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Thread: Need advice

  1. #1

    Need advice

    Hi there,
    Basically I'm going to start taking d-anabol and test 600 for a month more for the experience than anything else, however I'm aware that taking steroids such as these have side affects, though I'm not quite sure what precautions I should take I was thinking of taking milk thistle to save my liver but will I need to take some sort of estrogen blocker ? And are there other supps I can take to ensure I'm not doing more damage than good

    Some extra information just incase it helps
    I'm 21 male and work out Monday to Friday and Sunday (weight training), I eat 4 meals a day and drink roughly around 4-5 litres a day (water obviously)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    upper midwest
    Wait at least 4 years because you are to young to start messing with mother nature.Youre body is supplying more than enough test for you to get natural gains. If you start researching now you will be ready in the future.
    You can do permanent damage to you're system cycling at this young of an age.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Have a read at this it might help you

  4. #4
    Over the years, I've read too many young guys with problems from cycling too early. It's sad. Then on the other side, the young guys that have not cycled are so sure it won't happen to them. They are so insistent. Read "The young and Steroids" Marcus300 knows what he's talking about.

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