered a home unit that gets good reviews on quality and will be monitoring it daily from here on out.
    As always with a medical condition I would see a doc.
    Things you can do to help are diet,,eat cleaner,,drink lots of water everyday.
    If your on cycle an AI is almost a must.

  23. #23
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    I hear all of you on the AI front, it was a shortsight on my part. But no one hasn't answered if a lack of AI would lead to higher BP. (btw, after a week of more cardio, argenin, citruiline, hawthorne berry/grapeseed extract and coq10, I'm back in the 120s)

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaps View Post
    I hear all of you on the AI front, it was a shortsight on my part. But no one hasn't answered if a lack of AI would lead to higher BP. (btw, after a week of more cardio, argenin, citruiline, hawthorne berry/grapeseed extract and coq10, I'm back in the 120s)
    Estrogen causes water retention. Water retention increases blood pressure.

  25. #25
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    Feb 2013
    Some people naturally run high

    Mine was 180/90 176/100 186/92

    Currently it's at 155/80

    Im just taking supplements to help with BP, started cardio a little etc..

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by masso View Post
    Some people naturally run high

    Mine was 180/90 176/100 186/92

    Currently it's at 155/80

    Im just taking supplements to help with BP, started cardio a little etc..
    Is that supposed to be comforting/dismissive of the dangers of hypertension?

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by masso
    Some people naturally run high

    Mine was 180/90 176/100 186/92

    Currently it's at 155/80

    Im just taking supplements to help with BP, started cardio a little etc..
    A systolic of 155 is hypertensive and unhealthy. You need more than OTC supplements and cardio right now. You need to bring that systolic pressure DOWN.

    A visit to your doctor should be in your immediate future.

  28. #28
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    Man I was scared at 150, 180 you should be heading to the ER.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Estrogen causes water retention. Water retention increases blood pressure.
    Finally the answer to your question near the bottom of the thread. Your testosterone is being aromatized to estrogen which causes the said water retention both in your blood vessels (hypertension) and your skin (edema).

    Quote Originally Posted by chaps View Post
    Man I was scared at 150, 180 you should be heading to the ER.
    Triage nurse won't let you in the ER. If you by chance do get in they'll give you 2 things: A huge ER bill & a note saying to go to your primary care doctor.

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