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Thread: Tried new Veterans Adnin. Endo N hopes of saving $$ Read laughable experience 4th Dr.

  1. #1
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave

    Tried new Veterans Adnin. Endo N hopes of saving $$ Read laughable experience 4th Dr.

    Veterans Admin Endo laughable experience :

    Read Statements to set me straight right off the bat !

    1) Before you start I have read your blood work and make sure you understand I am the Dr. and you are the patient and you will do what I tell you or we will send you to the Psychologist !
    2) Hormone therapy has noting to do with making you feel good it is about you having your Testosterone reading in the low end of normal for a elderly man of 54 years old !
    3) A man you age is supposed to feel older and that is because lower testosterone levels are normal is just what it says the low end of the normal range for elderly men !
    4) What you want me to prescribe and what I tell you to take may not be anywhere close to what you think is good but I am a Dr. and you are here because you need help and I am a professional !
    5) No I do not prescribe estrogen blockers like you are now taking and if you were not taking to much Testosterone you would not need an Estrogen Inhibitor !
    6) Normal for a 54 year old man has was and always will be no more than 350 possibly 400 Free Testosterone max and you don't need injection at your age the gels or patches will get you into normal range !
    7) How old are you ( Like he did not know he had told me several time already ) . Unless you plan to have more children and need to be more fertile there is no reason to inject HCG into you body this is just plain foolish !
    8) I see here where your MD prescribed you to inject 200 mg every other week and you inject every 3.5 days ? You should never change the prescription of a Dr. without checking with him 1st 1 injection EOW is fine !
    9) Do you think you are a bodybuilder because I do not supply steroids for them to be abused and for an elderly man like you all you will ever need is a quality gel and I know you are going to say they are expensive ,(THEY ARE FREE HERE) and you will thank me for all of the direction I am going to be giving you and I will probably save your life and prevent a heart attack Injectable Hormones are for younger men !
    10) Optionminal Testosterone level are not important as long as I can get you into the bottom of the normal range for a 54 year old is fine !
    11) He made it a point and stressed that feeling good like I do now was not important that waht was important is to have a small amount of Testorone and no HCG and no Estrogen blocker and again he stresed I would not feel a lot better but if a little Testosterone supplement in a gel could get me motivated enough to get me out of the bed and assist in me not being depressed this was good enough and healthy ? I am still seeking advise since I have to go back and see the shrink who will have a little chart and told that I am addicted to Steroids and to fix me ? I do not want to be fixed I want to be in my optiminial range and feel as good as possible and I can't get a Dr. to get me out of the 300's and with all the opiates this is not igh enough to make me feel good mentally ? This Dr. went own to tell me I had no idea how many men he saw that thought like I did and sometimes he never was able to treat them ? Well meet me ! BUT IN THE MEAN WHILE i HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE SHRINK AND ALL HIS BS !
    12) Just a few that I still remember . He went on this rant for about 20 minutes ?

    Questions Dr. Asked me and the answers when he even allowed me to answer !

    1) DOC :Why did you ever start Testosterone Replacement Therapy ? ME : "My Testosterone level was 78 and taking high dosage of opiates at the age of 51." DOC : You should have never been put on 200 mg EOW of an injectable ! ME : " I was scripted the Andro gel for 6 mths and my Testosterone level did not change , only my Estrogen level went up ?" DOC : That is impossible !
    2) DOC : What do you think your level should be ? ME: I was hoping you would tell me but from what I know there is no set # all me are different, I was hoping around 600 to 700 "? DOC : That is what I thought you would say ! Get this straight we are not giving away steroids to help old men pretend like they are body builders !
    3) DOC : Why are you taking all these supplements ? DHEA, Pregnenolone, D-3 Selegiline, Zinc, Magnesium, MSM, and the HCG you say that your Dr will not prescribe ? Where are you getting these some are prescription compounds ? I said off-line and from labs in India these are the strict proticall's used by some of the more professional TRT clinics in the USA and FDA approved and Medical Board approved also " I will not even bother the rant this sent him on let's just say I thought he was having roid rage to the max and I was looking for the door ". DOC : added It's ppl like you and all these compounds that you said you are back loading your passage ways with that cause your blood work to have false reading and there is no way to tell what your real levels are !
    4) DOC : Do you realize that you have Over dosed on Testosterone and could have a heart attack any minute , or a stroke, or blood clots and your liver is most likely destroyed ? "ME: Doc I don't think we are going to be able to work together and I want to see another Dr ! DOC: What do you think I am not good enough or do you think you know more than me ? ME : No sir I think you are ****in off you rocker and you need professional assistance with your anger and also need to go back to school ! I am not in the Marines any more and I don't have to listen to this BS from you so if you will excuse me ?
    5) Now I have to see the shrink and will get drilled as to why I am addicted to steroids ?

