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Thread: Little help needed

  1. #1

    Little help needed

    Hi everyone,

    I read as much as i can but my language(i am Greek) doesnt help me to follow the vocabulary of the forum.
    I need some help with some basic advices.

    I play soccer, not professionally, so i need endurance and speed. I like being ripped and i good shape. I train really hard but recently i thought that i need something extra.

    I am 33 years old, 82kg, 1.83 cm height in perfect health.

    I runned a cycle with only oral stanol. Little gains, not a good feeling in muscles, low libido after week 5.

    I am now on pct with clomid.

    I think doing another cycle in about one month. I have masteron and oral stanol.
    I would like to ask, what do i have to stack it with for sports performance and not to damage my hormone levels, libido etc.

    Thx in advance, i would like to have some easy to understand advice cause my vocabulary is poor for an expert.

    Thx a lot.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Pantelis1001 View Post
    Hi everyone,

    I read as much as i can but my language(i am Greek) doesnt help me to follow the vocabulary of the forum.
    I need some help with some basic advices.

    I play soccer, not professionally, so i need endurance and speed. I like being ripped and i good shape. I train really hard but recently i thought that i need something extra.

    I am 33 years old, 82kg, 1.83 cm height in perfect health.

    I runned a cycle with only oral stanol. Little gains, not a good feeling in muscles, low libido after week 5.

    I am now on pct with clomid.

    I think doing another cycle in about one month. I have masteron and oral stanol.
    I would like to ask, what do i have to stack it with for sports performance and not to damage my hormone levels, libido etc.

    Thx in advance, i would like to have some easy to understand advice cause my vocabulary is poor for an expert.

    Thx a lot.
    You need to read the beginner cycle stickys. you do not have the knowledge yet to cycle safely and i am very concerned about your health if you do not stop what you are doing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    You need to read the beginner cycle stickys. you do not have the knowledge yet to cycle safely and i am very concerned about your health if you do not stop what you are doing.
    agree! spend some time on here. Read the stickys and learn much more. You are jeopardizing your health, bro. best wishes.

  4. #4
    Doing an oral with not Test is a bad idea. Finish your PCT and give your body several months to recover. The next cycle should be Test only. If you're a running athlete I'd recommend 350mg/wk of Test E, 250iu twice a week of HCG, Adex .25mg/ed for 12 weeks. Rest 14 days and PCT with Clomid & Nolvadex for 4 weeks at 100/50/50/50 and 40/20/20/20. Skip the orals for now.

  5. #5
    Hi Again,
    Firstly i would like to thank you all for your time.

    I will read again the beginner cycle stickys to make my knowledge about cycles better.

    For now, I will make Pct with Clomiphene 50mg after using oral stanol for 8 weeks(20mg/day).
    Should i use it immediately after the last day of stanol use?
    And also, should i use it in a 50/50/50/50 range for four weeks?

    Scotchguard02, you propose me to rest for 14 days, you mean from training after the cycle that you explained?
    And also, how many months you believe that is needed to recover and what should i specificbe carefull in my blood tests?( I plan to make a full blood test with liver, cidneys, heart health, hormones and tryroid tests)

    Thx in advance, take care!!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Doing an oral with not Test is a bad idea. Finish your PCT and give your body several months to recover. The next cycle should be Test only. If you're a running athlete I'd recommend 350mg/wk of Test E, 250iu twice a week of HCG, Adex .25mg/ed for 12 weeks. Rest 14 days and PCT with Clomid & Nolvadex for 4 weeks at 100/50/50/50 and 40/20/20/20. Skip the orals for now.
    Hi Again,
    Firstly i would like to thank you all for your time.

    I will read again the beginner cycle stickys to make my knowledge about cycles better.

    For now, I will make Pct with Clomiphene 50mg after using oral stanol for 8 weeks(20mg/day).
    Should i use it immediately after the last day of stanol use?
    And also, should i use it in a 50/50/50/50 range for four weeks?

    Scotchguard02, you propose me to rest for 14 days, you mean from training after the cycle that you explained?
    And also, how many months you believe that is needed to recover and what should i specificbe carefull in my blood tests?( I plan to make a full blood test with liver, cidneys, heart health, hormones and tryroid tests)

    Thx in advance, take care!!

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