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Thread: Gonna give subQ a try

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Gonna give subQ a try

    Well, I ended up with an infection during my last blast which I ended a few weeks early. Because of that I'm obviously nervous about repeating this. I actually got a double infection with one in each delt. Anyways, tonight I started with SubQ and obviously no issues. I tried it months ago without much success but the issue I had was I couldn't draw the oil in the insulin syringe. Anways, I just picked up some slin tips for my regular syringes and the first injection was a piece of cake. I'm really excited to see how this works for me. I have bloodwork scheduled at the end of Jan but I will only use this to get a baseline. I will retake bloods again in March or April.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by PistolPete33
    Well, I ended up with an infection during my last blast which I ended a few weeks early. Because of that I'm obviously nervous about repeating this. I actually got a double infection with one in each delt. Anyways, tonight I started with SubQ and obviously no issues. I tried it months ago without much success but the issue I had was I couldn't draw the oil in the insulin syringe. Anways, I just picked up some slin tips for my regular syringes and the first injection was a piece of cake. I'm really excited to see how this works for me. I have bloodwork scheduled at the end of Jan but I will only use this to get a baseline. I will retake bloods again in March or April.
    I am currently using slin for Sub Q as well! No problem as well here!

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I warm the vial of T to body temperature by placing inside my waistband before I draw. Walk around the house for a while and when I'm ready it's good to go.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    As long as you inject the amount in air as you plan to pull out of your vial, you should not have any issues, regardless of temp.

    To better clarify... If your injection is 25mg, pull your syringe to this marking, pierce vial, inject the 25mg of air into the vial (creates positive pressure), then proceed to withdrawal the 25mg in oil.

    During your first use of a new vial, some times there is negative pressure in the vial so it's best to insert a syringe, and remove the syringe from the tip and/or pull the plunger out the back of the syringe. This will allow the vial to pressurize itself to a neutral air pressure.

    If you do the above, an insulin syringe will take 20-30 sec tops to fill ~30mg.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    Just get 27g. Sling pins, fast to load and inject.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I tried months ago to just use my slin pins but it took 5 minutes to fill the syringe so I didn't proceed with it. Now, I just use my larger pin to draw, swap out to an insulin tip and go. Same procedure I used for IM and it's fast an easy.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox
    I warm the vial of T to body temperature by placing inside my waistband before I draw. Walk around the house for a while and when I'm ready it's good to go.
    I tried that method today! It works. Nice one sox.
    Another method is by friction between hands..

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by PistolPete33
    I tried months ago to just use my slin pins but it took 5 minutes to fill the syringe so I didn't proceed with it. Now, I just use my larger pin to draw, swap out to an insulin tip and go. Same procedure I used for IM and it's fast an easy.
    I do that as well!
    Sent from my iPad using Forum

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by FRDave View Post
    As long as you inject the amount in air as you plan to pull out of your vial, you should not have any issues, regardless of temp.

    To better clarify... If your injection is 25mg, pull your syringe to this marking, pierce vial, inject the 25mg of air into the vial (creates positive pressure), then proceed to withdrawal the 25mg in oil.

    During your first use of a new vial, some times there is negative pressure in the vial so it's best to insert a syringe, and remove the syringe from the tip and/or pull the plunger out the back of the syringe. This will allow the vial to pressurize itself to a neutral air pressure.

    If you do the above, an insulin syringe will take 20-30 sec tops to fill ~30mg.
    genius man, never thought of standardizing the pressure in the vial to atmospheric. Although you are exposing the vial to the surroundings but only for a brief second and only a one time deal.

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