Hey guys, let me first of all say that I hope everyone had great holidays and didn't completely blow their diets...like I did !! lol
Anyways, I went to see my GP for a yearly physical and brought along my BW that my TRT Doc ordered. MY GP knows that I'm on TRT, but once I showed him my test numbers, he got very concerned. My total Test is at 800 while my Free Test is 200, both numbers he think should be significantly lower (he is thinking around 400 for total Test).
He brought up a study in the New England Journal of Medicine that was written a few weeks ago linking extended TRT use to cardiovascular disease as well as high cholesterol levels. He also mentioned Testicular cancer.
He also compared the TRT "fad" to a similar "fad" 20-30 years ago involving womens hormone replacement/therapy, how they thought it was the correct thing to do, only to find out later just how bad it was.
That was his whole point to me, how this is so new and that not enough studies have been done to really know the risk to benefit factor.
TBH, I'm a little concerned. We all want to live happy, healthier lives, and do what we can through diets and supplements to help us along. No one wants to find out the hard way later....
I take 75 mg of Cyp twice a week, .25 mg of Arimidex twice a week and HCG 250 IU'S twice a week as well- hardly large doses. I look and feel great, and my BW is pretty much dialed in.
Any thought/comments are appreciated !!