    My questions to him and the ones he would answer !

    1) Why do you say that Cypionate Injection should be taken EOW Considering the half life ?
    2) Why do you say back loading messes with your blood work panels ?
    3) Why in the world do you say old men should not feel good and being in normal range is all that matter ?
    4) Why do you say that if Estrogen level is to high then you are taking to much Testosterone ?
    5) Why are you against HCG . When I know it makes me feel better and keeps my jewels from hurting ?
    6) Why are you even here if you have a predetermined explanation before meeting the patient

    The BS answers he gave to question he had no idea what I was asking !

    1) Oh my RBC is high and he is totally against donating blood or theripudic blood draws . Big suprise ? 5.5 and the VA test did not show a normal range just high ? Is this way high or still low enough to do a Red Cross Donation ?

    2) At this point I was so over this man and upset I even forgot all of the BS answers he gave . I was lucky to find another Dr. that doesn't even understand BW or the difference between optimum ranges and normal ranges ?

    Steer clear of the VA or you will be labeled a nut for desiring to feel good andon a well balance TRT

    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 03-11-2014 at 09:39 PM.

  2. #2
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Oh the Dr. at the VA was freaking out over a Test reading of 1300 and I know that is high and I shared with him that was why I was there that my private MD would not work with me to get my levels any higher than 300 was my highest and I know they need to be lower and he was more concerned with the reading of 1300 than a high RBC or my PSA reading ? I do not claim to be the smartest guy around but should the Dr. not want to know if I had Prostate Cancer, lowering my RBC and he did not even care what my E2 was ? He just had tunel vision and was fixated on the 1300 number and said if I wanted him to treat me that he would lower me down to 400 max and no AI and no HCG only a Gel and get this 4 pumps a day whoa ? WTF ?

    We even went so far in the conversation as to him telling me that I was at a risk of heart attack and Stroke and blood clots ? And I asked him was this at any dose or just the high level I am at now ? He said at a lower dose I would not have as high a risk of those events but he stresed I would not feel good either ! I told him if I was given a choice to go back and feel the way I felt before and told I would die 5 years sooner I would choose feeling good over the depressed state and the negative life style I was living !

    1) Help me here Is not my PSA and if I have cancer or not Primary ? ? ?
    2) Lowering RBC important also ?
    3) E2 level should be a concern and he did not even care ?
    4) He acted as if HCG was harming me ? HCG actually make me feel better ? ? ? I take as suggested in the stickie in this section of the forum .
    5) Wacko to tell me I have to go from 1300 ( I know how to fix this with out him ?) and drop all the way to level off at 400 on gel only ? I told him the highest I got in 4 weeks was in the 300's on 200 mg EOW and I started doing this every 3.5 days and he bluntly stated NO, NO, No, No, Take 200 mg EOW ? This and everything he says is 180* out from everything I have read and heard on this forum since 2012 ? ? ? Where to now guys ? In all honesty I am spending $175.00 a mth on gear and back loading supplements a mth ? should I just bite the bullet and stop all I am doing and go to ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 03-11-2014 at 09:39 PM.

