First Cycle Test E @ 500/wk and 2nd Test E @ 600/wk both for 12wks. Great results on both.
3rd Cycle looking into cutting more.
wk 1 - 12 Test E @ 600/wk
wk 3 - 12 T3 @ 75 -100mcg/daily
wk 7 - 12 Clen starting @ 40mcg up to 100mcg/daily
wk 7 - 12 Keto @ 1mg/nightly
LDex .25mg E3D or EOD as needed
Nolva 40/20/20/20/20
Clomid 70/35/35/35
Clean diet about 90% of the time and usually 95% clean while on cycle because I usually have a cheat meal on Fridays lol
Are my T3 dosage too high while running Clen?
If I usually ramp up to 600 + more calories on Cycle, should I ramp up the same while on T3/Clen or just stay at my "maintaining" calorie intake?
Any input is appreciated! !