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Thread: Acl reconstruction - steroids to speed up recovery ??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Acl reconstruction - steroids to speed up recovery ??

    g'day folks,

    in about 3 months time im going for a ACL reconstruction on my left knee. My quad muscle has basically deteriorated away to nothing from not using it enough and being off it all the time due to being ACL deficient but ive been working on it constantly trying to build up muscle because the quad muscles aid's in holding your knee straight... as quad muscle/strength is the key to successful recovery from the ACL reconstruction..

    Ive never touched steroids or nothing, nor have i ever thought about trying them up untill now(played footy for 10yrs but stopped 3 years ago) - Firstly.. is there any point in doing a 'cycle' before i go for surgery ? a few mates juice but not exactly sure which 'brand' they use. i understand there all different. Ill ask them this week some time when i see them.

    I read that certain steroids can be good for ligament strength/rebuilding ? and then i read others can deplete calcium and magnesium from tendons hence weakening them.. ??

    Idearly i need to build up my quad muscle in my left leg before surgery... which leaves me wondering wether i should use somethin' or not, or wether the gains would dissapear within a couple weeks after surgery ??

    Would some type of steroid's be beneficial after my ACL reconstruction ?

    truth me told i know sweet **** all about steroids but im only looking to get on them short term to hopefully benefit myself going both into surgery and after surgery..

    ;let me know your thoughts and opinions folks guys and gal's.

    Last edited by macks; 04-02-2012 at 04:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    They wouldn't help for the most part. Only thing that may help with recover also depends on your age and is unfortunately probably the highest faked item on the internet anymore. HGH

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    well im 22 going on 23 this yr...

    EDIT - HGH - human growth hormone, correct ?

    i just did a google search.. seems there are many HGH supplements around the market.. - this site has 3 of their 'top rated' HGH supplements... can anyone point out a perticular brand that is effective ?

    Last edited by macks; 04-02-2012 at 05:12 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Google or use the search feature in the upper right corner. Also like I said though, 90% of anything you would fine online would be fake. If you have the $$$ try a longevity clinic to see if they will give you a prescription but due to your age you would need 5iu+ a day for several months do be beneficial and it would cost you $$$$ al LOT, over 1k a month. Otherwise you will be wasting money. No the normal steroids will not help you heal faster especially at your age as a mater of fact you would suffer a lot worse side effects than anything you would gain. It would not be worth it. Sorry. If there way I would be using it for my upcoming shoulder surgery.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    ok cool, no worries... thanks for the honest answer..

    might look into doing a cycle after my knees recovered from surgery.

    thanks again,


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Do yourself a favor and do a lot of research between now and then. It's advisable to wait until you are 25 due to fusing your growth plates and damaging your HPTA. There are a lot of risks with running aas before 25 more so than waiting but even then there are risks. Trust me, there is a LOT to learn. I have been here over 3 years and still learning daily.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    as lovbyts said, HgH.
    Best bet just lots and lots of rehabilitation will help you, unless you can afford the HgH.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by macks View Post
    g'day folks,

    in about 3 months time im going for a ACL reconstruction on my left knee. My quad muscle has basically deteriorated away to nothing from not using it enough and being off it all the time due to being ACL deficient but ive been working on it constantly trying to build up muscle because the quad muscles aid's in holding your knee straight... as quad muscle/strength is the key to successful recovery from the ACL reconstruction..

    Ive never touched steroids or nothing, nor have i ever thought about trying them up untill now(played footy for 10yrs but stopped 3 years ago) - Firstly.. is there any point in doing a 'cycle' before i go for surgery ? a few mates juice but not exactly sure which 'brand' they use. i understand there all different. Ill ask them this week some time when i see them.

    I read that certain steroids can be good for ligament strength/rebuilding ? and then i read others can deplete calcium and magnesium from tendons hence weakening them.. ??

    Idearly i need to build up my quad muscle in my left leg before surgery... which leaves me wondering wether i should use somethin' or not, or wether the gains would dissapear within a couple weeks after surgery ??

    Would some type of steroid's be beneficial after my ACL reconstruction ?

    truth me told i know sweet **** all about steroids but im only looking to get on them short term to hopefully benefit myself going both into surgery and after surgery..

    ;let me know your thoughts and opinions folks guys and gal's.

    Hey man,

    I just read your post from 2 years ago. I also just had surgery a couple months ago, I'm wondering if you ever done a cycle since your surgery???

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    if healing is what you want, then consider the healing peptide, TB500. I've never heard of anyone buying bogus, fairly easy to find, and you are usually good to go within 8 weeks.

    Click the link in my signature "Romans TB500 log" to learn more.

    Good luck!

    Quote Originally Posted by macks View Post
    g'day folks,

    in about 3 months time im going for a ACL reconstruction on my left knee. My quad muscle has basically deteriorated away to nothing from not using it enough and being off it all the time due to being ACL deficient but ive been working on it constantly trying to build up muscle because the quad muscles aid's in holding your knee straight... as quad muscle/strength is the key to successful recovery from the ACL reconstruction..

    Ive never touched steroids or nothing, nor have i ever thought about trying them up untill now(played footy for 10yrs but stopped 3 years ago) - Firstly.. is there any point in doing a 'cycle' before i go for surgery ? a few mates juice but not exactly sure which 'brand' they use. i understand there all different. Ill ask them this week some time when i see them.

    I read that certain steroids can be good for ligament strength/rebuilding ? and then i read others can deplete calcium and magnesium from tendons hence weakening them.. ??

    Idearly i need to build up my quad muscle in my left leg before surgery... which leaves me wondering wether i should use somethin' or not, or wether the gains would dissapear within a couple weeks after surgery ??

    Would some type of steroid's be beneficial after my ACL reconstruction ?

    truth me told i know sweet **** all about steroids but im only looking to get on them short term to hopefully benefit myself going both into surgery and after surgery..

    ;let me know your thoughts and opinions folks guys and gal's.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I have had personal success with a torn muscle by having a doc do PRP.
    Hurt like a mother****er in my elbow and was 500$ since no insurance covers it.
    But prior to that was 2 months of therapy using heat and deep massages and cortisone shots about 2 at the 3rd one I told them to stop and fix the real issue, an MRI revealed a torn muscle.

    My injury has healed about 4-5 weeks after the injection.

    Was well worth the 500$ but felt like I had a ****ing golfball injected into my arm due to the blood being so thick when they strip 10ml in a centrifuge down to 1ml

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