  3. #3
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    Keep up the good work!

    I say wait 2-3 more years to find a good doc because it seems you are in good hands lol.

    The more I read posts like this it just tells me that seeing a real doc is the best money I ever spent, so now who's the dumb kid elderly man, and enjoy that shrink!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryanmcd View Post
    Keep up the good work!

    I say wait 2-3 more years to find a good doc because it seems you are in good hands lol.

    The more I read posts like this it just tells me that seeing a real doc is the best money I ever spent, so now who's the dumb kid elderly man, and enjoy that shrink!
    Are you related to the Dr. I saw yesterday ? Monroe ? Still negative and no idea what your Dr. told you if it was good or bad info you seem to be the one that needs to see a shrink ? siHey if you are so concerned about me in a positive way toss a few thousand bucks my way I am trying to live and feed my son currently . . . lol ? But to do something positive would not be like you all you know is negative ? Do you like me ? Is that why you follow me around the boards ?

  5. #5
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    Jan 2013

    Based upon this exchange, it just goes to further prove that there are many doctors who don't have a clue about TRT. And also quite a few - like this one - who are not interested one bit in how men like us feel about our health and the very real concerns we have about our quality of life. Quite honestly, as you present it, this man's attitude disgusts me.

    If it's already costing you $175/month at the VA, maybe it would be a good idea to consider Would your government insurance cover anything at a private doctor? A 10mL vial of T-Cyp costs around $42 with a coupon from Present it at CVS or Walgreens.

    Regarding Ryan's post:
    I use to work with a guy whose only pleasure was to do everything he could to antagonize people and push their buttons. And when the person got angry and lost it, he loved it. Some people caught onto his game and totally ignored him - totally - like he wasn't even there. He didn't know what to do with himself then. He was lost.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox View Post

    Based upon this exchange, it just goes to further prove that there are many doctors who don't have a clue about TRT. And also quite a few - like this one - who are not interested one bit in how men like us feel about our health and the very real concerns we have about our quality of life. Quite honestly, as you present it, this man's attitude disgusts me.

    If it's already costing you $175/month at the VA, maybe it would be a good idea to consider Would your government insurance cover anything at a private doctor? A 10mL vial of T-Cyp costs around $42 with a coupon from Present it at CVS or Walgreens.

    Regarding Ryan's post:
    I use to work with a guy whose only pleasure was to do everything he could to antagonize people and push their buttons. And when the person got angry and lost it, he loved it. Some people caught onto his game and totally ignored him - totally - like he wasn't even there. He didn't know what to do with himself then. He was lost.
    I just give him chit because when he 1st started he was going to go with a pro like LowT or someone else, then he posts about 3-5 different stories about how this doc sucks and that doc sucks but he knew the solution but he keeps hitting his head in the wall trying to find a random doc for who knows why, then he adds in about 4-5 different things in his "TRT" then he's last post was about how Obama sucks and then how this VA doc was going to be great now how this VA doc sucks, see where I am going?

    So why would someone waste 20+ hours, 100's if not over 1000$ and YEARS of time when they can get this problem solved in a matter of weeks? Who-knows but that is why I give him chit because he KNOWS how to solve it but he wants to play grab ass with random docs or maybe he's just being cheep but most of the time when someone gets pissed off enough they take action and solve the issue, or post about it on a forum.

    I wish him the best and if you know the solution to your problem and choose to not take it and do random things and you know the results are going to be bad and then you post it here you can expect me to be a ass because your being a dumbchit.

