See i dont believe all that is true. I know some people are going to pay more. I'm paying less and got better insurance with dental. My wifes plan stayed exactly the same. I have friends that didnt have insurance that now have it because they can now afford it.
Yes my sister is paying more for her family. Her old plan was eliminated. But she got a better plan then what was offered.
Remeber the health insurance companies are still controlling allot of this. They are setting the prices of the plans, not the government.
And health insurance plans change or get eliminated all the time. My wife had to change hers a few years ago because the plan wasnt being offered any more. Its jsut the fact that now a bunch are being eliminated at the same time and everyone is making a switch at the same time because of the deadline makes it seem like a huge thing that never happened.
Again what medicines being covered is what the insurance companies want to cover. I have changed insurances in the past and had to switch the type of insulin i took because the new insurance woudnt cover it.
And you cant keep your doctor? Well if you pick a plan he isnt in then no, What has changed. In the old way if your employer switched health plans and your old dr wasnt in your new one you couldnt keep him either. Not every doctor takes every insurance.
99% of what you listed is nothing new. Its just happening to everyone at the same time and being made into a giant story.
and i honestly think your comment about people are going to go with out and suffer and die is complete bs. More people are covered then before, so i dont see how that is going to happen.