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Thread: Vote for independence from England

  1. #1
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    Vote for independence from England

    I have a friend from Scotland and he and his wife will be voting NO on Monday. They don't feel that it will really gain them anything and that it may actually make some things more difficult, like travel.

    How do those of you who are affected by this vote feel?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    I have a friend from Scotland and he and his wife will be voting NO on Monday. They don't feel that it will really gain them anything and that it may actually make some things more difficult, like travel.

    How do those of you who are affected by this vote feel?
    My family is Irish. Mom and her dad hated the English. Pretty sure I know which way they would vote. Lol

  3. #3
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    Short story hell yes i hope they vote yes.

    long story My mums german and i was raised by her parents. I was brought up with them telling me how aggressive england is towards germany declared war on them during both the wars etc etc. after a while it sinks in.

    But i hope scotland do vote yes. They will be a rich country they give more to london then they get back

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    I know I know Different Country But just replace Ireland With Scotland and Sing Along

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    The Scots don't hate the English. They harpte the south east of England. Mostly because Westminster doesn't give a shit about them. Actually Westminster doesn't give a shit about anything north of Manchester.

    Euro, please explain how you think they will be richer?

    And explain why you think England is overly aggressive to Germany, in what way?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    The Scots don't hate the English. They harpte the south east of England. Mostly because Westminster doesn't give a shit about them. Actually Westminster doesn't give a shit about anything north of Manchester.

    Euro, please explain how you think they will be richer?

    And explain why you think England is overly aggressive to Germany, in what way?
    scotland gives more to london then what they get back. All of the north sea gas/oil will belong to scotland. They will have more money.

    RE the aggression. I don't want to get into argument. Never mind

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Short story hell yes i hope they vote yes.

    long story My mums german and i was raised by her parents. I was brought up with them telling me how aggressive england is towards germany declared war on them during both the wars etc etc. after a while it sinks in.

    But i hope scotland do vote yes. They will be a rich country they give more to london then they get back
    So the aggressive English declared war on the poor peace loving nazi's, and not once but twice you say. Being Irish I'm as far from a fan of the English war mongerers within their previous governments as you'd get, but what your saying is revisionism at it's very best. Or total bullshit to be precise,

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    Last edited by ickythump; 02-10-2014 at 12:40 PM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    scotland gives more to london then what they get back. All of the north sea gas/oil will belong to scotland. They will have more money.

    You think Scotland own the oil, really?

    RE the aggression. I don't want to get into argument. Never mind
    No argument here, just asked for an explanation.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by irlkev View Post
    So the aggressive English declared war on the poor peace loving nazi's, and not once but twice you say. Being Irish I'm as far from a fan of the English war mongerers within their previous governments as you'd get, but what your saying is revisionism at it's very best. Or total bullshit to be precise,
    How is it bullshitt? Pick up a history book. In world war 1 england declared war on germany. That declaration is seen as the start of ww1. escalating a local european war into a global conflict. This can not be disputed.

  14. #14
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    Lol lol

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic

    How is it bullshitt? Pick up a history book. In world war 1 england declared war on germany. That declaration is seen as the start of ww1. escalating a local european war into a global conflict. This can not be disputed.
    Uhhhhhh..... So are u trying to say England should have looked the other way? Tell me you're not one of those folks who say the holocaust never happened

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Uhhhhhh..... So are u trying to say England should have looked the other way? Tell me you're not one of those folks who say the holocaust never happened
    No im not a holocaust denier.

    England escalated a conflict causing a downward spiral of world events. With out a world war 1 and a treaty of versailles you would not have had a nazi germany and a holocaust.

    England went to war for Belgium. Dragging in there whole empire

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    I really don't want to argue. Just go have a read of the events around the cause of ww1.

  19. #19
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    I was just trying to understand ur view

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    ^^^ my view is the facts mate. History is wrote by the winner thats why Germany gets fuc*ed over. Article 231 of the treaty of versailles forced Germany to accept all war guilt. Which is not true. Yes they played a part in starting the war but they were not alone. You no how you hear about people being down in the dumps an being sucked in an manipulated into cults? Thats basically what hitler did.

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    I think your a bit off lunk september 18 is the vote?

  23. #23
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    Euro, Are you a Nazi?

  24. #24
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    As an American... we voted out of Great Britain many years ago... Except kind of like Ireland... they didn't take no very well. Unlike Ireland..we just kept shooting them and blowing their shit up until they said fvck it and went home.

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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    Euro, Are you a Nazi?
    No I'm not. Are you that uneducated when it comes to history that you have to resort to calling someone a nazi that does not agree with the way you interpret history? Do you even no how ww1 started? And dont go google it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    No I'm not. Are you that uneducated when it comes to history that you have to resort to calling someone a nazi that does not agree with the way you interpret history? Do you even no how ww1 started? And dont go google it.
    How do you feel about the Jews?