    Also as far as giving others chit, yes I do when people post about getting Androgel and not reading the directions that come with it, or ask if they can use the GoodRX coupon without a script, come on they deserve some shit

  7. #7
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    Said it 100 times...go to an endocrinologist for your TRT and 99 times out of 100 the above is what you'll get. I don't know why people cannot understand this...endo's are good for diabetes and thyroid issues. When it comes to TRT, you're usually better off throwing a cat in the air and seeing where it lands and just go with whatever direction it points.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryanmcd View Post
    I just give him chit because when he 1st started he was going to go with a pro like LowT or someone else, then he posts about 3-5 different stories about how this doc sucks and that doc sucks but he knew the solution but he keeps hitting his head in the wall trying to find a random doc for who knows why, then he adds in about 4-5 different things in his "TRT" then he's last post was about how Obama sucks and then how this VA doc was going to be great now how this VA doc sucks, see where I am going?

    So why would someone waste 20+ hours, 100's if not over 1000$ and YEARS of time when they can get this problem solved in a matter of weeks? Who-knows but that is why I give him chit because he KNOWS how to solve it but he wants to play grab ass with random docs or maybe he's just being cheep but most of the time when someone gets pissed off enough they take action and solve the issue, or post about it on a forum.

    I wish him the best and if you know the solution to your problem and choose to not take it and do random things and you know the results are going to be bad and then you post it here you can expect me to be a ass because your being a dumbchit.

    Also as far as giving others chit, yes I do when people post about getting Androgel and not reading the directions that come with it, or ask if they can use the GoodRX coupon without a script, come on they deserve some shit

    My thought is that you have a keen sense of observation and you could put it to good use. Do you think you could use your toughness along with your understanding to be kinder critic? Kindness doesn't mean you have to go all soft and mushy. Good will is often the greatest severity along with great sweetness. Try it out.
    Last edited by 2Sox; 03-12-2014 at 09:50 AM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Low Testosterone View Post
    Said it 100 times...go to an endocrinologist for your TRT and 99 times out of 100 the above is what you'll get. I don't know why people cannot understand this...endo's are good for diabetes and thyroid issues. When it comes to TRT, you're usually better off throwing a cat in the air and seeing where it lands and just go with whatever direction it points.
    My 1st doc said come back in 6 months and we can maybe retest and then look at a gel, I asked him if he would tell me to wait 6 months if I had cancer? He said nothing at that point I knew I had to find a expert and I did. Best money I ever spent.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryanmcd View Post
    My 1st doc said come back in 6 months and we can maybe retest and then look at a gel, I asked him if he would tell me to wait 6 months if I had cancer? He said nothing at that point I knew I had to find a expert and I did. Best money I ever spent.
    A remotly real post for a change but have you ever stopped and actually tried to use your head that holds your brain for more than a place to put you damn hat ? Not everyone is at the same econominicial status and Doc shopping is not an opition ? Have you ever had to choose between seeing your Dr. and buy food for your family ? Unless you have then you are the cold heartless negative self centered person that shows in 98% of all of your post !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 03-12-2014 at 10:02 AM.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Low Testosterone View Post
    Said it 100 times...go to an endocrinologist for your TRT and 99 times out of 100 the above is what you'll get. I don't know why people cannot understand this...endo's are good for diabetes and thyroid issues. When it comes to TRT, you're usually better off throwing a cat in the air and seeing where it lands and just go with whatever direction it points.
    This was VA proticall and I still will see a Urologist in hopes he will have a different opinion ? I know what I want to do , need to do and should do ! The only reason now is $$$ issues and if I could commit to 12 mths ethicly and know I would not have an issue with paying I would run not walk ! If you have not been there it is hard to believe that as small amouNt as $200.00 can mean eating or seeing a Dr. But life is what it is ? I used to make deep into 6 figures and now barely hit 20K a year ? MosT ppl on this forum possibly blow the amount I receive as income on fun and a car which is another item I am withouT currently

    Life goes on and I am still here !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 03-12-2014 at 10:10 AM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    A remotly real post for a change but have you ever stopped and actually tried to use your head that holds your brain for more than a place to put you damn hat ? Not everyone is at the same econominicial status and Doc shopping is not an opition ? Have you ever had to choose between seeing your Dr. and buy food for your family ? Unless you have then you are the cold heartless negative self centered person that shows in 98% of all of your post !

