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Thread: First Cycle. Looking for help with tips/advice

  1. #1

    First Cycle. Looking for help with tips/advice

    Hey Guys,

    Im pretty new to this but have been researching a long time and have come up with what I think would be a good first cycle for me. I don't have everything I need yet as I'm struggling to find everything, but if you could all have a look over it and tell me what you think that would be great! Cheers

    So im 24 years old, 5 foot 11, 78kgs and at the moment about 9 percent BF.

    My ultimate goal (after a few cycles) is to get to a lean (sub 10 percent BF) 85kgs.

    For my cycle I was thinking about:

    Week 1-12: 250mgs of Either Test E or Sust TWICE a week (Which ever I can get my hands on)
    (need advice on which one would be best, as I work a job where it can't be to noticeable. Im already prone to water retention and bloating and also mood swings)

    Week 1-12: I want to take an AI the whole time I'm on cycle (If I could get my hands on some arimnidex here in Australia) I was also wondering if any of those "natural" AI's such as Beast Eliminate or Eradicate were a waste of time/money while in cycle?

    I would love to be able to take HCG the whole cycle to although again am having trouble getting it.

    PCT- I already have clomid but just need to get Nolva.
    Start 2 weeks (depending on the type of test) after last pin
    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

    My diet is very good and strict and will consist of 3500 cals per day @ 40/40/20

    Thanks for reading and looking forward to what you all have to say


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Cycle looks good.

    You can get your AI and PCT stuff from ar-r. The banner at the top of the page. They ship to Australia and ai's and pct gets through customs just fine.. ive used them multiple times no probz

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    ive been running test E for 6 weeks now, using arimadex at .25mg eod and so far my water retention has been non noticeable. Enthanate is good because its a long ester and will keep blood levels more stable but takes 4-6 weeks to really get going in your system. Never used sust my self. And as mentioned above, ar-r is a good source for ancillaries. all natrual/otc stuff is a waste of money usually and could lead to sides on cycle because hormones are not being kept in check

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    no natural ai or gnc crap does not work or any OTC either.

    where did you get your bf% done at to show your 9%

  5. #5
    Thank for replying guys.

    I won't worry about those "natural" AI's then. I'm just worried about ordering stuff online, never done it before and don't want to waste my money if it doesn't show up.

    I just got my bf % done at my local gym?! Not sure how accurate it is. I was 81.6kg and now down to about 76kgs and don't feel as thought I have lost muscle, so my bf % would be pretty low. Can't stay at this stage though, strength isn't great at the moment.

    I know that this is a question that gets asked all the time, but have any of you guys been able stay "lean" while on a bulking cycle if you eat clean and incorporate some cardio? Or am I off track by thinking that?

    Is arimnidex best Ai to run during test only cycle?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Southeast USA
    Planned cycle looks well thought out, but collect all of your gear before even consider starting. Good luck!

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