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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    How do you feel about the Jews?
    What do that have to do with the price of tea in china?

    Okay ill bite troll. Ive never met A jew so i cant really comment. I don't agree with the no pork and circumcision tho. But on the whole they dont bother me.

    Now what does jews have to do with what were talking about?

  28. #28
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    Fvck me!!! I mean, say what you want about the tenants of National Socialism, but at least it's an ethos. Also, let's not forget, let's not forget Euro that keeping wildlife, an amphibious rodent, for uh, domestic, you know, within the city, well that aint legal either.

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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    Fvck me!!! I mean, say what you want about the tenants of National Socialism, but at least it's an ethos. Also, let's not forget, let's not forget Euro that keeping wildlife, an amphibious rodent, for uh, domestic, you know, within the city, well that aint legal either.
    Huh? What are your even talking about? Stop bringing up National Socialism

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Huh? What are your even talking about? Stop bringing up National Socialism
    LOL - Take it easy Euro. It was a movie quote. Just giving you a hard time.

  31. #31
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    While Euro is often off his rocker a bit, his knowledge of history, specifically related to Military history is very good.

    Yes are likely right about the date. It was a topic of conversation with my Scottish friend and I may have missed the date.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    While Euro is often off his rocker a bit, his knowledge of history, specifically related to Military history is very good.

    Yes are likely right about the date. It was a topic of conversation with my Scottish friend and I may have missed the date.
    I never really went to high school i use to stay at home and study military history. Every day for hours upon hours

  33. #33
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    I do love me "some mothers do have em" and "the inbetweeners"

  34. #34
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    Actually Euro - your mother was right about WW I.... Germany kind of was between a rock and hard place. I think the world would have been better off if Germany had won. We probably would not have had WWII. Think about this for a minute. If Britain stood down at the beginning of the war, like it started to, America would not have been drawn in. One can say that a victorious Germany, imposing peace on the defeated allies at the treaty of Potsdam, would not have had the reparations and grievances that were actually inflicted upon it by France at Versailles. As a consequence, the rise of Hitler would have been much less likely. In that case, neither the Holocaust nor the second world war would necessarily have followed. Without the Holocaust, Israel probably would not have formed, and the rise of Islamic Fascism would not be a terror on the world today. With a solid and strong Germany, Russia would not have moved west. There would not be a cold war (at least from America's point of view). America would have stayed isolationist and not seen itself as the world's policeman.

  35. #35
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    Damn Trik, you just figured out where shit went wrong lol.

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    Great place to start researching !

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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Damn Trik, you just figured out where shit went wrong lol.
    Thats just commen sense

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by trikydik View Post
    Actually Euro - your mother was right about WW I.... Germany kind of was between a rock and hard place. I think the world would have been better off if Germany had won. We probably would not have had WWII. Think about this for a minute. If Britain stood down at the beginning of the war, like it started to, America would not have been drawn in. One can say that a victorious Germany, imposing peace on the defeated allies at the treaty of Potsdam, would not have had the reparations and grievances that were actually inflicted upon it by France at Versailles. As a consequence, the rise of Hitler would have been much less likely. In that case, neither the Holocaust nor the second world war would necessarily have followed. Without the Holocaust, Israel probably would not have formed, and the rise of Islamic Fascism would not be a terror on the world today. With a solid and strong Germany, Russia would not have moved west. There would not be a cold war (at least from America's point of view). America would have stayed isolationist and not seen itself as the world's policeman.
    A war was always going to happen its just the scale that was uncertain. Europe was a melting pot at that time. Its hard to think that one man killing another man was the catalyst that sent millions to there deaths. Your right about germany being between a rock and a hard place hostile france to its west who was angry about the war of 1870-1871 and crumbling russian empire to its east. And across the north sea is great Briton who is starting to feel the beginning of its empire fade. If germany had won a quick war in 1914-1915 the world would not had spiraled as bad as it has. Germany needed to act aggressive for its survival and thats why it invaded neutral belgium which brought in england which sent the world into hell. All belgium had to do was agree to let germany bring its troops across and there would have been no world war first.
    Last edited by Euroholic; 02-11-2014 at 05:51 PM.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    I never really went to high school i use to stay at home and study military history. Every day for hours upon hours

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    Cant label me. Im just euro

    I never understood school anyway. Once you learn how to read and write and some basic maths school is quite a waste of time. I would rather work from age 6-17.

  40. #40
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    This is a strange one for me to comment on tbh, I doubt independence will make a massive difference to Scotland imo

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