    Yes I have lived in my car for some time and lived on 8$ a hour for years so I know what you are saying but even if it's $500 you save up, get a 2nd job or a better job. $2k is a lot but look what you spent over the past 2 years and are still trying to find a solution.

    I am just saying it's not like we don't have a solution to the problem here, it just seems people wan't to try to do there own thing and they end up wasting time/money, and I feel money is not the case, if it is save up a year do your own TRT a year when you save, once you get it dialed in nothing changes and then you just need a doc to write you a script or 2 problem solved.

    1. So, see a doc like shippen or crisler 4-600$ 1 time deal and maybe a few follow up's say 1k total and 2-3 months
    2. LowT 1 year 2400 + meds included, after this I don't feel you will have to use them unless you want to because not much changes unless you +-50 pounds or something else happens, meds etc.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryanmcd View Post
    Yes I have lived in my car for some time and lived on 8$ a hour for years so I know what you are saying but even if it's $500 you save up, get a 2nd job or a better job. So Dip shiP After stalking me for over a year and FKN with me when you got a chance you offer all this good advise ? What did your Brain fart again and you thought you would share with me and mistook me for someone who gives a SHIP what you do or claim ? AMAZING to have stalked me over a year and not remembered I am 100% Disabled on fixed income and make just enough $$$ to barely live and barely eat and due to 100% disabled have Ins to cover medicial bills ? Do you think with all the cuts today that I am on disability as a luxuary DAMN YOU WANT TO FK WITH ME SO BAD YOU MISS THE FACTS POS ! $2k is a lot but look what you spent over the past 2 years and are still trying to find a solution.

    I am just saying it's not like we don't have a solution to the problem here, it just seems people wan't to try to do there own thing and they end up wasting time/money, and I feel money is not the case, if it is save up a year do your own TRT a year when you save, once you get it dialed in nothing changes and then you just need a doc to write you a script or 2 problem solved.

    1. So, see a doc like shippen or crisler 4-600$ 1 time deal and maybe a few follow up's say 1k total and 2-3 months
    2. LowT 1 year 2400 + meds included, after this I don't feel you will have to use them unless you want to because not much changes unless you +-50 pounds or something else happens, meds etc
    See there you go again making assumptions and statements and not have all the facts ? Try to live or deal with the issues in my life ? You claim to have been stalking me for well over a year and yet the suggestions you offer are not available to me ? So just more FKN harassment and childish BS !

    You are the one passing out false info; you have claimed to have been stalking me for well over a year, as you stated previously. Yet you do not even suggest options relevant to me and my options in life ! You call me out and make condensing statements even though I asked you to just leave me alone ? I am not interested in any thoughts that may go through your shallow mind or stupid info that was a brain fart you had and mistook me for someone who gives a Ship ! Doc shopping is not an opition for me and clinics in this area will not pass out info on the phone ! Really I have wasted more time , thought , & effort than you will ever be worth in my life time so rant on crazy guy ! You are a troll and offer no good will or positive solutions of any type just off the wall BS that are your opinions, that suggest solutions that are not available to me or ever will be with-in my grasps short of an act of God .

    With a Fkd Up attitude like you have you need to have your levels checked because you are one negative SOB to claim to be on TRT and have your levels dialed in proper ! Even statements you make here show you are clueless as to what is really going on with TRT and how to do TRT properly for the rest of your life ? It is easy to be an arm chair quarterback but you want to state opinions as facts and you do not even make rational statement as per your opinions !

    So again I ask: leave me alone and your thoughts or opinions are not desired or wanted ? You must have some type of mental fixation or warped mind that claims to be an adult in age but plainly far from it mentally or emotionally when a man old enough to be your father ask you politely to FO and yet you troll and continue to harass and bother me ? What is your FUKN problem ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 03-12-2014 at 01:54 PM.

  14. #14
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    im with buzz! WE PAY MONEY FOR HEALTH INSURANCE SO WE CAN OBTAIN OUR MEDS AT NEXT TO NOTHING... thats what insurance is there for, not to have a chitty doc tell YOU what he is going to do, im a vet as well, but have different insurance than tricare becaue for the most part, it blows... i agree with buzz, no one can walk in another mans shoes... $200 a month, shit, i cant even spend that and my wife and i make a good living, but with kids, a house, and so on, debt eclipses most things in, family, trying to at least eat healthy.. cmon, life is not cheap, being a vet means jack and shit anymore, and jack just left town... doctors are not paid anymore to cure anything...they are led by big pharma for kick backs and to make sure people dont get well so their wallets keep getting fatter, all along the way, most people cant get the medical care they need, let alone afford it...

    there was a posting about a great doc in georgia buzz if thats where ur from? ill try to find it, its a female doc but very well established and great with hormones, dont remember if i read about her on here or over on virgils site excel male...

  15. #15
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    Oh another thing that made me aprenhensive about this VA Endo Dr. was he was so focused and dialed in on my Test level that he even went so far as to mention my elevated Prostate Level and even to the point that he STATED that IF I did have Prostate Cancer the Testosterone was feeding the cancer yet he was more than and even will to keep prescribing Testosterone but no AI and no HCG and not even really concerned as to the further exam to find out if I had prostate cancer or not he said that Dr. will see you next mth ? Sooooooo I think he was more jaelous of people that look / appear healthy with a little extra mass as opposed to really being a Dr. and focuing on the very serious issues already right in front of him he wants to focus on a number that is really a MUTE POINT if i am at a terminal phase of prostate cancer and actually showed little if any concerns with an already flagged Blood Panel as elevated and previously noted as the primary reason I was there to begin with ?

    He wants me to call him back and tell him if I go home and think about how close to death I am if I will let him help me reach healthy Testosterone levels and the more I think about it the more I know I do not even want this Quack assisting me with a Blood Panel if he is so concerned about Test levels and yet could care less about the Test infront of him that I have an elevated PSA of 5.5 which has come down everytest since my 1st PSA test of 6.5 but he does not know this ? I also know why my PSA is dropping ! It is because I stopped using Nor - 19 Compounds and in all reality I want to get my scripted Testosterone level down to about 100 mg a week and see a Ball Park Free Test level around almost 600 and RBC lower and E2 not so elevated but if the Dr. was in the right frame of mond I would be happy with
    Small Dose od Cypionate and an Ai as needed and HCG . . . . b the way HCG is a magic compound to me and actually really makes me feel better ! So I see no reason not to takew HCG since I have read negative sides to a 54 year old man taking and at the level stickied in this section of the forum qbout 150 to 200 iu's EOD or even 3 x's a week.

    Is it true what the Endo said that I was getting a Testosterone - Rush / High from the HCG ? I understand the reasons for it's use other than with TRT and his stupid comment about was i trying to be more fertile and was I trying to have kids . . . . Just showed he was an AH ~ !

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox View Post
    If it's already costing you $175/month at the VA, maybe it would be a good idea to consider Would your government insurance cover anything at a private doctor? A 10mL vial of T-Cyp costs around $42 with a coupon from Present it at CVS or Walgreens.

    Regarding Ryan's post:
    I use to work with a guy whose only pleasure was to do everything he could to antagonize people and push their buttons. And when the person got angry and lost it, he loved it. Some people caught onto his game and totally ignored him - totally - like he wasn't even there. He didn't know what to do with himself then. He was lost.

    Thanks for offering a plan . . . lol but I plan with pennies now

    By using the VA I have my mthly Dr. bills and scripts down to $175.00 and this doesn't include BW which it seems will go ontop of the $175.00 now ?

    Thank you and I see where you are going if I was only spending $175.00 for TRT alone I would be at . I was seeking from the VA a more up to date view of TRT . But then that was dumb in and of it's self to think the Govt was advanced and logicial ? The VA is a govt. ran instution and every piece of paper work creates another piece of paper work and I am trying to get all I can covered bt the VA . I actually have acess to everything needed for TRT but I desire an educated professional that understands what he/she is doing to direct my TRT and from a progressive point of view

    Not from the stone age like this Dr.

    Still got to go see a shrink ? That doesn' really bother me I have some real concerns about this Dr. and is he really practicing medicine or just harassing Vets. May be hard to believe but for every good Dr at the VA there are always those that are there as liberals and hate Vets and atually try to make life harder on them . This was not a decission I took lightly it was almost a requirement that I do anything to lower my cost of Dr. visits and prescriptions and I may not be able to keep going to them they are a 1 hour drive and it is about 150 mile round trip but everything is free so I am getting some treatment I had cut out and I am returning to Private Dr. as required depending on $$$ vs travel even though they claim to repay you for your fuel cost a 3 hour drive and 150 miles has a value of more than $25.00.

    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 03-12-2014 at 04:00 PM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryanmcd View Post
    I just give him chit because when he 1st started he was going to go with a pro like LowT or someone else, then he posts about 3-5 different stories about how this doc sucks and that doc sucks but he knew the solution but he keeps hitting his head in the wall trying to find a random doc for who knows why, then he adds in about 4-5 different things in his "TRT" then he's last post was about how Obama sucks and then how this VA doc was going to be great now how this VA doc sucks, see where I am going?

    So why would someone waste 20+ hours, 100's if not over 1000$ and YEARS of time when they can get this problem solved in a matter of weeks? Who-knows but that is why I give him chit because he KNOWS how to solve it but he wants to play grab ass with random docs or maybe he's just being cheep but most of the time when someone gets pissed off enough they take action and solve the issue, or post about it on a forum.

    I wish him the best and if you know the solution to your problem and choose to not take it and do random things and you know the results are going to be bad and then you post it here you can expect me to be a ass because your being a dumbchit.

    Also as far as giving others chit, yes I do when people post about getting Androgel and not reading the directions that come with it, or ask if they can use the GoodRX coupon without a script, come on they deserve some shit
    So what you say is you are a troll and if you read a post you do not agree with you are going to be an ass ? Well we agree for once , you are an ass ! Additionally there is no excuse for your actions ! you have no idea what is going own in another persons life and yet you judge them based on your opinion and stalk the forums looking for me. With these facts stated by you; you are an "ass" that harasses people based on your thoughts and opinions and have nothing positive to contribute, however quite the contrary; only harass and be negative in your post. As I and others have brought to your attention and yet you continue with these unproductive actions and unwanted harassing action even after being asked to a clear and positive point to STOP !

    Your actions are not the purpose of this forum and your actions are contrary to the posting guidelines of this forum and do reach the level of membership terminative actions. think about this before you harass or post unwarranted negative open forum post towards & on but not limimated me. These actions prove you to be a troll and to force your unwanted thoughts and reckless opinions on other members of this forum !

    Let this serve as a notice, from the point of this notification forward 03 / 15 / 2014 (MARCH FIFTEENTH TWO THOUSAND FOURTEEN) ! This will be proven by efforts on my part to take every action possible as a member to; collect, compile, and present enough of your negative, harassing and non-productive post as possible to the, POWERS THAT BE AND HAVE THE AUTHORITY to terminate by exact and factual postings, already posted by you, that prove you are of no positive benefit to this forum and at that point would make you a member who is proven to be harmful and of no positive benefit to anyone on the forum. In so proving, therefore you being a member would serve no positive purpose . Upon completing and presenting the above mentioned postings would, at that time attempt to have you banned as a member .

    So if you think I am not serious continue to stalk me and harass me as you have admitted to; you will see if this whole forum appreciates your actions and if they are welcome and wanted; if your non-productive actions are welcome on this forum i.e.. stalking, harassing, "being an ass to" and general as a whole non productive as a member are wanted on this forum as a whole ? So I am serious, you think other people and their problems are a big joke. You offer no useful purpose in being a member so therefore the act of making you permanently vacant would not in and of the action create a true absence . Actually just to opposite you vacancy would create no noticeable vacancy, therefore being a benefit of this forum .

    So I am giving you notice: to guard your action accordingly to the afore mentioned and notified action on your part and the action that you may take, decude cause to take action on my part in an effort to make this forum a more positive and conducive forum to gain, offer advise, support, and information to other members from as it is stated ad mentioned in the rules of the forum . Consider yourself notified .
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 03-15-2014 at 05:07 AM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave

    This is more sever than a simple TROLL

    . . . Ryanmcd . . .

    This member continues to stalk me ? I am attempting every means at my disposal to prevent an action of termination, as provided for in the rules of the forum. But, this Wako is even sending me emails now and I am not scared but a little concerned as to his mental stability. He now goes behind me and likes the post I post and not that that is wrong just weird as in not normal I think I will contact System Admin and see if I can have the last 3 post from this thread moved to the Anabolic Lounge and keep a log of his strange action and see if he is bothering others ? From what I can tell he just has a fixation on me and for that I don't know why ?

    I would think I have made it very plain I do not care for him and do not want his advise or for that matter anything he has to offer ? He has not violated any legal statutes as of yet ? But it is concerning that he lives in the same state as me and whack jobs like him may have the ability to actually look me up from the info on this forum in my profile and if he can email me he can find an IP address ? So with his abnormal actions and his blatant continued stalking ?

    Let's just say I have taken step to make sure no possible harm can come to me or my family, in the event that we do possibly meet face to face in an unwanted manner that if we met would be unwanted on my part and again since he lives in my state I may seek private info on him from the mods so I can go to the legal authorities and see a TPO due to his unstable actions and the fact that he is attempting to find ways to get into my personal life . Stay tuned for the actions to follow at least a TPO would have all of his guns removed from his home and him required to stay a distance specified by the courts, away from me . He has admitted in his own post to stalking me for over a year (that would be about ever since he joined the forum) and his action continues to validate his anger he has for people in general, that do not see things the way he does ? Posted by him in this thread only about 3 or 4 post previous to this one .

    I have the feeling he will continue and eventually cross the line to where he violates the "Stalking" and "Terroristic Threats" Laws that are very clear cut as to what is a violation and a lot of that is simply that I fear for my personal safety and possible rise to the level that I fear for my life if he continues ?

    So I am getting concerned as to why a grown man would act in the manner that this adult male has shown ? Not normal actions for an adult male in his mid 30 and living only a few miles from me would take such a personal interest in me and not in a good way either as he makes plain in his post in his own words ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 03-17-2014 at 01:12 PM. Reason: Bring attn to STALKING BY A MEMBER

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Drinking and typing?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Quote Originally Posted by reporich View Post
    Drinking and typing?
    lol , I don't drink ?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	I wanna I wanna pr of jeans like these.jpg 
Views:	109 
Size:	165.8 KB 
ID:	149882
    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    lol , I don't drink ?
    Copy and paste is easier than typing
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 04-11-2014 at 07:46 PM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Land of HUEHUEHUE.
    Self-prescribed TRT all the way, ese. There`s enough info on the net to make it work. Also, here where I live you can get the HMo to pay for half your blood work, as long as a doc prescribes it. Go to a GP and talk with him, that`s how I get my bw cheap.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Quote Originally Posted by FapOLantern View Post
    Self-prescribed TRT all the way, ese. There`s enough info on the net to make it work. Also, here where I live you can get the HMo to pay for half your blood work, as long as a doc prescribes it. Go to a GP and talk with him, that`s how I get my bw cheap.

    Wow did you read one post ? Try reading more than one post and your answer will not look so anal next time . . . . lol ? But thanks for caring

    I all ready use my MD and was trying to save some money . . . lol Thank you for that news flash of info it did raise your post count . . . lol !

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